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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by higginsdj

  1. Thanks,


    Just found it in Wills Technical Reference as well (I was looking under CP but couldn't find it and it didn't even cross my mind to look under Control Point). I'm going to have to sit down one month and read this book then practise each item...



  2. I have resurrected my old web site, cleaned it up and posted it via 250Free. There are popups galor but XP SP2 does a good job at supressing them.


    Would love to get feedback - particularly if you have any problems with the site.


    Link should appear in my signature block



  3. Double post - yeah yeah yeah - got a timeout message on the first then made the mistake of hiting the back button and resubmitting ;-P


    I still think that people may be affraid of being totally honest - in general. A forum where 'total honesty' is expected may change things!



  4. In my short time on this forum I have found most posted critiques to be of little value. I would love to see a forum where critiques were 'brutaly' honest. I'm one of those people who can be blind to faults in my own work probably because I have stared at it so long I see what I want to see rather than what is actually there. ie a forum where tact is not a requirement and we don't need to worry about hurting anyones feelings. If you post to the forum then you are going to get critiqued - end of story.


    So I strongly believe we need a forum where work can be shown off where the last thing one can expect to receive is a 'thats great' or 'looks good' and nothing more - a forum where we can specifically look at ways to improve what is presented. I agree that if you just want to present something for others to look at or show off ones work then the WIP/Showcase forum is great.


    I think we also need to avoid comments like 'the animation is bad' full stop - it provides no constructive use but if one were to say 'the animation is bad but here's what you can do to improve it ......' that is what I want to see.



  5. Until Hash changes it - One fee to purchase up front. You get all versions available for the remainder of that calander year (or thereabouts)


    This version can be used forever at no extra cost. If, at ANY time, you choose to upgrade outside your purchase year (even 2+ years down the track) then you pay the upgrade fee and get all versions of AM released in that calander year.


    This upgrade version can be used forever at no extra cost..... Get it?


    Dongle comes in several forms. Base version is a 3 Lic version, an unlimited license version and then there is a Network Share version. You'll need to talk to hash about the prices but the cost of the dongle and the upgrade process works int he same way as the original software (although you must also purchase the CD version and CD upgrade version as well as the price of the Dongle version and Dongle upgrade (whichever is appropriate)


    Note that the Dongle is keyed only to the versions you have purchased/upgraded to. ie if you are buying AM2004 Dongle it will NOT function with versions of AM released before 2004. However, if you purchased in 2003 and upgraded in 2004 then it will function for both 2003 and 2004 versions.


    Hope this helps. As usual you need to confirm these details with HASH before making your purchase choice.



  6. I've notices using v10.5, 11 and 11.1 that when I build a chor with model (with materials) and action that if I make changes to the Material or to an Action then those changes are not always updated in the object in the Chor. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't.


    I'm not reporting this as a bug as it may be some type of caching thing that I am not aware of.


    How do I make sure the chor always updates?



  7. Hey I am certainly no expert or anything (so take what I say with a grain of salt so to speak) but from a viewers perspective I thought that the pace of camera movement and animation was a little monotonous. Apart from a couple of camera stops, everything moved at the same slow pace, the same pace as the narrative.


    Just to be really picky, the moon and earth are way out of scale (based on orbital distance), both needed to have a much higher contrast light (the only thing that lights us is the sun) and the, I assume, orbitating station needs to be much closer to the earth (or perhaps you could have placed it in orbit around the moon so you had a good long shot of the earth). You've placed it at what appears to be one of the Lagrange points (ignoring scale) but most viewers will not understand this.


    I really did like the way you ignited the engines and would love to learn more about how you did this.



  8. Only my second animation ever that wasn't a cycle of some type. Remember I'm just a novice but would love any constructive comment. Its a 1.8mb mpeg-1 file.


    Due to problems I had animating this model (major problems with the rig with unwanted bone rotation and oddball balance bone shifting) I won't be trying to fix the animation. I might try using the original model (circa 2000) that was working flawlessly in v9.5 next time.


    I would have hosted it on my own web page but I can't seem to upload anything larger than 650k so my appologies ahead of time for hosting it on tripod. The post title acurately expresses my current mood in attempting to post this animation for viewing :-)



  9. Well the swing will be at the point of contact with the pulley so a single spline length that stretches on a bone will work. However, if you need flexibility at the end (ie someone handling the cable to connect the hook to something) then you can have a few short spline lengths tacked to the end with bones to allow for this flexibility.


    Hope this helps

  10. I move the forarm and see the whole arm starting to twist (at the shoulder via the Bicep bone). This occurs regardless of FK or IK. Its not a huge problem as I can fix it in the graph editor.


    I also found the balance bone does wierd things - it translates to odd positions and doesn't translate back when moving the feet nulls around.



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