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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Mr MM

  1. Tried to make some photorealism... Well just newbie photorealism Thanks to Mr Talbot for the model and the education Sure there are better students But perhaps this is the future a virtual Michael J in everyones living room Sure you have to use your VISA-card first but then he steps in to your own Holoverse http://www.holoverse.com/ Or shall we make some Iconoclasm? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconoclasm Stop rendering the living and the dead? The question is for sure not so easy to answer. But think about it - feel about it? Comments welcome!
  2. Very nice! He/She is twrowing something. Yes, but what? Throwing it towards the horizon. And then looking for it towards the horizon. But then looking for it towards zenith. The logic? What I am missing most is some sound... But very good done!
  3. It took me about six hours to do the bunny. Here a little more... with the splines. I have used some hookes to insert the legs and ears. The legs are 8-point lathes with some extruding. The legs I have first modelled from the top view. And then building them together with the body by inserting 4 new points in 4-point patches in the body to be able to connect the legs. And then I have rotated them. And done some fixing up. The eyes I have not done very much to. I have to get some better eyes - some day! Now I have tried to do a transparent material to show a red ball I have modeled and placed inside the head behind every eye, But the transparent setting will not let the red eye ball shine through - but it was just an experiment. How have you built the skeleton? Can you upload a picture of your skeleton? Not yours - but your bunnies!!!!! And one more question to you - have you used a decal? And then some hair? And one more - what kind of material do you use for strawberries?
  4. I just had to have a try myself. Here is my bunny. For sure it is not that easy. I did not have a crisis though there are lot of creases. Animation Master is missing a button. The NOT-CREASES button. There is such a button in Flash. If you have made a drawing in Flash. You can select the drawing or part of it and then click the SMOOTH button. Perhaps something for the Hash folks to think about. A little smoothing out in 3D can not be that hard to program?!., What do you think of my bunny?
  5. That was really a funny animation! Very nice! The ears - why do you not let them act a bit - turning forwards - waiting for the strawberry - turning backwards - eating the strawberry! And I think you can make the eyes much, much bigger! The eyes are really the things going into the soul contacting the universe. So have a try - make them really BIG! And no sound! That is shit! The strawberry has a sound touching the ground. And the bunny eating it must have a sound. You can make the sounds yourself. Just some noise in a microphone... and perhaps some filter(s) to make your own sounds a little more realistic. With sounds your animation will come to life! And then perhaps some lip-synced words from the bunny up to your own imagination. And you will have not only an anonymous bunny - You will have A CHARACTER! About the bones - I do not know - there must be a lot of members here able to answer that question!
  6. Through just detaching some things! Perhaps?.,
  7. Had a look on your movie - still the hindlegs! You can go to this adress and have a search on: rabbit And you will find a lot ot pictures.
  8. You are a genius modeling/animating, Mrs Gormezano. A really sexy cattess. About the cattess Mror: http://www.pagehalffull.com/thom.html And here is more sexy cats: http://www.catsplay.com/book.php3?isbn=068817650X
  9. This is a trick - turn the things - your pictures - models - upside down - and you can see reality better - you are not so deceived of your opinions about how things looks in reality. This trick can be worth testing! Too me it looks like the bunny has a huge body then turned upside down,
  10. I had a try in Photoshop to make a reference study. There is some differences! I am not so fond of photorealism. I think you can do the eyes bigger. It is always good with big eyes. It makes the bunnies more attractive, like all models with big eyes!?.,
  11. I had a look on your bunny. Looks good except the back-leg. It looks to me a little mechanical - the sides of the leg just looks as they are mirrored. Perhaps this photo of a running bunny can give you some idea?!.,
  12. Really nice! I also like the background - only 2D flat orange. It questions the belief in 3D. Perhaps the cat is out walking on a very huge orange fruit... Who knows.... But red together with orange - that is not my favorite combination of colors... Blue instead of red?!., I had a Google search on: color meaning perhaps something for your imagination - http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/index.html http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-theory-basics.html http://www.crystal-cure.com/color.html http://myth.com/color/meaning.html http://www.thiaoouba.com/see_aura_color.htm http://web.mit.edu/philos/www/color-biblio.html
