Thanks Hutch,
I tried that and it did work for one pose but not the other. Don't understand that, but it only takes a second to turn on so it doesn't bother me
What I do in those cases is select just the very tip of the ( toe in this case) hit the H key to hide the rest Zooooooom way in and you'll see that it's basicly a single spline with a bunch of cp's (a circle) but it's all wadded up sorta smooth it out as best you can so that it's a nice round circle and it'll render a lot better hope this makes sense
Thanks for the comments. You have to go in pose sliders and set "basic rig" to on also IK arms or IK legs I don't know how to set the default to "on"? Any help there?
Yes Wegg you're right I saw some pictures of Mr. Cosmans model on the 10sec club's site and thought he'd be perfect to learn with. So I made my own just like it. Kinda like a grown up Thom! Maybe Thom's big brother? I might call him Wally...............Now for Thom's sister...
I've finally modeled and rigged something that works. He's not totally original I saw something like this somewhere and liked the look so I made my own. but the rigging is all mine. Thanks to Sonofpat for the tuts. in fact thanks to everyone that gave anyone any advice on modeling and rigging. I read these forums alot but I don't post much. If I have a ? usually someone has asked it before me. So anyway please check this guy out take him apart tell me how to make him better.Then I'm gonna start learning to animate!
Get him here