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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Jin-Kazama

  1. very nice work..i realy like this female, by the way, is there anyplace where i can find real human rotoscopes???
  2. aha...i c.....ok..what is that suppose to mean:( i would like to ask first, do i need to use it or the result i got in my last image is good enough?? realastic car rendering is a big challenge for me with AM ver11 while no HDRI or anything exist...i'm not going to use this audi in a project or a movie, it will go directly to www.3dfrogstore.com for sale...i made it for sale infact...but beside this, i wanted tocome up with something good and looks like what other 3d apps can do...so it's just about smoothing and rendering challenge and...sale:)
  3. excuse me but what is the exr decals and in which version it is? i have version 11 so i don't find this thing.
  4. thanks...the reflection is a real building model but somehow far from the car, i didn't understand what does exr decals means matt...can u explain more? i liked the truck that agep did, he's a realy great artist, i wish i can do a littel good work of his..
  5. hi all here's an update, how does the car surface looks like? is it ok now? robcat...i will give ur material a try...i like it.. i also changed the chairs material... waiting for your comments waheed
  6. ok...i tried to test deffrent material settings but couldn't achive the look of the metalic body of the car, does anyone know the best settings? ofcourse i will use some white squares above the car to get the look of reflective surface, i'm using the skylight reg lighting setup...if there's something else better, i would be happy to know it. i increased the rougness of the back chair mat by mistake so that's why it looks bad, i adjusted that already... i would like to know if u got ideas for the car paint and lighting... thanx in advance
  7. hello there i was checking my old models when i found an uncompleted audi wire frame, this one was one of my tests while i was trying to model automotive models in AM. i decided to complete it, here's the result. also there's a wireframe image for the car from inside, i tried to make it simple to not puch the patche count higher. i hope to get your comments if something is wrong or if have to modify something to make it better, thanks
  8. hello every one i was so busy during the last month working on a project for my company, it's a competation but...i coudln't make it on time..the dead line is today and i didn't finish it yet...cuz i'd informed about it too late... no problems...i think it's good to share it with u and check out your opinons. also i was working on HASH CITY models but i stopped for a while for this project, as u see the progress of my buildings modeling...i made windows as boolean cutters which was decaled from inside. i will keep going with it soon, but for now i would like to know what do u think of my ANT project pix... thanx
  9. i'm not sure yet...i guess only 2 or 3 streets....if i would do so, i won't be able to move anything and it may kill AM
  10. hehehe....yeah dhar maybe...but the final sene would have ppl walking along the srteet...the first image on the left shows the original city i made, the others were made in about 4 hours of working.........i'm just warming up like a scanner...i want to complete even 2 connected streets but the huge number of patches scares me and slows down the modeling process so i'm thinking of a good way to do it...i need a refrence image for a street like this if some one have...details and small details r also a headache...i guess i need to play GRAND THIFT AUTO VICE CITY....i'm theeeeere
  11. yes sir, i guess u r right...i've never finished a project...i think it's time to think of why i don't finish things..i promised u with this city..........i guess it's time to do what i promised to...
  12. this is an old thread...i canned the project till i have sometime
  13. i don't understand???
  14. here's the first clothing test all i want to know why the cloth intersect with the body number 1 shows the shirt spline patch...should it be more??? number 2 shows the body of my player...should i increate the patch there??? number 3 shows the cloth part of the shirt does any one have a solution?
  15. yes robcat...the values are the double of those in the tutorial...i donno why but it worked this way...if u would like to take a look at the model itself i would email it to u, just drop your email address to me...the fanbones around the hips ring is alot because i had to make the body have good number of patches for the cloth... thanx
  16. here are more updates...i finished the most joint setup of fan bones....any comments?