  13. Let´s hear your animation soon. I really long for hearing it - listening to the woman of Good Taste and the gallery of Good Taste and the paintings of Good Taste. What are they saying? How do they sound? It is really the thing most missing in this version! I must say I relly think you have got the room good - the gallery - the art hall - it really looks as art halls - those religious places substituting religion for the ones loosing the faith in "the one word" - God, Allah, Dieux, Jumala, Jehova, Jahve, Elohim, Ahura, Mazda, E=Mc2, Volvo, Hickup, ... - the gate to going behind the words by sitting down on your bottom - sometimes called the ass - listening to yourself - to loose yourself - to discover that you are breathed - to discover you are breathing - your breathed I is breahting your self. A art hall more lofty than most other art halls. Sure - that sounds good?!., You do not have to believe in it - just do it! So let us hear some sounds - art halls of that dimension must have some echo! Let´s hear some words uttered of this woman so utterly decieving herself - being decieved of the ones selling her the substitutes - currency paper - hanging on the walls. Perhaps she will sit up after lieing down - feinted/passed away - having found something - reborn -having found it in Her Self - shouting the One word - her own One word - trying to glue it on something - a bulls name glued to the painting of the bull? Making her to a producer - not only to a consumer - perhaps a little creator in her first attempt to glue her own one word to the world expressing her own impression of Oneness. It can be funny and sad in the same time... Sure it is your story Mr Keates not mine - I have only tried to do a little dusting... Just some links of inspiration for You - your I: Dusting Spiral Galaxies http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap980116.html http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/14801816/ http://www.netidentity.com/jumpPage.asp?mp...=bull.org&ef=NA http://www.primalworks.com/primalzen2.html http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/C.../chinchar2.html Recipient of DaimlerChrysler "Design Excellence Award" at SEMA 2001 The new individual church? there is good ground for parties with your friends in the surroundings... sure a big art hall there to see... wiht some sounds... birds singing?!., http://www.loftyshelters.com/
  14. As an alternative to Painter from Corel Real Draw Pro is worth testing: http://www.mediachance.com/realdraw/ It is both vector and bitmap - shareware - but only for Windos. Expression 3 is another alternative to test. It is free! It is from Microsoft - but it is both for Windos and Mac: http://www.microsoft.com/products/expression/ Hope you saw my pun - WinDos http://www.pldos.pl/windos/windos.htm
  15. Thanks for your reply Mr Keates! Well the drug you were talking about is called a No-drug-to-Yes-Perhaps! Just a tips! And Painter is a really good program. I agree. And another tips! There is a program called Real Draw Pro. You can download it here: http://www.mediachance.com/realdraw/ And it is really, really good. Just look on how they have made 3D out of 2D pictures just with some lamps - lightning a vector image. And it is a bitmap program too - not only vector. Have a try on it... There are a lot of possibilities. And you can find some good tutorials. It is a little different because it have new possibilities you do not find in other programs. And it is shareware!!!! And if you want to pay it is not so many bucks! Hope your Good Taste animation are turning out good - hope I have helped you in some way - perhaps through realizing what not to do?!., Your animation have inspired me to think out some kind of the same but with a handicapped man in a wheel chair in an art gallery with contemporary art paintings resembling different currencies hanging on the walls - a dollar painting beside a yen painting beside a euro painting beside a yuan beside... Well it is not so sexy - it has a little more connection to contemporary society. What do you say about my idea? Animated social realism. With a society where both men and women are reduced to their money value.... with their human values taken down to....deflated to some low level.... below the navel... just to shit... I must say I am a bit worried about the things taken place here and now in our world. In our contemporary art gallery!?., With some central bank painters trying to do contemporary art.... on paper.... not much calories in papers... perhaps you can pop them in oil... making pop-art... to get something for your stomach... And the plot in "my" story is about the same as yours - a little hijacking of your show... hope you don´t mind... If you like to read something postmodern about shows you can have a look on: http://www.threemonkeysonline.com/threemon...e_spectacle.htm http://library.nothingness.org/articles/SI/en/pub_contents/4 Guy Debord and the Society of the Spectacle. “Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation”. Perhaps something for your animation and your mockery with "contemporary" art. Back to my animation thoughts inspired by your virtual one. It is a little easier to animate wheel-chairs perhaps making the man so little you cannot see him.. I am not so good on animation as you are - just a newbie. And the plot goes on - the wheel-chair man also falling in love with one of the paintings... reaching a really hypnotized, orgasmic level -. and the result - the same as your ladys - feinting away or passing away.... I have not decided yet upon that question... will have a look on the stock index first....
