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  1. HOMESLICE! HOMESLICE! HOMESLICE! ) These are fantastic. It's an amazing project but if I can ask, why do you need the 3d images, is it to show an angle you can't photograph? Look forward to more.
  2. SeanC.


    Just thought id show a pic of what ive been working on. Nothing worth getting excited about. There are obvious problems in the mesh and the textures are lacking but Im getting antzy for a new project and thought id post this before i move on for critiques. Thanks Sean
  3. C'mon Homeslice. Admit to it that those are real statues and you just took a purple crayon to them to fake the wireframes. Dang if those aren't some of the best models I've seen in quite some time. You've apparently spent some time with these. Not just one, but several. The texturing just adds so much to them as well. I am in awe!! Thanks for sharing. Are these created for a specific project, or just because you could?
  4. What a lot of wonderful looking assets you have created for your project! They look fabulous! They really do. And i love the idea that it's about Ravel! To me, the bits of animations you have up look too... "over smooth"? Perhaps the poses aren't extreme enough? perhaps they aren't held long enough? perhaps they have too many inbetweens? perhaps there isn't enough "anticipation" to the moves? I'm not sure. But when he closes the briefcase, it's a very slight move and the case closes without any feeling that it stopped because the two halves have met each other. Ok, this is Ravel, he's a dreamy "impressionist" , but i think a lot of CG floats in the "dreamy" mode a bit too long. On the other hand, I've only seen a few seconds. You may very well intend to balance out this with different animation in other parts of the film. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
  5. OK heres the deal, I got a script from a really good new writer its called the matador. Its about bull fighting. Well we need some animators, modelers, and concept artists. Please contact me if your intersted and supply a portfolio, or some images/ animations that your have done ( a website would be fine). If I like your stuff I will send a copy of the script. Thanks, Robert Fiermonte (Project Manager) :blink:
  6. This is my first time modeling a complete 3D figure. [b]The Hair is fixed! Disregard the Topic description [/b] :D Here are some sample renderings of my project. I am at intermediate level with A:M The scene with the buildings was giving me some problems. I was using a streaking particle system. I wanted to create some kind of electrical force field around the building with the big orb. When I rendered it, it kept on crashing. There was some kind of bug in the streak particle system in some of the frames.I think I will keep it simple. Does anyone have tips on creating a good looking and simple force field?
  7. Thanks for the tips guys. I managed to fix the black spots by flipping the normals. Unfortunately, every time I open the project it still looks all garbled like above and I have to mess with the bias settings to get it back to normal. Anyways... I also modified the body a little to make it closer to my own. (I made the muscles less defined) Hopefully, I'll be back to making some quicker progress soon.
  8. Peter, That is a great online journal! It was really nice to see how your project developed and to kind of follow along and see the work progress. Thanks for posting it!
  9. DearMad - Thanks for clueing us in! And keep on it. I love that sketch of Ravel. The project looks great and I can't wait to see it evolve. More renders please. I just watched FireFlies ... very moody and nice. Love the music ... sounds french? Nice job. I love the simplicity of the the models, it works very well. Congrats. You've done some inspiring work there. Doug
  10. Way cool stuff you have there. Spent quite a bit of time browsing your site and for a change words fail me. This project of yours will be awesome when it's done! Good Luck!
  11. Well, I deleted 10.5 and reinstalled again without the update and it atleast starts now, but I'm having loads of other problems. For one, every time I try to open a project, the program shuts down. Not to mention the fact that it still shuts down randomly for some odd reason. I'm also having trouble with the porcelain material. It's beautiful where it works, but all of my 5 point patches and some non 5 points have a wierd black area around them. I tried flipping the normals and it atleast makes them not black, the shading is still off. I even tried breaking and remaking some of the splines and it fixed some, but not all of the problem areas. I'm just getting really frustrated. I heard upgrading would fix the stability issues and thought it wouldn't have to run off the cd anymore. :sigh:
  12. Yes a cast shot is deffinitelty coming, maybe after the January teaser image though as there are still some characters whose design is being hammered out. I have a whole string of little teaser treats kind of half planned to generate and maintain outside interest for the project. Hopefully it will all build to a fever pitch around the same time we complete the animation -David Rogers
  13. Hey David, I too am glad to see this "secret" project is still alive. He looks good. Now, how about a cast shot? I never got to see that cherry, if I remember right :-) John
  14. Wonderful job there, duuude! Suddenly I get one of the last scenes from Chinatown with this guy in it. "I'm a fruit" slap "I'm a vegtable" slap "I'm a fruit" slap... Well, it's early here. Really like the personality that this character has already. Best in continuing this Secret Project.
  15. Is this secret project still underway?
  16. Okay, not looking so much for textures, but how to make a decent texture myself, you know? i want to make this a 100% me project, as far as actual resources goes, credit will go out to all those whom have offered help and suggestions!
  17. Thanks, Gilles. Dagooos is right about the 5 point patches with the normals facing the wrong way. Once you flip them they still might not look right but save the project and then open it again and they should be better. Jim
  18. Guest

