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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey Everyone,


I've worked with .obj export & import many times, but I have run into a new question:


I have a very smooth obj imported model(Must have been created with Quads rather than triangles ;) ...... Anyway, heres my problem:


1.I want to use the UV map that the model has in the other App.

2.I exported it as an obj

3.I imported it into Hash

4.The model mesh is awesome....but no texture/ UV map.

5.How do I know if the UV info is still there and How do I get the stamp onto the model in AM.



BTW: I know some may be thinking that I should use a .3ds instead, but I can't get a .3ds to export from the other App.



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Been a while since I been here, anyways if you make a new model and import the obj in there it should show with decals provided textures have been assigned. Attached is a quicky sample you can use.


It's just a sphere with a spheric map of a checker pattern.


If the obj is coming in blank then it is most likely that the texture map isn't assigned to it or the texture map isn't in the right directory. Open the .mtl file in a text editor and you can see where the textures are if they are there at all. It should be possible to point to any texture by simply typing the texture name and location in the mtl file.


  • Hash Fellow
It's just a sphere with a spheric map of a checker pattern.


The import worked but I notice there's a transparent gap where the two sides of the map meet. Was that in the original?




Robert......I have tried the v.16 obj plugin and it is AWESOME!!!! Works very well, and I am very thankful that it remains in development for Hash. I'm really impressed with the smoothness of the import...And this is a complexed model.


The model that I am exporting is out of 3ds Max and has the Mapping on it(in Max)... BUT I don't see any evidence of any mapping on the model in A:M....


PixelPlucker.....That's awesome....I will check it out. ALSO.....Maybe I'm not doing something right exporting out of the other App.


Thank you guys for helping me on this one.


When you exported it, was a file created with the extension .mtl? That file is where the path to the texture file is stored


If not, you may have to take another step...I have had to bring an .obj into Rhino, add the texture, and re-export (luckily the UVs seemed to stay intact, even though the .mtl file hadn't been created) then I had an .obj and a .mtl


Your example imports great with the use of the additional PNG/ texture file.... Trouble is, My exported obj out of Max doesn't have but 1 file(The OBJ file). There is no separate material file that is also exported. I guess I'm not exporting the texture out of max correctly. I have the "export texture files" box checked in the export options. NOT sure how to do it correctly out of Max I guess.


Hey Will!!!


No....I am not getting the .mtl file in the export....Not sure what settings to use. I have the "export material" box checked and "Library" thingy checked....but still only exports the obj only.


You may just be able to make it with notepad. It is just a text file with .mtl as the extension and it has the same name as the .obj...the structure looks like this:


# Rhino

newmtl material1

Ka 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

Kd 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Ks 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

Tf 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

d 1.0000

Ns 0

map_Kd sculpristexture01.jpg


I don't know what any of it means, except map_Kd should have the name of the texture ;) the d might be for diffuse color? Ka might be alpha? Ks might be specular? possibly you could edit it to load the other map channels after researching the format online


Ahh Max...

Aias and 3d studio are arch enemies at one time and Max has never had a good obj importer/exporter. Those flippin normals used to drive me crazy when bringing files into Max from obj's

Will is right the UV's are in the obj file, only the texture and surface info is in the mtl file. You can use various programs to re-assign the texture to the obj. I use unwrap3d here, you may want to snag a copy of that since it works very well with Max and has plug-in for Max. www.unwrap3d.com

It has some other nice features including converting triangles to quads, uv packing, lscm etc etc.




I tried numerous things and one thing works well...getting the obj into Hash without the UV map :(


The same files will open up in other Apps with the Mapping, but not in Hash.


When I try importing an obj and mtl, AM crashes. Very frustrating.

  • Hash Fellow
When I try importing an obj and mtl, AM crashes. Very frustrating.


If you got something that you know should work (it opens correctly in other apps) that would be a good case to send to AMReports.


Especially something that crashes, because those seem to have to most apparent causes (to Steffen, once he can witness them).




IF someone is having trouble importing a Max .obj with the UV map still on it, try what I did below....It worked in my case.


After a multitude of attempts/ tests/ etc.......I began to examine the .mtl exporting out of MAX. HERE is what I found:


You cannot have more than One texture on a model. Apparently, in order to get the maps to import into Hash, all of the materials in the 3DS Max Material editor for the model must be in one stamp.


Erase all the other materials.


For some reason, Animation Master will only import maps with objs if they contain only one material. In my case, I went back into the MAX model and erased all the other materials. They are ones that I can add/ create in hash anyway.

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