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rare T. Hee radio interview


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  • Hash Fellow

T. Hee was one of the many talented animators and directors at Disney in the golden era who were not "nine-old-men"


Here is a rare radio appearance by him on the March 27, 1940 Fred Allen Show, apparently to plug "Pinocchio"


You'll need Realplayer installed. The T. Hee segment begins about 18 minutes in.





Fred Allen, I'll note, was very big in his time but did mostly topical comments and jokes that no longer resonate today.

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Great find!


The four main points I got from T. Hee were that Walt Disney had "1200 people" working together with a common goal to make animated films that are "more entertaining", "more beautiful" and "more technically perfect" and because of that they created one of the worlds most beloved animated features.


As most everyone that has seen 'Pinocchio' can attest, the level of quality of that film still hasn't been matched even in this modern age of animation.

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  • Hash Fellow

Yup, they got their talking points to covered! :lol: Hee actually seems better at reading his scripted spontaneous banter than Fred Allen does.


But it's an oddity. I don't think I've ever heard any Disney staff but Walt Disney make a promotional appearance like that during that era.


I haven't really warmed up to Fred Allen show itself. It's a bit too much all Fred Allen, all the time. Unlike the Jack Benny show which had an interesting ensemble cast.

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