  17. here's another thing why the hip ring looks good in wireframe mode and when render it looks like that? i feel so happy with my results cuz i never thought that i will do something like this one day
  18. i guess there's a version for mac... her's an update...the right shoulder fanbones was set, is the fanbones correct? also look at his hair...does it look natural? i made is from a displacment decal... and what about the shade...does his body has shade now? i want your openions
  19. yes dhar.....i will buy it tomorow...but the problem that it won't work cuz my AM version is 11 and it works for 12 and 13.... i resetup the bones....and started with the elbow area where i added 3 bones as fan bones ( thanks robact i will write your name in the credit as my rigging supervisor )
  20. i will check it out i have some questions i used hooks in my player body..does this effect the cloth simulation? what are null objects and what do they do and how can i use them? thanks alot...it looks that i have along road to pass
  21. hi again....thanks for ur replies...the texture has no shade...i decaled the rotoscope i used...it belongs to poser 6..i didn't find any better reference, but the other image shows the decal i'm working on..does it have shade too? decaling is a hard thing...i'm just starting with it...if someone know a tutorial about painting a body decal from scratch using PS or any other 2D program i will be greatful thanks Dhar..ramadan mobarak brother
  22. thanks alot robcat2075........u uncovered what i couldn't understand....thank u so much how does the player look? the head and his body? any comments?
  23. hi there it has been along time..but i'm back. during all that period i was testing, addjusting and remodeling stuff, finaly i came up with this player character, i remodeled his body...what about clothing...i made some tests to see what every setting does..to be honest...some of them was very strange to me to understand...all i wanted to know is like: what will happen if i increase the stifness value and what will happen if i decrease it. simulating cloth in the action window wasn't ok..cloth mesh is dancing on the body surface very fast and shackes alot...not normal..i tried to simulate clothing in the chor window and it worked fine...i was simulating the ends of my cloth only..and i was wondering if i can simulate other parts. but cloth appearance was always depends on the body surface shape...that's where i stopped..rigging my model. i have a problem with the joints places...shoulders,elbow and hips..i heard about the fan bones and i search for a tutorial that explain it...i found this one http://www.sonofpat.com/shoulders.html but i stucked, in the bone mode i added the fan bones and assigned the CPs as the tutorial says...then he says that i have to create a pose...right clith on the model icon and i choosed new-opse, here i found 2 options, percentage and on/off...which one i have to use? i choosed the percentage one...then i made the constraint orient like but what happen is that is pulls the CP away from its original location...what should i do here? should i adjust the bone position? and if i did so for all fan bones...why it doesn't work when i try to animate the shoulder bone in the action window?? i realy need lots of help understanding this bone setup.. can anyone guide me please?
  24. here is more details this is how my player body and his cloth looks like..., the other image is from fifa world cup 2006 on the xbox game console...look at the cloth simulation for the players T shirt and short..is this result possiable with AM cloth...i would like to know what i have to do to make cloth work
  25. thank u so much for your comments, it gives me the power to go ahead with this project infact, after the first player model..i took a look at him trying to discover any problems, then i decided to remodel some parts of his body to look better, i'm concentrating on details now..as u see, i changed his shoes to a better one, also i changed the T shirt and short...and because i want to give him a realastic look...i decided to use cloth simulation for his T shirt and short..but i'm facing some problems now and i wish to get solutions for it if it's possiable. i did a smart skin for the bending parts on the right side, how can i copy the smart skin to the left side, i read something about doing a mirror thing but wasn't clear enough for me, i'm using AM 2005 also, my T shirt and short are in the same model..i rigged him, and i assighned the T shirt and short CPs to the same bones i assigned to the body, but when i try to simulate the shirt sleeves it diesn't work..i tried to assign the CPs to another bone which doesn't belong to the skelton but the shirt sleeves doesn't move while i can see a assigned cloth in the dynamic mode moves..is it a problem with the settings or what..i use the defualt cloth settings..or maybe i have to increase the patche count for the T shirt sleeves and the body? the normals for both are facing eachothers...if someone can help me with that i will be greatful thanks
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