The bad guy is the Imperial Officer and the good guys are the boy, Duros and the Ithor.
When I have time I planned on zipping and offering all my models on my website. The R2 isn't mine, and I couldn't find who or where I got it to give them credit, so that won't be one I offer.
I have the stereo voice setting ready, which will also make it deeper, but since it is just my voice for now I didn't set it up.
The flashback transition is there, but it is one of those things I sped up to reduce the length of the short. Just before the flashback the camera aims at the ground and then zooms in ands the flashback zooms out. Highlander used transitions to show flashbacks not fads, which is what I used, but it is quick. I will slow it down.
Like I said, I skipped using lightsabers because I didn't want to confuse the Immortals with Jedis.