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Tron Legacy


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I screened it before work today. I must say it was really good, at least visually and whatnot. If you go expecting some thick plot with a lot of depth, you may be disappointed, but this was one time when all the CGI and 3D made up for that. It's a stunner in 3D and trust me, I was scrutinizing the CG model of Jeff Bridges, but damn, it really passed off as real...until one shot at the end. I mean a trained eye could probably pick it out better, but it was very well done.

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Spoiler alert. I saw it in 3D imax. I was left disappointed. So much potential so many flaws.


The movie is called Tron Legacy but Tron was not really a player in the movie. I work in the biz so i will let you in on a secret. The fact that Tron is mentioned at all in the movie was an after thought after test screenings when people like me complained about the title not having the character. Originally Tron was not in the movie at all. What they did was "repurpose" The character of the snotty young computer wiz played by actor Cillian Murphy with Tron.


Originally kind of like the wizard of OZ or the original Tron people from the real world have program counter parts in the computer world aka the Grid. So when you see the character of Tron in the film NOT IN FLASHBACK it is really the character of Cillian Murphy but they dont take off the helmet instead they added the helmet over the actors face when they decided to change the character to Tron but they did not have the time nor budget to create the actor who played Tron on Cillian Murphy's body.


His character was supposed to die in a climactic fight scene when they are in the flyers but they knew people would complain about killing Tron so they hacked together that crap you saw in the movie. When I say hacked I mean with a dull hatchet. They sure made a mess.


There are a bunch of other plot holes. Most viewers get lost in the plot. Ask yourself what was the end goal of Clue? This was another quick rewrite. In the end its not clear what his motives are. Some potentials discussed on the writers table were that clue wanted to get out of the closed system onto the internet, In fact they shot with that in mind but then changed it to the real world at the last minute, which made no sense because he's trying to put a ship full of hundreds if not thousands into the tiny room in Flyns basement.



The miracle being thing was also a Disney executive after thought. They felt that there needed to be something really special because the matrix and the first Tron had already dealt with people existing inside a computer world, that was old hat to this executive so he made the movie more special NOT by making them add The Miracle.


To me the character of Quara would have been more interesting if they had left the original plot where she was simply designed has a body guard program to protect FLynn, Jeff Bridges. It made way more sense in the original script. All the programs were motivated by their programing. Each program had a purpose like in real life. MS word cant play video games and so on.


In the end I feel bad for my body Cillian Murphy. rough way to get cut out of a movie. We just want you acting in a suite. Just your body except when we replace it with cg or stunt double but we dont ever want your face.

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Like I said, thin plot, but seriously, who'd going to go see Tron Legacy for a plot? This is one instance where all the eye candy was good enough for me. The 3D has incredible depth and the CGI is very well done IMO. Of course I'm no professional like you guys or anything, but I will re-iterate (again) if you're going for a movie with a plot, then don't see Tron. If you're going to see the cool graphics and 3D, go see Tron. One of the keys to watching a film and enjoying it I've learned is either to not have expectations, or expect certain things. For instance when I screened Tron, I didn't go for a story, because if I had, I'd be as frustrated as Jason here, I went for the graphics, thus, I enjoyed it.

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it was better than Avatar

I'm keen to see this. I'm going to see the new Tron movie at an iMax cinema but I have little doubt that what I will be loooking at is no more than an attempt to cash in on the original cult movie by updating the graphics. I will be very suprised if I come out of the cinema with the same elation that Avatar gave me.

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