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hi been trying to make these models for this space walk type of thing. suppose to be in this type of spaceship with long tunnels and other things


first pic the tunnel


second pic is a alien gun im not sure what for yet still thinking



tell me what you thing of them





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I like the tunnel, the grating on the floor looks realistic, though "dated" for a space station (looks like the steel grating used in meat department floors)... The walls of the tunnel seem organic... or indicate movement as on a moving belt by the streakiness of the walls. I like how the lights don't line up perfectly... but the bulbs seem too current day for sci-fi future.


The gun... needs to be lit up to see it better... but l like the effect of the power indicator.


just my opinions... if you're just getting started... they are fantastic.!


The tunnel is very cool..would like to see an animated run down the tunnel,

The Gun Id like to see at different angles to geta better idea of its use.




umm does anyone know how to get a back a currpted file becuase the gun file makes my program crash now


i dont think i came model it again becuase i dont remeber how i did it the first time


Id normally say send it to the Hash team but their pretty busy with v12 release.

It looks like it might be a small model file and maybe someone on the board might chime in and take a look...so go ahead and post the model ,I maight look see myself but no gaurantees, Im no pro, you can open the file up in a txt reader and look ,at leat just for familiarization with the file structure of a model..




forget it, its lost now tried to fix it and the file is just gone now


its ok i remodeled the gun i think it looks better this time anyway

be posting up new pictures later today


i animated the tunnel where the sides seems sort of alive and made the camera walk down it.


srry to hear it about the gun . . . that happend to me with a model i made that i was really proud of . . . forgot what it was (maybe my alley) neway, usually when u redo stuff it looks cooler . . . so lets look at this event as good ;)



I think your hall looks pretty cool . . . the gun was hard to tell . . . but im lookig forward to you new gun.




im rendering a quicktime video of the gun so you guys can get a better look right now


hopfully ill get better at this stuff only been modeling for a month. havent even attempted animation yet lol


ok the gun is finally done rendering

ill do the tunnel next, but 1 frame takes like 5 mins the render on that so well see how long that takes


spacegun 5

edit: woops for got to make the video smaller


ok since thats out of the way

the floor is a material i came up with. took me like 3 days to get it right

i choose to make it like that becuase i was watching aliens when i came up with it

just looked right to me

the lightbulb was the only thing i had modeled at the time to show light , ill be putting plasma lighting in later with kind of a greenish glow to it


holy crap! your movie is 13 megs . . . do you have any codcs on your computer.



If you rerender it . . . go to advanced options then select file typer, then compression settings, and change your codec (i think your using uncompressed) 13 megs is alot --- espeacilly for 56k peeps


Ben :)


ok i cant get the tunnel done today 1 frame is taking 25 mins to render so ill have for you to see tommorw


i fixed the video only 200kbs ben :)



btw you can call me Jay


HHHHHMMMM . . . aliens while using AM . . . leads to great things.


Neway, for your space rifle . . . the handle seems to . . . fat.


Why dont you try attaching a more slend ovalish cylinder with 5 point patches and such? i think it would look cooler.


You might also want to move the scope to the right or left, on rifles with scopes (cept snipes) i think it looks better and is more practical cuz it would get in the way in combat if it was riiht smack dab in the middle of everything







That is a good looking hand gun,can really make it out nicely in the mov file, nide textures too.

Could only get the rifle picture (last one) to show and it looks like its a part of a matching pair to the hand gun, nice touch, I like it.

But next Id be asking for to see them guns posed with a human/alien model to get an even better perspective of the guns usage




yeah well next time i have to learn is how to make people and im probly months away from that

but right now im mainly modeling guns knifes ships and walkways for the inside of the ship

also have made a few landscapes for outdoor scenes, ill let you take a look at those when im done rendering this thing


the walkway is still rendering 6 hours 24 mins to go

got any tips to make rendering a little faster


ok heres a landscape i tried

put tom in there just for scale i wasnt really sure how big i made it guess i went a little to big, but its ok bigger the better


canyon test


those looks pretty cool, i like gun more now. The video helped


on the landscapes, do i see little streams running down?


Also maybe decrease the size of the crumple material, and try playing with the weight.


Nice job though.


Before i made my first finished human character (which isnt that good) . . . it was . . . 2 years after i got animation master. Not to discourage you, but im just giving you a timeframe of me in animation master.


