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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by detbear

  1. This is my own model straight from AM. The group names show up when I hold the cursor over them. I notice that if you add spline rings and add them to a group, it messes it up. You need to erase the group and create a new one including the new mesh. ALSO....LUMION hates open holes...so I made that shape enclosed.
  2. Yes. When you hold your cursor over the color groups, the names of the groups appear.
  3. Too bad the guy who created this exporter isn't still around. He could probably fix it for Lumion.
  4. I wish I knew more about coding. I'm afraid I'm not much help..... I did have this thought.....The models in A:M default to that yellow color. underneath when you select a model. You know what I'm talking about......I wonder if that could somehow over-ride group colors. Like I said, I know very little about this.
  5. I think if you added a few more splines it would not cull in lumion.
  6. It comes through culled really bad. It does have the two colors. That's probably because your model doesn't have enough geometry. When I try it with a more complexed model....say the minifig. It doesn't work. Still has one solid color. No matter how simple or short the names are. I have no spaces in them. Even if you can get that to work, an obj isn't going to transfer Mapping along with it for stamps.
  7. Which program are you taking the AMXtex export to?
  8. I get that result as well in blender but not in Lumion. When I export the minifig into Blender it comes up with colors. I went back and shorted the names as well as removing the decals. But straight from A:M to Lumion doesn't work out very well. I could go through Blender but that would take forever.
  9. That's my question. I have no idea. Did you use materials or just add color to the groups.
  10. Do you think it is the same case with .3DS exports. Those carry the color info. OBJ does not. Even from Blender as I said above.
  11. Here's a screen capture.
  12. As far as I can tell....yes.
  13. The obj files don't transfer group data. Needs to be 3DS Doesn't look like the whole model transferred. missing two sides.
  14. OK....not sure I did that right. I'm fresh into Blender so I don't know all the ropes. cylinder Y&G.zip
  15. here is the difference between the 3ds and obj. ALSO: I created that in Blender Robert. Not sure I can match it in A:M as you need.
  16. Here is the obj and MTL files, but they don't carry the info. Only the 3DS does. OBJ CUBE.zip
  17. That is only one file and it's not in ASCII text format and it's not OBJ. 3Ds isn't going to help us. We need to work with OBJ because that can be a text file. I need the four the four files I listed and I need them in ASCII text. See how they have readable text and readable formatting... example OBJ: # OBJ - Exported from Animation Master # 1OBJ mtllib CYL.mtl o CYL.OBJ v 6.76197 21.8464 0 v 4.79586 21.8464 4.79586 v 4.24249 15.8275 4.24249 v 5.98175 15.8275 0 v 3.68912 9.80858 3.68912 v 5.20152 9.80858 0 v 8.06357e-08 21.8464 6.76197 v 7.13316e-08 15.8275 5.98175 v 6.20275e-08 9.80858 5.20152 v 4.24249 15.8275 -4.24249 v 4.79586 21.8464 -4.79586 v 4.51609e-07 15.8275 -5.98175 v 5.10515e-07 21.8464 -6.76197 v 3.68912 9.80858 -3.68912 v 3.92704e-07 9.80858 -5.20152 v -4.24249 15.8275 -4.24249 v -4.79586 21.8464 -4.79586 v -5.98175 15.8275 -9.03218e-07 v -6.76197 21.8464 -1.02103e-06 v -3.68912 9.80858 -3.68912 v -5.20152 9.80858 -7.85407e-07 v -4.24249 15.8275 4.24249 v -4.79586 21.8464 4.79586 v -3.68912 9.80858 3.68912 # 24 verticies vt 0.00000 1.00000 # 1 texture coordinates g default s 1 usemtl UnKnown0 f 1/1/1 2/1/2 3/1/3 4/1/4 f 4/1/4 3/1/3 5/1/5 6/1/6 f 2/1/2 7/1/7 8/1/8 3/1/3 f 3/1/3 8/1/8 9/1/9 5/1/5 f 1/1/1 4/1/4 10/1/10 11/1/11 f 11/1/11 10/1/10 12/1/12 13/1/13 f 4/1/4 6/1/6 14/1/14 10/1/10 f 10/1/10 14/1/14 15/1/15 12/1/12 f 13/1/13 12/1/12 16/1/16 17/1/17 f 17/1/17 16/1/16 18/1/18 19/1/19 f 12/1/12 15/1/15 20/1/20 16/1/16 f 16/1/16 20/1/20 21/1/21 18/1/18 f 19/1/19 18/1/18 22/1/22 23/1/23 f 23/1/23 22/1/22 8/1/8 7/1/7 f 18/1/18 21/1/21 24/1/24 22/1/22 f 22/1/22 24/1/24 9/1/9 8/1/8 # 16 polygons example MTL: newmtl UnKnown0 Ns 200 Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Kd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 Ks 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 d 1.000000 Ni 1.000000 sharpness 1.000000 If it looks like this, it's not ASCII text... TextEditor.JPG obj isn't going to help me either....it needs to be a .3DS file. I don't think obj is going to carry the info.
  18. LOL How many forums do you frequent that allow uploading of 3DS files? Silly human. As Robert suggests any zip file can be uploaded. I'm not the best Forum user....you are correct. I'm trying to get better.
  19. There was no .MTL created with the .3DS export. Yet it works fine in Lumion
  20. Robert, I sent that file to your email. here is a zipped version color_cube_Blender.zip
  21. you you guys have blender. The forum says it won't allow this type file to be uploaded
  22. Here are two images and the file. The two images show the designated sides. They are lighting up green as selectable unlike the A:M exports. Wouldn't let me upload the 3ds file here.....wonder why??? Hmmmm
  23. Here is the smooth model in Lumion for instance. The green shows when you hold your mouse over it in the texturing panel. If you notice the green covers the entire model rather than a specific part.
  24. Make a very simple model with the same groups in both, then open their OBJ exports up in a text editor and the differences will probably be apparent. I didn't miss it. The files from other Apps like blender look like an alien language. So I can't tell what's going on.
  25. Rodney. Is there a way to change the bmp default on a model file. Without spending forever. That could very well be it.
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