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Everything posted by PurpleDingo

  1. Just.....wow. *wipes the drool away*
  2. And now.....for those who care, a brief history of the Evenstar: This ship started from me playing around with Nick Porcino's Enterprise model to come up with something that looked like a TOS version of the NX-01 and called it the Panama after my favorite Van Halen song. (take a moment....that song + ship coming out of warp = ) Out of respect for the model and its creator, and after pouring over ships designs and studying Nick's mesh and realizing a saucer isn't all that hard of a thing to build, I set out to redesign my ship. Still wanting something small and liking twin nacelles, I ended up with this: A friend of mine and I mulled over the engines for awhile and decided from the profile they looked too long without a secondary hull, so we went about looking to shorter, non-canon, pre-TOS nacelle design and also worked out the ship's backstory. I classified it for the time-being as a "heavy scout" meaning it could take care of itself for awhile if it needed to and sported older nacelles which weren't quite end-of-life and worked perfectly for patrol duty along the Neutral Zone and was also assigned to nearby Starbase. The ship does have 2 small hanger areas in the back of the saucer for smaller shuttlecraft, but not near the size of a full Constitution-class hanger. The front caps would be in the style of the The Cage / Where No Man's Gone Before with the coolie golden anttenae (sp?). I was determined to fit on the deflectors and got my inspiration from a design I remembered of a TOS miranda-class. I renamed it to Evenstar as a reference to one of my other favorite things, The Lord of the Rings. The rest, for now, is history. Currently, the ship is under re-construction again. I've been reshaping the back end of the saucer. Here she is and she stands now sans shuttle hangers: As always, C&C's welcome.
  3. Hey, thanks everybody for the kind words. I'll be posting more....maybe an evolution of where it started from. Jason, I agree! The ship just HAD to have deflector dishes. I'd like to give a special shout out to Tralfaz. Al's Greebles are used to connect the supprt pylons to the upper nacelle (solid u-bend), and also what the dishes connect to (couplers). Just for giggles, here's another shot... And please, comments are very welcome. Plenty more to come!
  4. It's been a very long time since I've posted....well anything (2007?). I've been logging onto the forums pretty regularly for inspiration and have been working on this for couple months. I present to you, the USS Evenstar.....a work-in-progress.
  5. No problem, Darkwing! I really appreciate your work on this. I've been playing with the X-Wing Jeetman provided in meantime. Can't wait to see the A-Wing! Thanks again
  6. Are you making this for a project to use or just for practice? The reason I ask is because there's an excellent X-Wing model in the donated models section on the hash site. I used it for the project I worked on for my brother-in-law and his friend. Check it out. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=a...st&id=21470 If you are just doing it as practice, then you're doing a great job so far!!! George Jeetman, Would you be so kind as to enlighten me where the donated models section is? I would really like to get my hands on that X-Wing. Nicely done video, btw I got it a while ago on the original site. The set up was different then in that you could download from different model catagories but this all in one should have the X-Wing model on it. I couldn't find the name of the person who made it unfortunately otherwise I WOULD have given credit where credit was due. Here's the link to the extra's CD. You can download a zip here http://www.hash.com/freemodels/ Hey Jeetman, Thanks for the help, but the X-Wing isn't in the zip file. That's the extras CD that came with the Yeti CD (2005?). Would it be possible to get the model to me directly?
  7. Are you making this for a project to use or just for practice? The reason I ask is because there's an excellent X-Wing model in the donated models section on the hash site. I used it for the project I worked on for my brother-in-law and his friend. Check it out. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?act=a...st&id=21470 If you are just doing it as practice, then you're doing a great job so far!!! George Jeetman, Would you be so kind as to enlighten me where the donated models section is? I would really like to get my hands on that X-Wing. Nicely done video, btw
  8. Great start, Clonewar. I agree with Matt. It is kinda bulky. Reminds of of the Kenner toy. Some of the lines along the nose look to be straightened. Keep it up!
  9. FOUND IT!! A:M Models Here's the site with the Star Destroyer. The Tyderium shuttle is actually pretty decent. Rigged with folding wings!!
  10. Actually, I'll try finding the site I downloaded it from. There were several other models as well.
  11. Hey everybody! Here's some screenshots from some of the greenscreening test footage. The ship is the Osprey model included in A:M. The distant pair of Star Destroyers are the ones I'd mentioned earlier. The starfield was done in A:M and composited with FXHome CompositeLab Pro. The pilot is a good filmmaking buddy of mine.
  12. That Jedi starfighte is amazing! Darkwing, Stardestoyer you say? That would be fantastic...... ...muahaha.....muahahahahahaa....Laugh with me, I say!! MMUUAAAHHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
  13. Something I just remembered..... What's the possibility of having the cannons able to rotate on an axle? One shot i had in mind is of one of the awings being chased by a TIE and the pilot rotating his cannons 180 degrees to shoot at the chasing TIE.
  14. Great looking models, Tralfaz. Right now, all I've decided on for sure are A-Wings and TIE Interceptors. The interceptor is taken care of by use of a really great 3DS model that imports perfectly. I've been toying with the use of a stardestroyer and possibly some random freighters...but who knows. There's an A:M destroyer running around that I found....looks great in far shots, but not so great close up. Again, this is all really in the development stage of "what can i pull off?"
  15. No problem, Darkwing. There's no rush. Looks like it's really coming along! I'll be posting some stills of my greenscreening efforts with the osprey model in A:M. Thanks, again!
  16. Wow!! I feel like I've created a monster with this thread! Lookin' good, so far DarkWing! Keep it up!
  17. This is all still really in the preproduction phase so no, I don't have a set time. I really appreciate your reply and looking forward to seeing what you can do. Thanks!!
  18. Hello, everyone! I'm not sure if this is asking too much, but I'm hoping there's someone out there who would be willing to help for the fun of it, or who knows where I could find one. I love A:M's easy to use choreography interface and finding staging and animating very intuitive, but a modeler I am not. To be honest, between writing the script, teaching myself how to greenscreen, research, etc etc, building a model from scratch is something I'm not having a lot of time left to dedicate to. If you are interested in jumping onboard, please contact me. I'm looking for a realistic as possibe Rebel A-Wing. All the 3DS models out there import very poorly to A:M.
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