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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by robcat2075

  1. That's a fine first jump in!


    -Where's the background in the first shot?

    -The difference in camera view between the first shot and second shot is so slight that it's almost a jump cut.

    -I like the blue flames

    -Nice steam effect. It has a jump in it. Maybe that's from rendering it in two parts. Some turbulence might make even more steamy.

    -The lipsynch seem to be working well.

    -The arm waving is rather generic acting, but for a first time out I have no business complaining.


    Are the antennae keyframed or a dynamic constraint? They seem to react sometimes and freeze at other times.


    There's more working here than not working. I think you should be pleased.

  2. Nice looking head!


    I believe a decal such as that can have an alpha channel in it to fade out the edges.


    You would add that alpha channel in an image editing app such as Photoshop.


    Basically most of that alpha channel would be white(255,255,255) (to let the decal show) but it would fade to black(0,0,0) around the edge to gradually hide the decal.


    EDIT: Shaders? People use that term differently, but in general it would be the colors and textures you can apply to a model that aren't made of bitmaps.


    If you're not making a body yourself, yes you might weld this on to one and then add some bones to control the eyes and mouth. Mouth rigging is a bit complex, Other people know more than I.


    And once you have your character rigged you can start to pose and animate it.

  3. It is a smooth head, and if it works for him, it works for him.


    I haven't tried rigging and animating a character yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.


    I did the Animation Showdown 30+ times last year and almost every week, there'd be entries done in 3DS. Very chunky looking. I'm sure that's mostly operator error, but it seems that even at the professional level people struggle with animating in 3DS.


    For example, the troubling animation in Kaena: The Prophecy (a feature done in 3DS Max). I gotta say I'm not tempted to switch, even for smoother heads.

  4. I think there's a passage in "The Illusion of Life" where someone asks how to draw Mickey Mouse's head from the top. The answer was "Don't draw his head from the top!" Toon characters have a way of defying 3D.


    But in CG you have to consider it, i guess.


    That's probably more rigorous than most rotoscopes. You'll find the few details that don't match when you start modeling.


    One thing you might do is make a copy of your rotoscopes and start planning where you'll put your splines.


    While I'm waiting to get my Robot fixed ...
    And where do you take a 3D robot for repairs these days?
  5. Cute piece!

    The odd-letter-out bit didn't turn out as effective as I would have liked (maybe even a distraction) but it's placement and time window may never allow it to be what I thought. Bruce



    It's the timing and motion of the hook.


    The hook should be thicker and it's motions need to be more obvious, otherwise we don't notice it in time.


    When the n comes back in it should overshoot its spot then loop back to the right place. Or maybe it could even enter from the opposite side. Or maybe the hook could still be chasing it.


    More work to do that, yes.

  6. For instance:  If I name a circle as pathA, a bowl (rivit) object as object to extrude onto pathA, can I control the orientation of the bowl/rivit object?  I want the flat ends of the copied bowls/rivits to lie on the same plane as the pathA circle.
    The easiest modeling route is to make the circle path on a flat XZ plane and make the rivet so its flat side is on the same plane. Do the Extrude(copy) operation. Then select the whole result as a group and manuver it into the odd angle you wanted it in. (Do all your complex model postioning before you move to the odd angle)


    Also, is there an exact way to orient the view perpendicular to a plane that is not aligned to the x/y/z planes?  I've been doing it by trial and error, but I need more precision.
    One idea: before you do the odd angle manuver above, add a 2-point spline that marks the perpendicular position you'd like to view the assembly from. Later onin the chor you could position a camera at this point. Numberpad 1 switches between all your camera bviews. OF course this only applies in the chor.


    In modeling mode, you can right click on the view settings (those weird numbers at the lower right with the arrows by them) and enter exact numbers. You may have to click the screen to see the new pos. If you found a view you liked, write the settings down on a post it, and reproduce it later this way. It would be cool if we could have savable view settings.

  7. First Tweak: straighten the on-the-ground leg when he's in the passing pose (when the off the ground leg is half way from back to front)


    up down up down up down.......


    the leg planted on the ground acts like a pole that vaults you up, over and down into the next step.

  8. That was neat John.


    I thought "Planet" was just for globes.


    Odd thing... when I load the project in 11.1b the water didn't have any waves on it, but in 10.5r it does. Why is that?


    The river...-- it looked like it was curved--like it was flowing into the mountain=Like it was PART of the mountain.
    If you scale the "water" group flat and peak it's CPs you can get more traditional water
  9. Looks like a great design.


    The creasing I see is probably caused by splines that meet like this... )(

    instead of crossing like this... X


    break 'em and reconnect then to fix that


    Also, on the cheek you have a CP that has two splines going thru it and another spline dead ending into it. Too many splines.


    Reattach that dead end spline some where else. It's making a crease.


    But very promising character!

  10. I tried it. It runs after I install the .dll.


    I don't know what the conventions of this sort of game are, but he seems only to be able to walk upon the area with diamond shaped tiles and not on the rectangular tiles that border that area. That may be intentional.


    Awfully small character, do we ever see him bigger?

  11. notes on using Sorenson:


    Compressor: Sorenson3. For now, ignore the others. They have special purposes.

    Compression quality: "High" (it gets overridden by the next two options)


    Select "KeyFrame every" (some large number like 100) If you leave this unchecked you get crap.


    select "Datarate" This is the most important number, it determines the quality/filesize tradeoff. try 100 to start. If you feel your movie is too fuzzy, pick a larger number. If you wanted a smaller filesize, pick a smaller number.


    (Unfortunately, audio compression is not available within A:M.)


    Most people never set a keyframe rate, meaning they get way too many "automatic" keyframes, meaning their filesize is huge and still looks awful.

  12. The shot is definitely improved over the first version.


    However, I think you are very right to question the length. If, as you say, the viewers aren't looking for animation, 30 seconds will be more than enough time for them to hit the eject button and move on to the next tape/dvd.


    I'd say come up with some animated logo treatment of your name, 5 seconds max, and then get right into the real stuff you want to demo.


    However, it might be appropriate to put this shot at the end of your reel under "other skills".


    Good luck with the project.

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