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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem and/or if there's a fix for it? I'm working through the manual tutorials so I can follow through and get my AM diploma :-). However. I'm stuck on the first lesson, "You're The Director".


If you'll look at the attached screenshot, when Keekat's Dynamic Pose is at 100%, his right foot is not positioned as it is in the picture, but instead gets sorta "rolled" to one side. What's more, when I put the slider back to 0%, that same foot remains in the same position, even while everything else goes back to the default pose.


What to do?


I'm using version 2005/Sasquatch (12v+)




EDIT: Ran into another, similar problem with Lesson 2. When the models are doing the CanCan, their bodies are not twisting correctly for the second kick, but staying positioned in the original angle, so their left legs are crossing over their bodies in a very unnatural looking way. Is there some kind of problem with the files themselves, or newer ones I should be downloading from somewhere? This can't be right.


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To answer your question, yeah, everybody had that problem (well, almost everybody). What I did was reposition his foot manually.


It's hard to comment on the cancan without a picture, however, others had problems with it.


It helps to tell us what version of A:M you're using, have you upgraded? and what type of system your operating?

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Yup Mike. If you look in the individual threads for each exercises you'll see more information about these oddities. In some cases you'll find links to working models.


Everybody does read those things right? ;)


Yup Mike. If you look in the individual threads for each exercises you'll see more information about these oddities. In some cases you'll find links to working models.


Everybody does read those things right? ;)


Well, my first response seems to have been "lost", so I'll try again.


Prior to posting that message, I did search the forums for an answer, first because often times you can find that others have had the same question answered for them and it saves my fingers the time typing and their fingers the time typing it... again. Also, because often times asking a question results in being told to search the forums anyway.. so I basically eliminate that step from the get-go.


I searched the forums again after reading the responses here.. but did not find anything any more helpful. In fact, rather ironically, I did find one response wherein the poster is told to search the forums for an answer. Go figure.


Now, I did search for different variations on the topic, including words as keekat, posing, lesson 1, etc... none came back with anything useful that helped me fix the problem. So I posted here.


Also, someone here recommended downloading the files. I searched the site, and the forums, for said models. but was unable to find anything about them. Some help in tracking them down would be appreciated.


And finally, as a suggestion... If a topic/issue comes up that seems to be encountered by more than a couple people and can be identified and fixed with a set series of steps.. perhaps then it would be a great idea to post a stickied topic addressing the problem and providing instructions to those who encounter it on how to go about fixing it so they can move on. This way, if someone does post a question about it, they can simply be referred to the stickied topic, or, perhaps they will find it on their own.


Thank you.

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I found a fixed knight model, but not keekat.


There is no 'fixed' Keekat. He refuses to go through that procedure.


As its fairly easy to tweak the foot and position it as needed in the exercise I've seen it as a good introduction to adjusting the basic rig. Now animating Keekat with that foot... hmmm... that could be a little more problematic if we don't fix his foot.



If you follow the link in the very first post of Exercise #2 you'll find the discussion and download for the Knight. Knight's Knees Problem


The exercise post is 'stickied'. The easiest way to get a post ignored is to 'stickie' it I'm told so that may be why people are missing it.


I increased the font size to emphasize it a bit more.

There are similar links in the other exercises that use the Knight too.

We'll try to provide a more visible means of identifying the fix but the best means I can think of is to read through what others have done before.


People have reposted the Knight several times so I know continue to miss the initial links.

The best I can do right now is say 'Thanks' to everyone for keeping the issue in the public eye.





I found a fixed knight model, but not keekat.


There is no 'fixed' Keekat. He refuses to go through that procedure.


As its fairly easy to tweak the foot and position it as needed in the exercise I've seen it as a good introduction to adjusting the basic rig. Now animating Keekat with that foot... hmmm... that could be a little more problematic if we don't fix his foot.



If you follow the link in the very first post of Exercise #2 you'll find the discussion and download for the Knight. Knight's Knees Problem


The exercise post is 'stickied'. The easiest way to get a post ignored is to 'stickie' it I'm told so that may be why people are missing it.


I increased the font size to emphasize it a bit more.

There are similar links in the other exercises that use the Knight too.

We'll try to provide a more visible means of identifying the fix but the best means I can think of is to read through what others have done before.


People have reposted the Knight several times so I know continue to miss the initial links.

The best I can do right now is say 'Thanks' to everyone for keeping the issue in the public eye.





Hiya Rodney,


Fair enough on the Knight situation. I'm still on the Keekat issue, though. Don't want to move forward on one before the other is completed correctly. That's why I didn't bother looking for the Knight exercise yet.


As for the Keekat debacle.. Your suggestion that it be considered an exercise on how to fix the basic rig... eh... <shakes hand side to side>... kinda beyond the scope of the exercise, dontcha think? Especially being the very first thing a new user is introduced to. Seems a bit more like a "well, it's all in how you look at it!" scenario. And, you're assuming knowledge on the user's part that they shouldn't be expected to have yet - being at Exercise #1 and all.


Some will know to tool around and maybe figure it out. The point is, they shouldn't have to. That's not what the tutorial is about.


Perhaps I'm just being nit-picky, but I've worked for a software company as a QA Analyst. I know that if I gave a "work-around" answer like that to a customer about something not working as instructed - and it was due to a flaw on our end - it wouldn't have gone over very well... with the customer, or with my superiors.


I just think it should be investigated and a solution be found, even while the work-around is suggested.

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I just think it should be investigated and a solution be found, even while the work-around is suggested.



I'm certainly not opposed to that. Anyone who wants to work on the solution will receive gratitute from me.

At a minimum it might be wise to send an email to Hash Inc (say: steve@hash.com) to make sure they get a fixed Keekat on the next A:M CD.


If someone has already fixed Keekat I'm not aware of it.

I suspect that eventually (read: several years from now) Keekat will move into the Squetch Rig.


You are right, the fix is beyond the scope of the exercise.

Then again, technically so is the foot.

I'd guess that is why its never been an issue for me.


Thanks for the input.

Anything that gets enough attention generally gets fixed. ;)




These "bad" model issues fall under the category of "you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth... but sometimes you have too!"


Members of this forum graciously compiled many models together for use by everyone in the community, (the "Extras" CD). Adjunctly, they also recomposed our main A:M disk. However, Hash never expected the core models to be CHANGED, and we were negligent in not checking them before mastering the CD. In particular the "Knight" and "Kee-Kat" on the CD have rig problems. We have since rechecked every model and updated (postdated?) them. This in no way reflects negatively on the volunteers and contributors who compiled the "Extras" CD. Even if I KNEW that a couple key models would be impacted, I still would have taken the same risk to get our great new "Extras" CD.

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