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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by adamjames

  1. I think quite a few people are in the position of needing new models. I bought Animation Master because I wanted to animate, not because I wanted to make models.


    Having said that, if I could make the models I require, I would do it ... but what I need is definitely beyond my skill level.


    If someone performs a service for me, whether it be voice work, making a model, whatever...I expect to pay. As for barter methods, my only real skill in this arena is writing and story construction, having been a writing teacher and had three books published. I could also do voice-acting, having been involved in amateur dramatics for the past eleven years.


    But a lot of people who require models are probably newbies to A:M who have bought it because it is a good price animation package. Therefore, they will probably bring little in the way of transferable skills with them.


    Just a few thoughts.




  2. Hi, Ganthofer


    Thanks, I didn't know you could expand the history for each frame.


    I was rendering directly to MOV, and nothing changed from frame to frame re: complexity, as the piece was just the camera tracking a character as she walked down a street.


    Ah, come to think of it, where she started she was reflected in a window, then as she moved on she wasn't.


    That must be it. Thank for the info on Frame History.




  3. Just a question that I've been pondering while waiting for a render.


    I've noticed that as time goes on, the render speed increases. The first few frames took 1:35 to 1:45 per frame, but the time taken decreased slowly, so that by frame 188, it's only taking 0:35 to 0:39 per frame.


    Is there some reason for this, and if so, can it be utilised to render the earlier frames faster?


    I'm rendering in "Final" mode.






  4. Someone could post something like "Good at modeling landscapes, and have a example. Will model landscapes for character models." Same would work for animating.

    Hope someone posts "Will model characters for people who can't model." :D

  5. It worked a treat. I was doing an animation of the "Gala" character walking down a street.


    "Translate to", combined with "Aim at" and a click of the "compensate" button did the trick.


    Thanks for your help, I'm rendering the results now.





  6. OK, this is probably a basic question with a simple answer, but I am working on my first actual animation in A:M, so go easy on me.


    My question is this: How do I get a camera to track a moving character in a choreography? I have a camera angle...I have a character walking on a path. Which camera constraint will get the cam tracking?


    Thanx in advance.




  7. Yeah, and Richard Williams mentions how important life drawing is in the Animator's Survival Kit.


    I can draw characters from my imagination no problem, but can I model them...? No way; I am a terrible modeller. All this spline stuff just doesn't seem to connect with some part of my brain. So I can draw images but can't model from them as rotoscopes...that's how bad I am at modelling.


    Still, I plug away and hope that one day I'll get it right.


    The Betty Edwards book is great for anyone who wants to draw better.




  8. Thanks for the replies.


    It must be specific to me , then. I just get the following error message:



    "An error occured opening the folder. Make sure you have permission to open that folder. Can't build data. Connection timed out."








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