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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Luuk Steitner

Hash Fellow
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Posts posted by Luuk Steitner

  1. I once had a problem like that. I was making spraying water that was moving fast. The blocks of particles where caused by the FPS limit. Apparently the particles are only emitted exactly on each frame and not calculated in between.

    One way to get better results out of this is increasing the FPS and render only the odd frames for example.

    Maybe your problem is the same, so you can try if this works for you.

  2. If you don't get it to play from the first frame save your project, close it and reopen it. (actually that is where the problem is) once you have reopened it the play range in the movie properties is set to 0. I don't know why this happens but it does. Maybe because this setting isn't available until you reopen.

    Go to the movie file in the PWS and set the play range to the actual length. It should play normal now.

  3. You can do it Nancy's way but still it's always good to learn expressions :)


    If you add this expression to your ambiance setting it will blink: If(Sin(ChorTime()*10)>0,1,0)

    The '10' stands for the speed, if you increase that number the speed in increase.

    The first '0' is the range the sin function runs from -1 to 1 so if the value is 0, the light will be on 50% of the cycle. If you want it to light for 10% of the cycle the expression would be: If(Sin(ChorTime()*10)>0.8,1,0)


    I hope this is clear enough ;)

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