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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by youngman

  1. Hi Leo, I think you will find it on the siggraph 2005 dvd,and i'm pretty sure it was done by Rodney. 2 motorbikes and a car right! I can't check this out at the moment as i am at work but i am pretty sure. Jay
  2. Can you be a bit more specific? Can you show a screen capture to show what you mean?
  3. Yaaay! I can't wait to get my hands on those Loons. Jay
  4. That's great new's Rodney. I have heaps of imagination but not the skill just yet to put into practice. Anything you can dig out on the Loon's that is suitable for TWO would be appreciated. If i can help in any way on this project would be great. p.s. when are the loon models going to be posted? I can't wait to have a go at modifiying the great Base models that have been created. Jay
  5. Crikey!! Rodney is there an online reference to the expanded Loon timeline? All i have managed to find is a very basic introduction to them from the following source: http://www.gutenberg.org/dirs/etext97/12woz10h.htm#chapter4 Any help would be appreciated. Jay
  6. Cheers rodney' Alright i'm going to stick my newbie head on the block and get ready for the volley's. Seeing the picture that you and teresa done of the loon and the dog i have created in my very limited way(I haven't done the model section in TAoA:M yet) a Bull-Loon-Dog (groan!) Hopefully it will inspire someone more talented to come up with a much better idea. Jay [attachmentid=20063]
  7. As i i have earlier stated in a previous reply on this thread,If anyone who is interested in participating in this part of TWO who doesn't have a copy of V13 i am more than happy of taking they're work in version's earlier than V13 and upgrading them in my V13 software and passing it on to the team on the project. The more people we can get involved in this great movie the better! regardless of the current version of the sotware they're using. Jay
  8. This could be fun! You don't have to have v13 to contribute to TWO. Having v13 will just let you dig a lot deeper into the production. Due to differences in file format I suggest teaming up with someone with v13. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If anyone is using a version below v13 i am quite happy to help out in any way if they want to get involved. Heck i might even learn something from the experience. Jay
  9. Exellent news. This is one part of the TWO project even i might be able to participate in. Even though i may not be able to do the animating part (i don't think i'm quite ready yet) i think even i could manage the modeling(modifing)part,even the decaling. Bring it on Do we just wait for the link in this forum to get more info/sign up? lol Jay
  10. Thanks Luckbat I thought i was going mad there for a second.
  11. I know this is going to sound really stupid but is there a problem with hair on ver 13f. I am not new to using this as i spent considerable time in version 12 messing about with it,but for the life of me i can't seem to get it to work in ver 13f. And yes i have tried it in ver 12 v+ again and it works fine. Please can anyone shed some light on this. Thanks Jay ver 12 screen shot [attachmentid=19839] ver 13 screen shot [attachmentid=19840]
  12. I don't know about how to retrieve your lost model!but a bit of advice from someone who has done the same thing. In your your model area 'Right Click - Save As' An absolute esentianal tool. Sorry if not much help for now,but invaluable for any new project.(from someone who shares your pain) Jay
  13. Thanks Guy's The site is still under construction and needs to be cleaned up a wee bit. I have e:mailed Martin to see if it is ok to add a link. Jay
  14. I'm not to sure if this is the right place to post this but i am not sure where else to put it. I am currently setting up my personal website where i can post all my animations for exercises plus anything else done with A:M. I have already put a link on there for the Hash website for people to go to,but my main question is can i also add a link to the TWO website.I really would like to promote this great project done by the Hash community but was not sure if i was allowed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please note the site is still under construction and may change shortly. Cheers Jay http://www.freewebs.com/youngman1/
  15. Cheers Stuart i knew it would be something silly.The frame range is a leftover from a sim cloth experiment which will be added to the picture later.This will be partialy covering the 35 up,with another character holding a placard with the word's 21 AGAIN and winking.She has a good sense of humor so will like it,either that or my life is going to be hell for a while. Cheers. [attachmentid=17682]
  16. Please can someone help me?I am doing a birthday card for a friend and have come to a standstill. As you can see from the quick render screen the picture(wip)is ok.But when i do a render to file the Thom model on HAPPY disapears and the HAT ends up on the floor. I am using the current version of V13a. Please someone tell me this is just a silly newbie mistake. [attachmentid=17679] [attachmentid=17678] [attachmentid=17680] P.s.I am not worried about the skydome problem as this is just a tempory item.
  17. Sorry Leo,I misread what you were after.I havent come across a free solution but there is a place called www.filecloud.com but this would cost in us dollars approx 4.95 a month.I don't know how much you spend on couriers but this might be a cheaper solution in the long run. Jay
  18. Hello Leo,I use a site called www.putfile.com they allow you to upload files to a max of 25mb in either avi or jpeg.It is password protected in as much you can only upload to your web space and delete stuff as neccessary but other people can look at it. Here is a my web address at the site www.putfile.com/youngman1.Sorry it's not hot linked as i am @ work at the momement and are systems are restricted.I hope this helps. Jay
  19. Thanks Dhar,Ithink i've got the idea.See attached (it aint pretty)needs some work,plus i'm getting a bit goggled eyed @ the momement.Fresh eyes are needed tomorrow. cheers. [attachmentid=17141]
  20. [. You need to modify your Ground model so that it has a hole in it corresponding to where the dugout is. A:M doesn't dig holes for you! Can you say "D'oh!"? I'm being a real newbie here.How do i cut holes in the ground model.I have tried to delete cp's and all they are doing is removing holes @ opposite area's.See attached images. [attachmentid=17139][attachmentid=17140]
  21. Sorry i will be more precise in what im after. I am doing exercise 4 in Taom and im modelling a baseball pitch(done).i want to add a dgout at the side of the pitch wich will have players in it.the top half will show above ground with the bottom half under.But if i were to pan the camera past at a high angle i would like to see into the Dugout.I hope this explains what effect im after a little better.Thanks. [attachmentid=17137][attachmentid=17138]
  22. I have attached some new pictures of the model above the ground plane. It dosent have a base. [attachmentid=17135][attachmentid=17136]
  23. Please can anyone help me?I am trying to model a bunker that would give me a trench effect,ie showing the top half of a character from a straight on view.But when the camera goes above the character i would like to see into they're trench.I have attached some screenshots of a simple model but when i put the model halfway down the ground the hole is filled by the ground.(hhhheeeeellllppppp). [attachmentid=17133][attachmentid=17134]
  24. Cheers willp,Where will the announcment be made?sorry i'm new to the forum side of thing's and still working out how to do things. Jason
  25. Hi I don't know if anyone else is having this problem as well as me. I'm trying to log into the community from ver 12u and keep on getting an error message that reads: Exception #23.Socket error in stream. And in ver13 beta 1 i am getting the following message:Cube Map (Cross) In both instances the program completely hang's and does nothing. Can anyone help or shed any light on this for me? Many thanks Jason
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