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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. You can use Blender VSE (Video Sequencer Editor) can exporte to any video contrainer format (file format) and video format (codec) Free to use for any purpose, forever and easy to use.
  2. Willy_the_BeerBug_Maniac1.prj
  3. Right Arm Hinge / Left Arm Hinge
  4. ... and you don't do these. ... you did not do these. I'm sorry for my grammar.
  5. I see something. Willy_the_BeerBug_0000-0185.mp4
  6. You can render images sequence in A:M // and Add them to Blender Video Sequence Editor. Blender can export to all codec and all format. I use it not for 3D but for video editor. QuickStarter for Blender VSE QuickStarter_VSE_Blender_0000-4300.mov Movie Exported from QuickStarter Mr_BallPen_0000-0195.mov Blender website: https://www.blender.org/
  7. please try this. Coin_0000-6282.mov Making_Coin.prj
  8. Blender push A:M to be Super A:M Test_Toon_final_0000-0144.mov thank You
  9. I composited .exr (from A:M) in Blender Node. thank you.
  10. My idea, created Action for the Unicycle and the Rabbit as Action Object. Unicycle2.zip
  11. My idea. RoadRunner_ak_0000.mov Road_Runner_Test_a.prj
  12. Hello Cybrknight, Please test this project, maybe it's what you want from A:M. I'm sorry, I can't explain details in English because I'm very poor in grammar. Don't forget to click to... [Calculate Radiosity...] and [Calculate IBL..] ...right-click in Choreography window. This is the Project Folder : The_Project.zip My shot-note about this testing project (in Thai) with useful links. [ http://www.bobby.in.th/TextBox/Lighting_wi...-Radiosity.html ]
  13. When I want to re-SmartSkin or add more, I delete Folder Rig Relationships in User Properties Relationships, when finish, drag-and-drop each Relationship from the 2001 Skeleton back to the model. I do not thing but re-install, still a problem with v16.0rc2, and 16.0rc1, but no problem with 16.0rc. thank you very much
  14. No errors, if I down grade to 16.0rc this is info about my computer. Acer Aspire, AMD Radeon HD 7350 1024MB Window 7 Professional (OEM) Service Pack 1 Windows Experience Index : 5.0 Processor Intel Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00 GHz 3.00 GHz Installed memory : 16.0 GB (2.99 GB usable) System type : 32-bit Operation System Pen Input Available thank you very much
  15. These are projects v15 and v16. Project_Thom_v15.prj Project_Thom_v16.prj These are Gifs animation from v15 and v16. thank you very much.
  16. Thank you very much robcat2075, I have a question, please. Can 2001 Skeleton use in A:M version 17 or higher. I love this Rig system very much it's the best (for me), it easy for create pose and also easy to add some more rigs, and easy to re-smartSkin (TSM can't re- SmartSkin after rigged). But 2001 Skeleton always errors with version 16.0rc2, and I can't fix it so I still used version 15 and do not up grade now because all of my actor models used 2001 Skeleton. thank you very much
  17. from model [baldy_ready_update.mdl] and [my model] I can't create folder and sub-folder in Relationships folder of my model, please tell me how to group them in folder and sub-folder? thank you very much Bobby
  18. You can use VirtualDub, it's free. http://www.virtualdub.org/ My (Thai) tutorial - ImageSequence_to_AVI. http://www.bobby.in.th/TextBox/ImageSequence_to_AVI.html
  19. Thank you very much. I scaled up gum and teeth and edit all LipSync Relationships. Now I understand more about Poses. NaiToSatTha_editPose02_18_0000.mov Thank you.
  20. My update after edit all LipSync Relationships, new tongue and created 2 new poses for it. NaiToSatTha_editPose_14_0000.mov I have a question. Please tell me, how can I delate a wrong pose from Pose Sliders? I can't delete it from pose sliders. Thank you.
  21. Thank you very much, I'll edit some LipSync Relationships and test again thank you.
  22. I think this is your problem.
  23. I used sound from this (for English Sub) this is my Thai presentation web page http://www.bobby.in.th/PagesBox/myNote_0007flv.html and the OK version (only mouth) before I complete the action. NaiToSatTra_ok09_0000.mov Words used in Dope Sheets
  24. I got it. Just change KeyLight from default to Width = 1cm, Fall-Off = 3000cm Thanks for robcat2075's project. Thank you.
  25. Yes I still have a light list for fill-in only the character. from your suggestion I do many things. This is original image used as rotoscope retouch it. shadow only from the image. I try many ways with many tools to fit the shadow back to image in Choreography, but I can't do that. "who needs a real shadow" Then I use new shadow image. It's very good, but I did something errors like this.
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