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Everything posted by patrick_j_clarke

  1. Noah, I understand what you're saying. I had a heck of a time getting any pupils in there at all. The creator of Gail wanted pure white eyes. I wanted pupils to draw the user in and make a connection...we compromised. - pjc
  2. Just found out that the Graphic Novel that Gail is in just won "Best Graphic Novel" from SCI-FI London! http://www.sci-fi-london.com/cutenews/book...t_from=&ucat=4& Woo-hoo! - pjc
  3. wow...would love to see more of your superhero guy with AO! Can't wait to see some poses with your little red beastie too! Nice leg warmers! - pjc
  4. HA HA! Yeah, actually, since it was summer in So. Cal, I was more worried about the power going off or the computer overheating! - pjc
  5. No, this was done in v11 with Radiosity. It would be interesting to see what kind of speed increase there would be (if any) with AO. - pjc
  6. UPDATE! Final picture is now in the Showcase listed above. - pjc
  7. Well, after all the wait, Event Horizon #2 hit and now I can share the finished picture I did for it. and here's the cover (not done by me): - pjc
  8. Yeah, issue #2 (it's really thick!) of Event Horizon is in the stores now! I'll dig up the final comp tonight and post it. Not a ton changed, but it's more like an ad in the book...it'll make sense when you see it. here's the Showcase thread: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16644&hl=gail - pjc
  9. Awesome, awesome! Any chance we could get a screen grab of what you're doing in Zbrush to paint these maps? Isn't it funny how all of this was timed perfectly? Good programming, Martin! Good examples and implementation, John! - pjc
  10. Nicely done. Great additions, and the camera angle is much better. Would love to see a high-res version of this (so we can see the dude a little better) I would love to see this scene with some sort of story being told in the imagery, but that's just me. You should be very proud of your work. I encourage you to post it on CGtalks Finished Section - pjc
  11. Thanks for the note Nancy. I'll check into it. I use Dreamweaver, and test in Firefox and Opera (curse you IE!) Maybe there is something funky in the DW code. I had some sketches for the mace (well, technically I did some flails to start off with) but I didn't have time to scan it in at work, and being a good gung-ho employee it's my personal scanner at work... Hopefully on Monday, I'll have some time. Back soon with more. drvarceto--how'd you know my aversion to capital letters in my name? - pjc
  12. New stuff up, check it out!!! hunted UPDATED! - pjc
  13. After a lot of projects for other creators, I really wanted to focus on something of my own. It's a story entitled: hunted Check out my site: HUNTED | CONCEPTS web page Now, there isn't much there yet (Only two links have anything in them) and there isn't much 3D in there yet, and any 3D right now (real simple blocks) is Cinema 4D. Don't fret, the final image will be created in A:M, and I could've done these simple 3D scenes in A:M. I actually just used C4D because I was helping another artist who was using C4D at the time. Can't wait to get into A:M and get started on the first final concept art piece, "The Gestation Chamber". - pjc
  14. Yeah, I was worried about a power outage the whole time! I never have seen the need for a UPS until now...but I still tempt fate cuz UPS's are EXPENSIVE!!! Thanks for the comments, and supposedly it's in the August IDW comics as we speak! Gotta go to the comic store to see. - pjc
  15. Yeah, gratings for industrial flooring. The ones with holes in them would be very interesting because it would give the floor some depth... What about a separate pass composited in Photoshop of a Radiosity render with caustics turned on? I'm not asking for much! Still a great piece. - pjc
  16. YES! I've been waiting for you to throw this guy into Radiosity! To be honest, I don't think the wood fits for the watch...I was thinking about one of these textures...(I like the bottom one a lot) I think the image should be cool overall, and some nice blurred reflections from the floor would be sweet! Awesome work! - pjc
  17. Thanks! Coming from you guys that's quite a compliment! I really admire Soulcage's work! DarkLimit: The zipper was one of those things that just "happened" and got more and more detail as I went along. I love google and the internet...I now know more about zippers than I ever wanted.
  18. Looking GOOD!! LOVE the cars. I think your floor is too "radiant". I think that's why it's so saturated. It doesn't look like the floor has a ton of gloss, so I'd drop the RADIANCE down a bit and see what happens... Great work! - pjc
  19. Or it could go with this guy of mine (which I swear was created before Iron Giant came out) I like that image tho, especially the "heart". Ben, I have v12, but since I've been in the middle of a project, I haven't played with it...how is the new v12 Radiosity different? - pjc
  20. Cool little robot!!! (You know how much I love robots) What inspired the design? - pjc
  21. The buildings are small. What I really wanted was some geometric shapes behind her, and then I remembered that scene from the Robin Williams movie "Toys" with the small city while they were fighting, and thought that it would be interesting to set something up like that for GAIL. Just got an email from the EIC of the book. He loves it, and wants to do an image where we turn this image into some sort of magazine ad for the GAIL series android! So, I guess I'm not quite done!!! - pjc
  22. Thanks for the comments everyone! I wanted the cables to be kind of retro. I'm a big fan of William Gibson (Neuromancer) and I love that he uses retro things in his futuristic worlds. The face was influenced by Pris from Blade Runner (another favorite of mine, especially the Philip K. Dick book) ...all in all it was a fun project. Not my usual subject matter, but it was still a blast. I will give some details (patch count, etc.) in the morning. - pjc
  23. Hey everyone. A lot of you have been watching this in the WIP section, but now it's done!!! GAIL is a Spume-bot (sex android) that gains conciousness and uses her "talents" as a spy in the "Jed Lightsear" series that is part of the EVENT HORIZON comic book from MAMTOR press. EVENT HORIZON is a new Heavy Metal type comic that features all sorts of great comic tales. Here is my rendition of GAIL for a pin-up for issue #2 of the series. The model is based on the Lambrina model from the A:M CD (heavily modified) and uses photoreal textures for her skin. It was created in v11.1 on my Powerbook and my crappy PIII PC laptop and RADIOSITY rendered in 50 hours at a resolution of 2400 X 3600 on a P4 @ 1.8GHz. Comments and crits welcome! GAIL: The City and here's some close-ups: - pjc
  24. She definately owes a lot to Pris (Darryl Hannah) in Blade Runner As far as the "tatoos" go, I envision them as pieces of plastic (maybe some weapons come out of them??) instead of a tatoo, but thanks for the comments, because yes, I want those two areas to be the first things you look at! I will be making a PG-13 version (covering up the nipples) after I finish this one, but thanks for the SPAM post working on the cables tonight for her head...lotsa bones to control their pose. siggraph tomorrow so, see you there! - pjc
  25. yeah, yeah, I was thinking BNC with the female jacks on the back of her neck like a TV! Might not do that modeling until later (the interface part) cuz I have to get this image done for print, but I will follow up and do it later. - pjc
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