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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by agep

  1. Hi everyone! So.. I just ordered myself a new A:M license two days ago and my money was pulled from my PayPal right away, and is listed as a Purchase in my PayPal history. However, my Order Status has been stuck at "Pending" for two days now and I have not yet received the license. Is this a manual process now, or is there anything else wrong? I believe I used to receive the license on email right away before? I have tried to contact support a few times but has not gotten any feedback. Just wondering if anyone has a clue


  2. Hi guys! I saw that my name was mentioned and wanted to give you an update. Thanks for mentioning me by the way :) I currently work for a ship simulator company in Norway which requires me to use different 3d software than A:M. At the company I make different 3d assets used in the simulator ranging from big ships to smaller containers and cargo. At home I do play around in Unity and use A:M sometimes for smaller projects. I became a father for the second time four months ago, and since my first born is still a toddler, my amount of spare time is very limited :) I do visit the A:M forum almost daily

    Best regards


    • ____ 1
  3. Is it really necessary to hollow out the model? My makerbot prints the model with a honeycomb pattern in the inside, so no need to hollow it out. I can define the wall thickness and amount of honeycomb. The honeycomb patter makes the print very strong yet saves a lot of build material

  4. Latitude-Longitude will do the same job as a Light Probe. And since the HDRI file already is Latitude-Longitude there is no need for two separate files. That is why I never generated Light Probes.


    I think you was able to convert a LL into a Light-Probe with the free version of http://www.hdrshop.com/, but it doesn't look like it is available anymore

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