How long have you been using AM?




well i had 9.5 back in 2002 (got it off ebay for $50, got to love ebay) i tried it for a week and got frustrated so packed it away. then just for fun i went to the website and looked on the forum and was amazed how nice stuff got so i said what the hell might as well try again. but i lost the serial code so i ended up buying 2005 anyway. that was the long answer.


short answer 3 weeks


and no those are not streams i they are gaps in the model, i guess i missed that

ill fix that later


thx all of you for the advice been helping me out alot


ok since thats out of the way

the floor is a material i came up with. took me like 3 days to get it right


I'm impressed with the grid, and understand it was alot of work... I don't dislike it, just telling you what I thought it reminded me of.


i choose to make it like that becuase i was watching aliens when i came up with it just looked right to me


Anything that uses Alien as inspiration is sacro sanct.. works for me!


the lightbulb was the only thing i had modeled at the time to show light , ill be putting plasma lighting in later with kind of a greenish glow to it


Cool! temporary lights in the tube under construction... ! all that's missing is the yellow cable between bulbs and little plastic cages around 'em! Now I really like it!


About the rifle: the trigger... does the alien use his whole paw/mit/hand to squeeze it? is it rheostatically controlled? The harder he squeezes, the bigger the bullet/beam/stream of slime that comes out... Or how does he get leverage on the trigger? no hand hold...


Just impressions/questions not really critiquing....


Keep up the good work...


oh, and this is a crit... well, sorta... the canyon looks like paper crumpled, kinda


hey guys tried to make the canyon a bit more realistic, im getting but im just not even close, got rid of the crumple and started from scratch. i tired that bump maping stuff someone told me about, not sure if i got it right, you tell me.




cayon with water


as far as the crit goes, please give me more!! i love hearing from you guys giving me new Ideas


this is the model of the lightbulb i used



and thx for compliment on the grill floor. if you want to take a look at it ill post it up at the bottom


the rifle trigger im not sure how big the aliens hands are going to be yet i got an Idea but not quite sure yet. the only hing i can tell you when i was making it i was playing Xbox so thats where that came from.


plasma lighting going to take a little longer than i thought just haveing trouble getting the light beams to produce there own light or mat it look like they are producing light


well thats it for me back to work





Next model in my list of stuff to make a flashlight



next is 2 more guns, the spaceships, vechles, more hallways, control room, another landscape (after i get the canyon right), planets, and finally actors whenever i think i ready to even try people or creatures.


just tell me what ya think of the stuff so far






The Canyon is pretty cool, but It seems a little regular to me. (looks machine made)

Remember cliffs on the outside of curves, beaches on the inside of curves. water is still water no mater what planet, plus since all of our scifi is filmed on earth we are used to normal water erosion.

Also avoid level surfaces unles there is clearly an explantion, double this when we have water nearby. Even the great planes have little hills.

Great progress and you are learning tons


well if your talking about the ledges on the inside of the cayon, those are supose to be roadways towards the end of the model they even out with the top. and the hills i have on i just did it quickly with the magnetic tool (that thing is amazingly cool).

also it has no bump maps or textures on it yet i just couldnt figure out how to get them to work so im working on that.


i was able to render a short video of the tunnel. i think i got to make a better model becuase it took 4 1/2 hours to render 1 sec and thats not even close to a good time/render ratio. any one have any tips to shorten this time. becuase i cant work with that i think


tunnel video


well back to work for me




ok i finished the real lights I was going to use for the tunnel but decided to make a new tunnel since this one rendered really long


this is the light plasma light

this is what the lighting looks like in a room

plasma lighting test


tell me what you guys think


thx, jay


thanks for the reply! Ive kind o hit a roadblock this week but ill get though it just still trying to make models and start on some test animations. since this is my first project im probly going to be taking it really slow since i am still learning how A:M works. but thanks for the encuogment its been really helpful.


to see everything i have done up to this date click here


ok thanks for looking all




thx ben


i started making a second tunnel and made it simpler so it doesnt render for a long time

now it has 47 hallways that has 5 levels (trying to figure out elevators) and it branchs off into 15 sections. its going to be the inside of the enitre ship. and way it test rendered wasnt too bad. took only 1 hour to do 10 mins of footage (which is alot better than 6 hours for 1 sec of footage) it takes about 10 mins to go down every hall without stoping.


so ive been working just havnt had time to post anything i will have something soon

also been working with scott on making people, so thats been very helpful.


ok back off to the old grind for me



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