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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Ilidrake

  1. I have got the complete svn on my computer. When I hit the update button to get my daily updates the program says the target directory is not empty. How do I get it to just update with redownloading everything? Do I just click yes or is there something else I need to do?

  2. *sigh* <_ i try again tomorrow. think it updated. anyway going to my parents tonight so won be able work on anything tonight. catch up friday saturday and sunday. should have something update monday. everyone take care. src="https://www.hash.com/forums/uploads/emoticons/minecraft_biggrin.png" alt=":D">

  3. Okay, updated the repository. That things a bit confusing and a bit of a pain to get working right. Anyway, PF Mark you can begin using the final set for animating. The only things that will change will be textures and window size. All the props will remain where they are.

  4. I've been thinking lately and I'm not one to usually say anything like this but what the heck! I was very reluctant to get involved in TWO. I looked at all the wonderful images being posted here on the forum and though 'No way my own work can compare to THAT!' And I would wonder, why get involved? I have my own things I want to do, my own little projects.

    Then I would go home and turn on the TV and see all of the hell going on in the rest of the world. The war over-seas. The turmoil going on in our own country and it dawned on me. Nothing is for certain. I have dreams and hopes, and one of them is to be involved with an animated movie. I realized that here's that oppurtunity. This might be my one and only chance to create something that the rest of the world will get to see. I might be able to sit down on my couch one day and say to my friends and family, 'That's the set, or character, or animation, that I did.'

    So if you use animation master, log on and contribute. It sounds corny but it's a rare oppurtunity that's happening here. Make the most of it.

    God bless....

  5. Okay I've read the svn wiki and all the other documentation but I still have a few more questions:


    First: I don't see me adding or taking away anything more prop-wise. I'm working on textures and decals now, tweaking them to get the right feel and look. The window will be enlarged and the inlay on the midwall moulding will be tweaked. My question is can pfMark begin animating using this set and I still tweak it? If I'm not mistaken that's how svn works, isn't it. I understand that he's ready to start and I hate to think I'm holding him back from moving forward. I try to work on this as much as possible, and still keep up my apperance of having a normal life :D I don't believe there is too much more to be done, but I leave that to the 'Big Guys' discretion.

  6. Gotcha. Give the room a nice feel with a pleasant look, but make sure the character is the focus of the audience. :D


    Scarecrow is sore from all this testing lol, just couldn't get comfortable no matter how I positioned him :)

  7. That's not a rag doll on the bed, that's scarecrow laying down lol. I'll start giving the furniture a used look tonight. I spent 6 hours texturing and cleaning the model up yesterday, including cleaning up file structure and such.


    Wall Paper: Are you saying the wall paper needs to be less bright, perhaps toned down a bit?


    Bed: That's the duvel (think I spelled it right) textured. The matress is actually beneath that. The balnket issue I'm addressing right now with bones and simcloth and when I have something more accurate I'll pass it to you. I have a roughed out animation right now of what I have if you'd like to see it. It's 3 meg so I'll e-mail it to you if you like.


    Window: I too agree that the window should be bigger with the inlay heavier. I keep telling myself that it fine, but now that I have another voice saying so....relief :D Consider it done.


    Window Frame: To keep the uniform of the molding I had it wrap around the window sill. The window has molding as well, it's just not as apparent from these shots. I'll do another screen shot of the exterior of the window so you can see what I mean.


    What exactly do you mean by fade the color? I don't quite understand what you mean?


    Thanks for the feed-back :)

  8. After alot of thought about Scarecrow I made quite a few changes. First of all the curtains. Red just wasn't doing it for me, makes me angry. It's also a royal color, and though he's a close friend to the Tinman he's not king. Besides, this room is his refuge in a tincastle so I wanted a more homey feel. I changed the texture of the curtains. I also added a mid-level molding around the perimeter of the room and gave it a light-wood texture with a tin inlay. This molding surrounds the door and window. For the floor I decided on a green-grayish texture with irregular stone work. The walls are papered with bright greens and browns and I think the overall effect warms the room considerably from the rest of the castle. What say all of ye?


    Al things were getting a bit messy with the files and I went through and cleaned them up. Everything I'm working on will be appended with 'sb' at the beginning of the filename. I'd like to clean out the Scarecrow Bedroom folder and dump all my new files inside. It's much cleaner and well organized. Thanks.




  9. Have to agree with you Al. I think the scarecrow is an upbeat bouncy fellow and his room should reflect his personality. Brighter colors. The marble does need to be redone and I'm currently working on something in Photoshop. I thought perhaps a white marble with a green swirl. I thought about adding molding about waist high around the room made of wood and tin inlay.

    The painting on the easel if actually one my daughter did in photoshop :D I think she's more excited about this movie than I. I'm trying to get as much stuff in the room without it looking too cluttered, yet giving it the lived in look. I'll move the easel opposite the bookshelf. What about stuffed animals? I thought about having a stuffed scarecrow doll on the bed, or maybe a lion?

    Now I'm just rambling...Anyway, I'll finish up the textures for the room tonight. You'll have to pardon the lighting in these recent shots, just the default 3 light setup.

  10. These shots should give you an idea of the room's scale. It's exactly the same size as the proxy. I raised the window a bit Kenh, it looks better. Each window pane is rigged for opening and closing, as well as constraints to keep them from being translated. I've added a bookshelf, easel and paints, toy train, and needle + thread along with a garment on the nightstand. For some reason I don't have access to svn so I can't upload anything to the server? Also I've included a screen shot of the action window. Whenever I open the action up everything is kinda garbled up. Hit Shift-8 to turn hair off and it fixes everything. Don't know if anyone else is having this issue.

    I've also been experimenting with cloth for the blanket. Using a mixture of bones and simcloth I roughed out a piece of animation of scarecrow getting out of bed and throwing the balnket off. It's around 3 meg so if you wanna see it I can e-mail it to ya.






  11. I have a good bit of the bedroom completed and wanted to commit finished models I have to the svn but everytime I try the program tells me that no files have been changed since last commit. Only I haven't committed anything yet. Help please.

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