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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Simon Productions Latest Feature Motion Picture

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Hey Guys, Simon here...


I haven't posted anything in a long time as I have been way too busy with my latest creation, 'Against The Author, The War of the Worlds'.


I'm just posting to say that production of this A:M motion picture is going great and it will be expected to be released about Winter 2005, or at the very latest, Summer 2006.


For anyone out there who has never really heard of Against The Author Before, here is a description:


Against The Author, The War of the Worlds is the latest creation from Simon Productions. It is a story that follows 3 young characters having to battle an army of 10,000 mindless killing machines. But, this story has a twist; The characters don't always follow the storyboard! They tend to do weird things that aren't in the script, like, for instance, argue with the narrator, join the good guys even if they're bad and battle along-side, over and even through the credits. This hilarious action adventure story will tell the tale of what happens when the camera is rolling, there is no script and the narrator helps the bad guys!


And, for anyone out there who doesn't want tor read all the post, here is a quick trailer we made for the movie a long time ago, it is probably out of date, but it gives you guys a chance to see it in action, so, you can see it at my site.


Post any comments here or check out the site at


The Against The Author Webpage


Thanx :wacko:

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Seriously. How far have you gotten? Just out of curiosity. If you want you can post some pictures of some of your progress! I eager to see how this has been going. Thanks by the way for that music site you posted a while back, I'll probably be using some of that for animations and such.


-Robert Lazzarini

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Right Now we are not releasing any animated scenes to anyone untill the trailers are released. But, I would be happy to post a few screenshots of progress for you guys, just let me find them and I'll post them right away.


To Starwarsguy, no, it is not just me working on this project, I am just directing and head of animation. I am working with a group of about 20 others including Rebecca Torrey with storyboard, Erica Rivera with Music Design, Jonathon Guild with vocal recording sessions, and so on...


Well, I'll guess you will see in the credits! :D


Bye the way, xade, i never remember posting any music site, so, thanx anyway, even though i don't remember!


I'll post the images as soon as i can find a good set to post!!!


I just attached a toon render of one of the scenes. The movie isn't in toon render, but i rendered it like that to see what it looked like. I'll go look for some more pictures! :)


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Yea, I thought you posted the music site in response to a question about where you got the song for your trailer, but whatever. That's cool too. Thanks for the picture! Can't wait to see more!



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This is a holgraphic view of the loading program. The loading program is where the characters get loaded into the story, kinda like the martix :)


It was created simply by taking a klieg light, adding volumetircs and apply a cell turbulence to the light. This craetes a laser like effect. Just a little experiment for the movie! :D


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Ya, I designed all the characters to look simalar due to the fact that they are in a game, and all game players look alike someway or another! But, if possible, I am designing the characters to change over time, and by the end of the movie they should be all independant!

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Pretty much!

Here are some of the characters pictures...



This is Ben...




This is Jon...




This is Alex...



There are alot more, but I can't post them all. Just visit my site if you want to see all of then. But, as you can tell, they were all based on the Eddy model!

I Based it on the Eddy model because I can handle lighting, scenes, and animation, but I am terrible at modeling characters! :D


But they are still all different characters, even if they are all based on 'Eddy'! :)


Any other critique welcome on my website or the character pics!

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:D Good news!


My website has just been updated. It now includes a video trailer/test page, a texture gallery and even a small games page for those who get side-tracked easily! :)


Anyways, enjoy the new website.




Any critique is welcome on website and the trailers/video test or texture pages.

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