  16. Modeling a "cigar just being a cigar" seems to me to be a bit limited - just realism. Animating a "cigar just being a cigar" cannot be very funny. And showing an animated "cigar being just a cigar" cannot draw such a large audience. And in this case with a female actress there is an other quote perhaps more adequate: http://www.geocities.com/jiji_muge/isarose.html "A rose is a rose is a rose" Gertrud Stein on contemporay art Perhaps not realizing this is perhaps why the art lady gets out counted of pleasing herself with her own self-image in a such an overwhelming format - filling up all her field of vison obscuring all other views. So Mr Keates why not let the painting of the bull give her a smile of revenge then she falls back on her back stretching out her arms and perhaps legs wide-spread. This bull probably having a capacity so totally overlooked of the lady of Good Taste. And the grey painting just being grey can also give her a smile like all the other paintings in their own right to express themselves and being expected to being looked upon. Hope I have not giving you more headache Mr Thom! And if so I can give you a good remedy I am using myself - just sit down on your bottom twenty minutes or more and let you be breathed - meditating - so to say. Trying to answer the question: Who is the breather? http://health-fitness-center.com/
  17. Thanks for your reply Mr Keates! Well you say temporary art - to me it more seems like art from the beginning of the 20th century but for sure that kind of art has a lot of influence still. This grey painting everyone talks so much about gets me to think about Malevitch: http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/malevich_kasimir.html I believe he was a serious man - but it can be hard to try to be serious, most people do not want to be that serious... perhaps you can in the same time be both serious and ordinary... liking a good cup of tea.... in silence... having a chat with your friends... Here is his painting I am thinking of - perhaps something for your gallery!
  18. Well, I had a lot of thoughts that were taken away by Mr Poissant but they are gone now! And Mr Poissant is a nice guy I know. He only wants us to follow some rules... B) B) B) B) I can write them down again, but the thing that perhaps got Mr Poissant to censor me was my analyse of why she feinted - there is an old story - I belive most of you have heard about it - it is about a guy who got killed because he rejects his brothers wife and being only interested in himself .... some resemblance here... And this guy did not like to love someone else. He was only interested in pleasing himself. And it was about having one sided views - I wrote - falling in love with your own views. And I concluded if I was right - you have in some way to express it more - perhaps showing not only how she rejects the paintings - but how she is in love with her own image of herself - fingering on different parts - trying to stylish her hair, trying to get her clothes behave in som manner... showing that she does not care not only for the other paintings but perhaps she does not care for other people... not for men.... a little sex will always make the public look with a little more interest... And I gave you an adress to you to study to communicate this hidden message - sure I think you have to hide it - but a little more showing can get the message little better into the unconcious of the public... Here is the adress: http://www.answers.com/topic/masturbation And you can read: The word onanism was formerly used as a synonym because it was linked to a Biblical story (Genesis 38:7-9) in which a man called Onan "spilled his seed upon the ground" to avoid impregnating his dead brother's wife (see levirate marriage) and, because "the thing which he did displeased the Lord", Onan was killed. And there are some more topics of interest: Masturbation among human females Humor and masturbation And I wrote perhaps I have missinterpreted the whole thing. Perhaps I am totally out of topic, if so skip my comments.... or perhaps this will try to change the end a bit.... letting the paintings re-act to her act of feinting... perhaps smiling to her.... having learnt her a lesson... OK! I hope this will not be censored.... I believe we are grown-ups.... living in the 21st century.... having the right to discuss issuses of interest, deciding for ourselves what can have relevance.... And not only Onan you can think of - you have the one rejecting others - and being punished for this - being killed not only feinting -. by gettng him to fall in love with his own picture in Greek mythology - the one punished in this way were called Narcissus www.mordogan.bel.tr/english/enghistory.html PS. This red mistake-tick you have then showing the word Good Taste in the beginning- I do not agree with And why crossing over your own name with red? I think this can give some unintended impression.
  19. My point was not fainted or dead... by refering to your second statement Mr Zehr..... You COMPLETLY missunderstood me... but it does not matter..... you are so nice giving me a reply, thanks! What I was trying to say was that the end perhaps can be a little more elaborated just as you tried to express in your second statement. Why will she faint or die of seeing herself? And if you try to answer that question perhaps you have to show it a little more so everybody gets the point. How can Good Taste make this tragedy happen to her? I believe most of us misses what Mr Keates tries to tell us....
