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Found 12 results

  1. It's here and I'm clear! The Image Contest award video is now live. Prizes, surprises, the mostly true stories behind the images and... THE BIG SCRATCH OFF! Don't miss it! Call Grandma, round up the kids, circle the dogs and watch it together in glorious 720p HD. Everyone is in the show and you'll enjoy it even if you didn't win anything! But maybe you did? [SPOILER ALERT!] . . . . . . Congratulations to our three medal winners! Dan Skelton (wildsided) Steve Shelton (Shelton) Charles Cronley (chazcron)
  2. The voting is closed. Now we await the results video! While you are waiting, consider... A compelling collection of creative computer compositions commendably completed for... Finish the Unfinished! You may still peruse the contest entries below You may still click on any image to see it full screen. You may still see the entire collection as a slide show by clicking on the first image and using the arrow tool at the right side of the screen to advance through the images. (I'm not sure if this works on a phone but, of course, you're not looking at these wonderful images on a tiny phone anyway!) Wireframes are still included with each image for your splinesmanship edification! Competition Images Dream Weaver: Wireframe: Dragula in Peril: Wireframe: Evolutions: Wireframe: Awkward Moon: Wireframe: Super Pfleu: Wireframe: Titan Surface: Wireframe: Quest for the Cup: Wireframe: LIAM: Wireframe: Metamorphose: Wireframe: Cow at Rest: Wireframe: Exhibition Images These images are not in competition but are submitted for your enjoyment, none-the-less! Planes Trains Automobiles Medal: Wireframe: New Year: Wireframe: Goldfish: Wireframe: Salt & Pepper: Wireframe: Bosch!: Wireframe: Thanks to everyone for all the fine and creative entries!
  3. The prizes may not be of great use to A:M users and the judging criteria are rather hazy, but a lot of you already have great looking female characters on the shelf that might be dusted off to be worthy entries. https://www.cgtrader.com/challenges/3d-challenge-female-characters#section-awards
  4. Prizes, surprises, and more! Get yourself a root beer float, a bowl of popcorn and watch the Summer Memories Image Contest Awards Congratulations to our very fine winners! Big "Thanks" to Jason for running the contest poll and to Hash. Inc for the gift certificates for our medal winners! The all-new "Summer Memories" medal is my next project! Runner-up prizes will be distributed ASAP. I apologize for taking so long to put this video together. I'm slow! Thanks to everyone who entered. I hope everyone will be back for the next contest!
  5. The new A:M Forum Image Contest starts here, starts now! New Deadline: Watch the Contest Announcement: Summer Memories! Summer is here... Show us the fun you're having (or wish you were having)! Entries can be realistic or cartoony, classic or corny... just make sure it's about "Summer!" Contest Rules: 1) All images must be original work, modeled, posed and rendered in Animation:Master. Third-party paint programs may be used for texturing purposes. 1b) WIP threads where you solicit feedback or reveal any or all of your image are allowed. 2) Images may be in any vertical or horizontal format and any aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3, 16:9...), however the shortest side must be at least 1080 pixels 2a) Image content should be of a "G" to "PG" nature. 3) Images should be submitted in uncompressed TGA or PNG format as an attachment in a Hash Forum personal message to @robcat2075 (Robert Holmén) 3a) So we may all observe and learn from the modeling efforts of the entrants a Shaded Wireframe render of the image is also required with the submission. 4) Although the contest topic is "Summer Memories" and images should somehow portray or evoke the topic, they do NOT need to include the text "Summer" or "Memories". 5) Revised Entry Deadline: September 18, 2017. But Summer lasts until the 22nd... get your entry in by then? 5a) Before voting starts, there will be a brief exhibition of all the images. Each entrant should check this gallery to make sure their image is present. 6) Winners of the contest will be chosen by a public internet vote. 7) Contest results will be announced in a YouTube video by someone in a dark suit. Winners may be asked to participate in a Skype audio interview about their creation. 8) Hash Inc. may use any of the images for promotional purposes. 9) All rules come from the fertile imagination of the contest coordinator, Robert Holmén, the final authority on any doubtful meanings and changes necessary to conduct a fair and felicitous contest. Prizes: 10) Hash Inc. is graciously contributing three Hash Store gift certificates: 1st place $150, 2nd place $100, 3rd place $75! 11) The acclaimed Animation:Master Forum Image Contest Medal will be awarded to the top three entries. 12) Handsome certificates, so suitable for framing that you get $1 to buy a frame, will be awarded to 4th through 10 place finishers. 13) Every entrant will be assigned and receive the winnings from a Texas Lottery scratch-off ticket, to be scratched-off semi-live in the contest result video. Prizes (potentially zero to hundreds of dollars) will depend on the specific the Lottery game card available at the conclusion of the contest. Winnings will be paid via PayPal. 13a) Although multiple entries are allowed in the Image Contest, scratch-off lottery tickets are limited to one per person up to a limit of 30 persons total for the contest. 14) Additional prizes may be announced in the future! 14a) Two $25 Hash gift certificates and three Caricatures by Largent ($25 value) will be randomly awarded among the 4th and lower finishers. 14b) Mark Largent is not eligible to win a caricature by Largent.
