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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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What happened to the next meeting due in April guys? Is the LAMUG, GLAM, B:AM or whatever we called it defunct?


It would be nice to catch up with you guys again at the Chocolate Factory for another little session B)

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We should definitely try to get together again sooner rather than later. I'm at the Chocolate Factory a lot at the moment, so getting a room will be no problem. If we get enough interest, I'll look into dates.


Bloody Hell m8!


That was a quick response... nice to hear from you again! Haven't seen a post from Parlo for ages.


Oh, BTW, I don't like chocolate... more of a beer man myself B)


Looks like only three of us so far...


C'mon Keates, Pequod, Steven where are you lot hiding?

Looks like only three of us so far...


C'mon Keates, Pequod, Steven where are you lot hiding?

Depending on the timing, I *might* be able to make it four. It's one hell of a trek for me, so don't take that as anything remotely close to a semi-definite maybe.


Wicked! - that would be nice to see you there Stuart. I know that Exeter is a long way from London though...

If we get enough interest, I'll look into dates.

I shall definitely be in the south east on Sunday 24th July. Although as it's the day after a wedding (not mine!) I can't guarantee that I won't have an ox-stunning hangover.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'd like to meet up at least once this summer, then I won't need to bring an extra jumper

Let's save Stephen from the embarassment of a wardrobe malfunction - I shall definitely be available for 24th July, so if we have a quoram, let's go for it. I might be able to make other dates, but it becomes much more of a special trip. It would be nice to meet other AMer's face-to-face for once[1].


Come to think of it, maybe we can at least have an annual UK AMer meeting some time, and persuade other non-Londoners to come along. The more the merrier.


[1] Apropos meeting other animators ... following on from the recent Animated Exeter festival, I've met up with some local (non-CGI) animators. These animator people are a strange bunch... !


Stuart, who doesn't have internet access at home at the moment, and is making the most of someone else's wide-open wireless broadband link....

  • 2 weeks later...

Have we got a definite plan on this (including a venue)? I'll need to know by the tail end of Thursday afternoon, as I won't have internet access from then until the following week.


Assuming the meeting is to go ahead, but the plans change after Thursday, please let me know - my phone number is 07790 815 465. (But expect an ansaphone on Saturday - it would be too embarassing to have my phone ring in the middle of a wedding service!)


Hmmm I don't think this one is gonna happen Stuart...


I think it is mainly due to Parlo (aka Sam Bruntock) being unable to organise the venue as before. I think you will find that he cannot keep himself away from this:


Coming Soon!

Hmmm I don't think this one is gonna happen Stuart...

OK, fair enough...

I think it is mainly due to Parlo being unable to organise the venue as before. I think you will find that he cannot keep himself away from this...

In which case I'll forgive him - but just this once, mind!


I'm sure there'll be another opportunity to meet up.


well its not such a trek from southampton so I can be available as long as I check my social calendar (my wife that is) to see if I'm free :D


Yes, Sam mentioned on the IRC last night that life is very hectic at the moment and that it should be possible to set up a gathering for sometime in August. So watch this thread! :)

As well as the mysterious 'Golden Balls' project Sam is directing a live production at The Menier Chocolate Factory. He's a busy guy!


Hoping to see some new faces, in August, as well as the regulars. ;)



Yes, Sam mentioned on the IRC last night

I have never tried this cos I always thought I would have to be up at silly hours in the morning talking the US Hashers… if you and Sam and others are there at non-silly hours then I would love to chat - now I gotta remember how to set it up…


Can you remind me?




It's always very silly hours if you want to catch participants from Hash, Anzovins and most of the US but I have looked in earlier on a Wednesday evening and found a few, Sam included, logged in but sitting in silence. :(


It would be great if more people from this side of the pond made use of the IRC at #hash3d.


As regards setting it up, search for the 'Wednesday Chat' thread in the top A:M forum and you should find a thread detailing setting up an IRC client.


Here's the LINK.


I downloaded and installed Microsoft's MIRC and it has proved to be painless. The trial version states that you can use it for 30 days but mine is still functioning after about 6 weeks. If you are using a MAC you will find details of MAC clients in the thread also. Good luck! It's worth getting it setup in advance.


See you there on Wednesday? :)

  • 1 month later...

Well, three months later I reply and I still ain't tried Wednesday Night Chat :rolleyes:


I have been busy working on me BBC Competition entry and that was all finished at the end of August. So I have been doing other fings (like lovely nufink).


But now I am getting restlesss again. Isn't it about time that we had another meeting again? If it was in October then that would be celebrating the original get together we had same time last year. I'd like to see how everyone is getting on.


Sam? You got tha Chocolate Factory available? Sam? Pequod? Steve? Paul? John? Any UK Hasher?


Could we use the momentous event of the Hash team visiting our shores as a good reason to have a chin wag at the Mac thingy?


John K - I think there’s a bus that goes straight to the front door of Olympia. Nice.



  • 3 weeks later...

OK who's going to visit Hash at the Mac show then? They could also be showing sneak previews of the new Intel based Macs... now that would another good reason to go :)


I don't have a Mac but ...


I'll be there. :D


It's always interesting to see what is happening with Apple and of course Hash will be there. We should set up a regular meeting time for A:M users to gather at the Hash stand. Say every hour, on the hour between 1:00 and closing time. I think that there are a few people who want to get together for a beer with Ken and James after the show.


