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A $25k Mac Pro


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  • *A:M User*

I thought this was kind of interesting:



What I don't quite understand is I thought even the base Mac Pro was a dual GPU module? Unless they are using the non Fire GL Pro graphics cards, which tend to be less expensive. But if they already have dual Fire GL Pros I'm not sure where this guy is coming up with his $25k figure apart from the CPU and monitor choices. I don't see the point in spending $10k on monitors unless you have money to burn?


This seems like they are trying to max out the system using the most expensive options possible, rather than representing a typical max spec config. So while I could see adding $4000 for the 12 core cpu, 1TB SSD and to max out the RAM as much as possible, I don't think this is a realistic config. And I'm sure 3rd party upgrades will be cheaper. So while I do think you could come up with a pretty obscenely priced Mac, I don't think your average Mac Pro buyer is going to be spending more than $4000-$6000. That's still a lot of money but nowhere near $25,000.

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I'm at work and can't watch the video, but am assuming he's setting up to work in 4k video, which is where things are going. It's gonna make our HD work look like VGA quality. I can't even imagine the render times.

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  • *A:M User*
Uh...I have to ask...$25K why? why? why? when it will be obsolete in 1 year?


Must be a guy thing? Who's got the bigger...er...ego bragging boost?


I don't see the point either, I see this as a way to move more hardware since most systems and even mobile devices can handle 1080P playback now. Gotta sell computers somehow I guess.

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Uh...I have to ask...$25K why? why? why? when it will be obsolete in 1 year?


Must be a guy thing? Who's got the bigger...er...ego bragging boost?


I don't see the point either, I see this as a way to move more hardware since most systems and even mobile devices can handle 1080P playback now. Gotta sell computers somehow I guess.

Those of us who work with 4k video find this very valuable. It's more common than you think. Even pulling a simple key in 4k is a dream compared to 1080P.

Give me 4k footage any day over 1080 if you expect FX work.

They are flawed though in their video card estimations - as far as I know, the video cards are maxed out as standard. I don't think they can be customized.

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  • *A:M User*
It's a bit like stuff on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous". You'll never need it or buy it but it's fun to think about it.


Haven't heard much from Robin Leach lately...


Well you won't get any argument from me there, I probably fantasize more about screaming fast computers than your average nerd.

But right now that kind of gear would be wasted on me, I just wouldn't be able to stress it with anything I'm doing. I thought about getting another graphics card but AM can't really make use of CUDA or Open CL yet, so no use for it there and I only game at 1080p so it doesn't make any sense to get another GPU so I can go from 80fps to 100fps. When you talk about CPU and RAM, unless you need a rendering farm in a box OR you're editing 4k video you probably aren't going to make use of more than 16gb of RAM or 4 cores (given how poorly threaded most software is).


So while I dream about having something ridiculous like a 32 core system with 2 fire-breathing GPUs and 256GB of RAM and so on, it really is overkill for what I do. Which is fool around in AM, surf the web, edit the occasional family video and play the odd RPG here and there. And I'm not fooling around nearly as much with AM as I should (but I'm working on it).

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