  20. Yes heyvern has told you - in his second statement - what I tried to tell you before - but not really - but nearly - he has told you what I tried to tell you - but what you perhaps never got the chance to read?!., I want some re-action from the paintings surrounding her - in her last act - to die. But what kind of re-action - and why? Why must she die? I want to hear your own explanation Mr Keates! And I want to hear what everyone else believes in this question to figure out what you have succeeded in communicating. Why is she loosing her life? Tell your own opinion to Mr Keates and perhaps he will understand what you understands and not of his intentions. I think I understand your point - and if I am correct - you have not communicated it in the best of ways! Why have you killed her, Mr Keates? What has she done wrong? What is your motivation of killing her? Let´s hear! And let´s hear everyone else opinion!
  21. Very good! I like your style of animation. It looks like some kind of modernistic punk. But If I am allowed to be a bit critical not only saying everything is fantastic? What is your point? What are you trying to communicate? I tried to answer that question myself on this forum to try to understand what you are trying to say - trying to help you communicate your message. Because I believe their is something missing in your animation. Most people will miss your point as I can understand it. But I am not allowed to analyse your work someone is censoring my analysis! I am not allowed to trying to point out your point. So if you can explain yourself what you are trying to communicate with your movie - what your message is? - perhaps I will be able to help you...
  22. As you know every sound - like M - or combination of sounds like - MM - you can let stand for whatever you want. It is up to your imagination. In this case MM stands for God, Jehova, Allah, Car, CoffeCup, Hickup.... it is one of all possible "one and only words" you can use for everyting so you can take your self beyond Natural Science or every other belief.... making you so desperate in your search for truth that you will sit down to be breathed by what? That is the riddle you self have to solve - leaving your - I - in your utmost effort to get to know the truth .... The question is the answer as you perhaps know.. or you can think about it... Well - MM stands for MultiMedia not Flickering and not Noisy.... that is an easier alternative so you have something to believe in... before starting to get lost... Have you been Googling on Tesla? I will give you some unsorted links: http://forum.4hv.org/index.php http://www.amazing1.com/can-crusher.htm http://www.teslascience.org/ http://www.disinfo.com/archive/pages/dossier/id266/pg1/ http://www.geocities.com/vair65_2000/tesla/ http://library.nps.navy.mil/home/bibs/dewtoc.htm http://www.strangehorizons.com/2003/200305...y_weapons.shtml http://homepage.ntlworld.com/electricstuff/marxthree.html http://www.tfcbooks.com/patents/tower.htm http://www.pupman.com/listarchives/2002/March/msg00404.html http://www.cheniere.org/books/index.html http://www.tldm.org/News6/blackout.htm http://www.copi.com/articles/guyatt/aumi.html http://st12.startlogic.com/~xenonpup/dust%20trails/ http://www.wtc7.net/ http://www.freedomdomain.com/weather.html http://www.freedomdomain.com/ufo.htm Everything here I hope is NOT to believe in, but it can be interesting to study, if you do not take everything for true. As you can understand were the things Tesla invented on both good and bad as everyting else is - but earlier - man 7 million years old living in small groups about a hundred person in each group feeling, smelling, listening, talking to the others - we did not have those enormous forces - powers - Tesla gave us! So perhaps we better stop searching for knowledge, or what do you think or there will our search for knowledge lead us? Nobody knows I think, but man is perhaps not made for handling too big forces.... man is more made for living in small communities as we did for seven miilions years before we learnt to farm 10 000 years ago, and before Gallileo Gallilei sat in the cathedral in Piza about 1587 3.15 pm taking his pulse to figure out the time it took for the lamps hanging down from the ceiling to swing back and forth - to put this on paper as a formula connecting time and space. That was only 400 years ago.. And the formula for sending canon balls he wrote down 1608... Well and then came Tesla... Perhaps thoose thougts can bring up some animation-fantasy?
  23. Thanks again! Now I can make backgrounds in Flash.... can be nice... not only ants.... can come alive! Sorry but you are not allowed to use as many emoticons as you wish.... perhaps my emotions are expressed with the ones I am allowed to send.... Vash perhaps have an good way to go too? It looked good the movie you sent. All good ways are good as they say! the ones knowing the good ways...
  24. Thanks a lot! I will have a try! making the ants coming live - hopefully making love not war!
  25. That looks good to me if you can get it going like this - repeating - with a duration of 10 seconds. I am really interested! Perhaps it is as easy as I did it - have a look on the picture or have you thought out something brighter???
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