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Everything posted by tido

  1. Hmmm, we will probably need buildings. I'm sure we could use the princess' castle
  2. Are you able to rig? lol
  3. it's looking a lot better Jequed! I see that, instead of moving the top of the head down, you changed the hat, that's good. His head fits better in that hat now What do you guys think?
  4. I dropped the glory fight idea. the second idea I gave was just to find a way to make mario take a bite out of toad thinking he is a good mushroom...I think it is funny, at least more than the grocery take... I have another script idea: let's call it idea 3 lol mario is jumping from one green pipe to another (he seems to have fun with his yohoo wa screams...) meanwhile, luigi is taking a journal and go toward the bathroom... We see mario jumping in another gree pipe and he starts running in the pipe... We see luigi sitting on the toilet and opening the journal Mario is still running canera close up on luigi and, all of a sudden, we see his eye getting round... (you see where I'm getting...) sorry for my pipi caca jokes but I really think we need some lol
  5. I know these clips aren't good inspiration but they were funny. I have some script idea. tell me what you think: 1. we make a 3d recreation of the first super mario bros(I know nuns didn't like this part but I want every1's opinion) and then, when mario gets to the castle, we see the princess waiting in her room and mario grabs a mushroom... we hear something growing (but we don't know what grew) and, when he close the door, there is a small mushroom passing by with "viagra mushroom" written on it. 2. mario has a big fight with kupas and others and we see him walking half dead. He sees a mushroom to heal. Grabs it and takes a bite. He then realizes it is toad. Toad gets mad and ... I dont know, find the ending... tell me what you think of this.
  6. I was looking for inspiration for the script and look what I found: http://www.yourfileupload.com/video/view.p...e8a011d2205e85d http://video.delirant.com/humour,1268,Grand-Theft-Mario.php http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/196510 http://terminal71.com/flash/mario.php lol some are so funny!
  7. well, I say, if case wants to make a game, he can make a game... where's the problem with that?
  8. Here is what I would change on luigi: The top of his ear should at the height of the bottom of the hat. I think you should move down the top of the head to fix that. the hair behind has a strange shape. You should remove the part in blue. You also should curve the mustache back.
  9. Don't ask me to do materials, I don't even know how it works hehe.
  10. PM me your email and I will send mario to you! Edit: I have a question, what is happening with the luigi model?
  11. I just had a flash for a scene. (it needs a lot of work) Bowser (or another character) takes a Huge dump and blocks the toilet. He calls a plumber to fix it So mario comes and work in his shit...
  12. If you really want to, you will be able to do better than me. I never studied in 3d or anything related to art, I simply like it (as a hobby) so, all you need is practice and patience. Do a model part by part (concentrate on only one part of it) and you'll see it is not that hard.
  13. Ok, here is mario! He is not rigged and I have never rigged any character so I'm not sure how to do it. any1 will take care of it? EDIT: Oh yeah, I need a "M" decal for the hat!
  14. I have an idea for the script. Why not ask the ppl from mario fan sites if they have ideas!
  15. Here is another update on mario. If you guys don't poing me anything, I will consider the body completed and I will need the head to attach it and complete it
  16. Actually, that head is the head I made and gave to Deathstar so he could try to fix some problems with it. I saw he completly redid the mouth, moved the ears a bit, created eyes and maybe some other things but I would rather say it is our model and not his model... and... what did you do to the mustache? On pictures, it is black and not shaped that way... Edit: Why aren't the ears still round? mario is a character with round ears. Well it may depend of the image we chose...
  17. here is the hand (I copied it from a character on the extras cd, added more details on the fingers and on the top of hand so it is not "all" from me hehe) hand.mdl
  18. Man, I hate copy/flip/attach. what am I doing wrong? I know I can simply copy paste then flip the x but there should be an automatic way PS, dont laugh at me lol
  19. Deathstar, did you take a look at the head model I sent you? (are you still around?) Jequed, do you want to use the hands on my mario model?
  20. Don't take this the wrong way but here is how I compare these two pictures: the body you made looks rectangular. No thumb on the hand. The legs are too straight. and I also compared the size of buttons to the body and look at the result. But I really like the shoes, would you mind uploading then so I can use it on mario?
  21. Glad to see the project advancing! Didn't add anything to mario yet, I'll try to post an update this week
  22. according to this picture, mario is kinda fat... and I translated his arm and neck up caus I think it was making you think he was too fat and his legs were too long.
  23. Hey all, here is my progress for mario.Don't say it needs smooth, didn't start that yet, just finished the first modelling step
  24. Personaly, I think luigi is only a mario scaled on the y axe. If you ask some1 else to model him, he could have some small differences and look strange but editing a bit the face, keeping the hat ans scaling the body should do it...
  25. I spent some time trying to smooth mario and it aint getting better than this. I don't get it, the splines seem very smooth but, to the render, they aren't much. If you guys don't like it, I suggest that someone else could finish the face.
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