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Everything posted by kwhitaker

  1. Thank you Mark and double thaks for the offer, as soon as i get caught up to where the guys are in the mist, your awesome mist, i have a watery muddy segment, that maybe I'll be able to get your expertise.
  2. I did bite off quite a bit when I started this project. I'm still working on this segment, so I might , be able to trim some of the camera movement. Thank you George
  3. I've add a sky as was suggested, It brighten it up.thanks again for pointing that out. I am going to be adding a narrator, as Martin suggested... just have to write it . any comment welcome
  4. I'm re-rending part of the last segment again, and I added a sky. Thanks robcat. for your good advise, it dose look better
  5. A narrator could be a option, it wasn't what I had in mind, but it's something to consider there are a couple of key segments that have not been shown, because there're still being worked on. As the characters meet, the story should unfold, hopefully, . Thanks Martin
  6. Really enjoy and appreciate your series, so much work so much talent.
  7. As a amateur animator everything seems to be a work in progress, with never being satisfied, This will make my third attempt with this next segment, I would like to introduce Onton a dark elf and his best friend Dracolleen. comments welcome
  8. Thank you Rodney, that means a lot
  9. Sorry you're not understanding MacFlin Irish brogue, at the time I was looking for someone to do the part,I had an Irish man who was going to do it, but it fell through, maybe you KenH, being Irish would be interested in doing the part of Mac Flin The leprechaun..? this clip is a continuation from the clip I posted last week, where the banshee has been introduced quite a bit. thanks, it good hearing from you Katt
  10. In this clip, MacFlin has lost, half of his odd little book. comments welcome
  11. Yeah, the book is Mac Flin's prize, so he's holding on tight... for a while. thanks mouseman
  12. i thought, he needed to run faster, darn, i'll see if i can do that. Yes the gold stopped when Mac got the book Thank you Martin.
  13. This character is Mac Flin the leprechaun, played by one of my grandsons, he was 11 when he recorded most of Mac Flin's parts, but there have been a few times when I snagged him for a new line. it made it difficult because his voice had started to change, He's now in high school and a aspiring actor. comments welcome
  14. that's awesome, great work. I'm watching David the tutorials, it'll be awhile before figure it out. I'll put it on my wish list, love the expression
  15. Thank you Mark, glad your watching to
  16. thank you, Martin, you don't miss a trick, i went back through video, you're so right. thanks for pointing that out.
  17. well, I have had quite a week, with my hard drive crashing, I'm still shuffling files, with one file still missing, Now my old hard drive is another external drive. Witch Lena Has heard from her goblins spies in Elderwood Forest, they've found a tree with gold pouring out, but they can't touch it, But witch Lena knows its the wizard spell book , and she want the book so she can reverse Wizard Galvin's spell, that's keeping her from Elderwood. In the animation Lena has conjured a banshee to go get the book any comment, or helpful hint are appreciated
  18. I appreciate you taking the time, your professional suggestion are very important to me. I'll be making more changes. thank you for watching
  19. This week I did a lot of redo's on the last segment adding, stars and a few other things, which I'll post after I add voice and music. .But this next part is where, demon, witch, and wizard do their thing. My oldest daughter Johnnie Cash, plays the heck out of Witch Lena.
  20. thank you, Wiskey, I've had some really good advice, which I'm working on now. it's always good to get feed back Katt
  21. thank you Mark
  22. Your right, when Trell flashes into the sword is a very important part, after looking at the scene again I see what you mean, he dose flash out, but... maybe showing just the sword longer, with out Trell in the scene would do it. I have that scene of the witch, as she comes in with the wizard and the elf, but I cut it out, when I added the voices. As Lena said "this forest well be mine" the wizard said "what". I didn't want the wizard to have time the use his magic against the witch before she changed Trell into the sword.. that's why I went right to Trell who draws his sword. maybe I'll re-think that as well , As far a the demon, all that is explained in the next movie segment. I could add or redo when the witch said " Find the wizard broom".... it will be more interesting and help in building her character. I've looked for this, his left arm snaps from IK to FK positions. I'll have to look again. you and Mark have giving me a lot to work out, as always thank for your input.
  23. Ya know, I never thought about adding a decal to the ground plane. what is a dome? is there a best light to use with a layer, I always have trouble with the lighting reflecting in the layer. I down download tutorials for the installation. looks like a lot of work. so much technical knowledge to create a rig, is beyond me, i'm sure glad you guys do it though. thanks for you help.
  24. This is where, witch Lena is determined to take Elderwood Forest as her own. i used Acid music, for my back groud music. animation with sound
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