So, yeah, a show of hands would be good.


Saturday would probably be best for people from out of town and also, as the show finishes earlier on the Saturday, it would be better for a pub gathering don't you think?


I'm open to any suggestions.


I've just received my ticket to Mac Expo, so I'll be going........ Saturday sounds good to me. Shame there won't be any dual core Macs to goggle at though.


Nearly all new Power Macs (I image that's the way they'll stay) are dual processor these days so what is the point of dual core Macs? If they are going to stay dual processor and have an operating systems that support dual processor very well what is the point? Dual core chips are just as expensive as dual processors aren't they?

... so what is the point of dual core Macs? If they are going to stay dual processor and have an operating systems that support dual processor very well what is the point? Dual core chips are just as expensive as dual processors aren't they?
By having two dual core CPUs you end up with effectively a quad-CPU machine. I would be very surprised if OS X couldn't automatically make use of more than two CPUs.


In the distant future, when I get a quad-CPU PowerMac, I want one with a bloody great lever switch on the front, just like in the old Frankenstein movies. Oh yes, and a pair of antennae on the top, complete with rising spark. More power, Igor! And then I *shall* rule the world - BWA-HA-HA-HA-HAA!

By having two dual core CPUs you end up with effectively a quad-CPU machine.

Take a look at the Apple online store - quad (i.e. dual dual-core) PowerMacs are now available, and at a reasonable price.

Saturday would probably be best for people from out of town and also, as the show finishes earlier on the Saturday, it would be better for a pub gathering don't you think?
Perhaps we should swap phone numbers in case we lose people between the show and the pub...


Stuart '07790 815 465' Rogers


Look Who's in town!


No, not the new Doctor. Ken Baer and James Hash are now in London for MacExpo. (James was still enroute from New York when I took this but he and Ken are safely tucked up in some little hole in Earls Court now. It's tough at the top.)


Remember, folks, we want a good turnout on Saturday if you can make it. And if not ...exterminate...Exterminate...EXTERMINATE!


Sadly I couldn't make the venue, so I wonder if one of you lot, who could, would like to let us, who couldn't, know how it went :)


Was there any earth shattering new things at the show that were awe-inspiring? I have been to the last two Mac shows and they weren't up to much...

Sadly I couldn't make the venue, so I wonder if one of you lot, who could, would like to let us, who couldn't, know how it went :)


Was there any earth shattering new things at the show that were awe-inspiring? I have been to the last two Mac shows and they weren't up to much...

On the whole I thought it was an utterly missable event (maybe Ken and James will disagree - it looks like they sold almost their entire stock of A:M). I simply used it as an excuse to meet up with the Hash guys and the (other) London A:M users, which was absolutely worth the effort. Your absence was noted!


The evening consisted of dinner in an Italian restaurant followed by questionable beer in a loud and even more questionable pub. I reluctantly made my escape just before 10pm while we hunted for a better pub, so I don't know how long the others partied. I got home at 2am - it was a very long day.


Stuart, it's good to know that you made the long journey home without mishap. That must have been about a 500 mile round trip!


After Stuart left we walked in to the nearest pub that we could find and suddenly realized that it was actually a gay bar so we made a hasty retreat and settled for the local Pizza Express, so that Sam could have a bite to eat. It was quiet enough to talk but I'm not sure what the waitress thought when we ordered one pizza and 5 beers. I had to rush off to catch my train at about 11:00 and ended up jumping on the wrong train! Never mind. I got home eventually.


It was great meeting up with Ken and James and all the A:M users who made the effort. I'm just sorry that we didn't organize something more special for Ken and James on their last night in London. Much of the group were pretty tired and didn't relish the idea of wandering around central London looking for beer. If you guys come back next year we'll have a proper pub crawl.


MacExpo was pretty underwhelming, in my opinion, but I guess that opinion is to be expected from a pc user. I did enjoy watching James and Ken play the crowd and watched a couple of demonstrations of Photoshop, at the Adobe stand, which taught me something that I didn't know before.


Gazzamataz, we missed you. The Daleks have been dispatched.


Here are a few snaps. Sorry, they're not great quality.

Stuart, it's good to know that you made the long journey home without mishap. That must have been about a 500 mile round trip!
Not quite so far - more like 370 miles. I started sagging a bit on the train back to Fleet, but I was feeling quite perky during the drive back. I think the bad weather helped keep my attention fixed - I was driving through bands of intense rain, with occasional strong sidewinds.

I just wanted to add a big thank you to Ken, James and Hash Inc. for the kindness and generosity shown to us Hashers. I came away with a t-shirt and a poster and full stomach. Thank you guys!


Hope you all got home without any hassle.




Oh BIG DOGS ****!!!


Now I really feel gutted that I couldn't make it and the house is surrounded by Daleks who are frightening the Missus and the Rabbit...


I will never get a Hash T-Shirt…


Still maybe there will be another LAMUG before Christmas at the Chocolate factory :wub:

  • 1 month later...

Ah ha!!


I just posted a call for other London Hashers and then saw this link...I'd always assumed LAMUG was in LA. Is any activity scheduled in the near future? will be keeping ear to ground



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