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Found 8 results

  1. Have a walking character (driven by walking action) with stride length on & constrained to a path. Fine so far but now I need to tweak the walking so that the characters stance comes to stand straight up at the end of the path but can't alter any skeletal motion with a chor action on any frame where the stride length is active. So does stride length "lockout" anytweaking???? Any help appreciated.
  2. Still trying to get this "thread" effect to work. Robcat's clever animated gradient material almost worked but didn't get the "end of the snake" of the thread I needed to follow the moving thread. (see attached) Tried adding two animated gradient materials but couldn't get that to work. i then reverted back to animating them with booleans but they caused a buttload of problems in the chor. so now i'm trying to animate a regular decal along the length of the threads (which are then reshaped in the chor.) and cannot get anything to happen. So my question at this point is How can I animate a decal's position along a model? Have tried doing it in Action but nothing happens. Any help appreciated. Sc103aa.mp4.mp4
  3. Anyone know how to cure the effect of an object spinning with increasing speed until it looks like its going in reverse? Like movies of propellers and wheels. Other than just slowing it down to a crawl. Had tried to come up with a way of making the chain advance along a path using expressions but just animated the chain & sprockets separately. Thanks in advance. Sprocket01.avi
  4. Hello everybody, many already know that little tradition of us and I did not want to forget to post it here. In Germany it is tradition to have a small christmas / advent calendar were you can open one small door every day and get for instance some sweets or a small gift every day till christmas in December. 3We (the company I work for) has one too – we show on funny, thoughtful or just nice commercial from all over the world every day in that. Another day and another door will be available :). And as always all the art work has been created with Animation:Master: 3We Adventskalender 2019 Hope you like it and let me know what you think :). Best regards and of cause a nice 1. Advent to everybody *Fuchur* PS: If you like cats you might want to have a look at it ;).
  5. Coming back to something I really enjoyed a long time ago. My last foray into AM was with 2005 version. I've created a short animation using Windows Movie Maker. It consists of 13 images with some simple transitions, basically a slideshow. I am using Pazera PS MPEG to AVI converter to get the AVI. I have tried every CODEC available with the converter, but when I attempt import the AVI I just get a dialog box saying "IMPORT NULLOBJECT". What am I doing wrong? Should I be using a particular CODEC? Thanks for any help, glad to be back!
  6. I am posting this because it might be of interest to some users. I have been helped so much over the years by these expert forum comments that I feel I need to give something back. I don't use AM frequently (not my day job and all that) but when I do I go to town. This is basically about my efforts in creating a character with a highly detailed face but with minimal effort. The word lazy might jump to mind but I prefer the "work smart not hard" adage. I tried 2 workflows: ZBrush and Crazytalk back to AM vs. Zbrush through to IClone. The idea was to discover which produced the best output and which gave me the least work to do. A very interesting road so far but a mile of R&D. Just like what everyone else on this forum has to do. See the images here. First the SAGE done with CrazyTalk and AM Next the result in iClone (less attractive I think) I have documented a PDF article about this journey. The link is below. It contains comparative animations embedded in the PDF between AM and iClone (.WMF video format). The videos won't play straight in my web browser. You have to DOWNLOAD the document and open it in a modern PDF viewer. I used Acrobat Reader DC (free) and it plays after I OK the trust settings. LINK: http://www.3doncanvas.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/3D-Brand-Character-development.pdf
  7. I borrowed the pine tree from the forum (thank you, John Bigboote), but I believe I made everything else. My friend Adam (The Toadstool) helped me with the home made Motion Capture. Thank you, Adam. To make this short I used Motion Capture, Dynamic Constraints, Forces, several Particle Systems (hair, leaves, grass/weeds), a little Newton Physics, and Cloth along with animation by hand. Animation Master, Audacity, and Photoshop were the software used. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_j5nGkfCIE
  8. So I got bored waiting for our massive local data migration. So I patched together the 11 segments of Tin Woodman of Oz in one movie. Nothing new has been added or anything. But I thought it would be better to watch in one part not 11 parts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7sLaO73TCQ
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