    v11 alpha Hair WIP

    Hello Jim! Great work indeed. I was wondering if i should use AM for my next project, that model sure makes me think hard. The way porcelain is handled now sure is much better, but i get plack patches where my 5 pointers lies, tried redo them many ways but no success, any suggestions? hmm, i will have to start posting more to the forum if i want to get rid of that newbie label! Again, love the work, and from your splineage i'd say she'd animate real well, when do we get to see her in action? Gilles
  19. Really good costume design. Especially like southern cross's costume. Too bad about the ZB tute. I'll experiement my self, you just keep on with this project -- it's a lot of fun it seems for all of us to see!
  20. More superhero costumes and ideas. I'm filling out the universe a bit because I'm trying to to decide whether I remove some expression poses for the sake of making the characters simpler to animate. Joe Jacks: I leave specular highlights on all my characters until I'm sure I've finished modelling(including modelling poses). Specular highlights tend to show up patch problems, especially on 5 pointers. As you can see texturing is coming. CRToonMike: it got lost when we moved to a new ISP, and I haven't had a chance to search through the backups. If I can't find it, I'll do a new one with the texturing on this project, but it's time, time, time There's quite a few improvements as well. Obnomauk: Yeah , a solution. I did a quick search and there even seems to be an opensource PC emulator. Thanks David. Thanks Phil & Mega. I feel like the momentum is building again. Tentative names Nuclear Dude Southern Cross Captain Caffeinne(every animator's friend, just don't call him a short black) ??????? Off to animation test 1 now.
  21. i suggest you use cubic vr software to make your game's scenes. The way to do it is this, set the FOV to 112.5, and render front,right,back,left,up,down, front=0,right=90,etc, top=front+90Vertical,etc. Good luck with you project.
  22. Been following this thread and it's lotsa fun watching the evolution of a project like this. Of course, John's great characters make it that much more fun. Am kinda curious though, about using ZBrush and A:M together. There is a tute on ARM, but it comes up 404. Where is it, John? Very interested in reading it. Great work again.
  23. Parlo

    12 -

    I thought that it was time I posted something more substantial so here's a still from my new short "12". I can't say enough about Skycast and how much it has helped me so far with this project - the ambient light effect here is created entirely with that rig and it not only looks sweet, rendering it doesn't take an age either. Thanks to those who've helped out on the screw heads - I ended up using what I'd already built as skycast is very forgiving when it comes to minor flaws in patches. Did I say that it was rather good? There is still a bit of texturing work to do, but I've made good ground with the animation. I'm working to release the first episode of "12" by mid December - pay projects are starting to eat into my time again... Anyhow, looking forward to all your critical views.
  24. thank's i'll try it hopefully i have the patience as you to finish them. i'll start modeling a car and it takes about a day (3-5) hrs. then once i have the car modeled (except for major detailing) but the basic model like you had but the model will have some artifacts on on door moldings when i do a quick rendered so i call the project a flop and start over since it doesn't take long to model. but it just getting the initial paneling the way i want it. So when this is done it will have a realistic fell with moveable doors and maybe hoods.
  25. Hi Jim ... or shall I say "Spline Man" Great work (as always). You must be the guy I've seen who's got A:M best under control. I wish I knew how you get a model in AM so smooth. Are you 100% AM compatible or do you just have the world's patience? By the way, I'm using the same type of effect in my current project (A Music Video), however, in Ulead products it's on board (not a plug-in). Enough rambling... If you hadn't mentioned the finger nails and hair I wouldn't have noticed as I think you are "the Man" and I don't scout any pictures of your's for mistakes. (They are truly few) Great work Francois
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