  6. Hello, V19.0 Mascot contest voting is now live. It will run until 09/28/2016 at midnight pst https://www.hash.com/vote Spam your friends get them to vote too!
  7. Mascot Contest rules: All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 3:4 aspect ratio. The winner must summit a rendered image with no background of 480 x 640. All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Maser for promotional material. All entries must be emailed to support@hash.com by midnight pst on 09/05/16 No offensive or pornographic material. The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community will be the new splash screen for v19.0. Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time) Winners: 1st place will get to be the v19.0 mascot, $150.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. 2nd Place will get $100.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. 3rd place will get $75.00 http://www.hash.com/store gift card. Notes: This has no bearing on the time frame till v19.0 is release so please lets not go down that path here. Good Luck All! Jason Simonds.
  8. Here is a wireframe to final gif of my mosquito image contest entry. This image was 100% generated in A:M with NO Photoshopping at all... not even a levels or curves. Image took about 4 hours in all, 2 hours in 2 days... I like to 'come back' to a project with fresh eyes after sleeping on it overnight- that is when I decided to add the hand. A:M's hair was used on the CU arm and on the mosquito- with a little grooming on each to get it to bend in the right directions. Image was rendered with Depth-of-Field ON in multipass with 100 passes, taking about 32 minutes. The part that worked surprisingly well for me was the lines in the wings, I employed 'render as lines' feature and was very happy with the results. Light in the sky for the sun simply has Lens-Flares turned ON at 10% intensity. The texture for the mosquitos body is a Darktree material... TX Abstract/absCreepy with a bump setting pushed up. Rob asked me in the interview why I made him look menacing... and I was really just going for photorealism this time and the photo reference I had googled up looked menacing. Plus, when you think about it- mosquitos are something to be feared... they offer very little benefits like a bee does, they are flying parasites that can smell you from 20 yards away and are able to land on a vieny area to bite you. The bites leave swollen itchy red spots and can transmit lethal diseases such as typhoid, HIV, malaria and more. CLICK ON IMAGE TO SEE GIF ANIMATION
  9. INSECT! We are going to have a Summer image contest! The exact details will be firmed up in the near future but here are three things to get you going... 1) Topic: Insect! Your all-A:M-modeled and all-A:M-rendered image should be an insect. It can be realistic or stylized, scary or funny, authentic or fantasy but... it has to be an insect! No spiders, no crustaceans, no myriapods! We want to compare insects to insects. Your image may contain other models. For example, your insect might be sitting on a leaf. However, the insect should be the primary object of attention in your image. Insects are the most numerous and varied life form on earth so you should not be lacking for possibilities. 2) Due date: July 31 August 9 You have most of the summer to work on your summer image contest image! We will have a vote to choose a winner. 3) Prizes: Prizes are TBD but there will be something awarded to the top ten entries. Don't sit this one out! Get splining and knock us out with your most neat-o, insect-o work!
  10. Watch your email for a message from Hash Support so that you may get your fabulous "Wobbling Dead" DVD sent to you, wherever in the world you may be! Sweaty loading dock guys are standing by at Mark Largent Studios International ready to ship them. Don't miss out!
  11. You can vote now. http://www.hash.com/vote
  12. Here is the contest Test Vote It will go live tomorrow 07/09/2014 at 9pm pst I will be sending out a email at that time too! http://www.hash.com/vote If anything is missing let me know. I think I got them all tho!
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