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Everything posted by Parlo
Truly exceptional work Dusan. The texturing alone is some of the most accomplished I've seen in A:M. Inspirational stuff! Is it all decals?
There's some really nice work in there. Congratulations to all involved!
We should definitely try to get together again sooner rather than later. I'm at the Chocolate Factory a lot at the moment, so getting a room will be no problem. If we get enough interest, I'll look into dates.
What you've shown is that you've made a pretty good model of a fencing mask. But I'm still not convinced that the mask in that ad is a render of that model. Even with substantial touch-up. There are just too many intricacies that make it highly unlikely. The standard way to solve these kinda things is to show a wire frame of the EXACT choreography or scene. That way people can be in no doubt. Nice model though. Ken - Humble pie? Nope. Not yet at any rate. You've really got to learn to look closer. Hone that acumen.
I'm with John and Vern, and tried to subtley hint at the fact in my previous post. A long long list of observations has lead me to this conclusion. I didn't want to be antagonistic originally, but trying to pass this thing off as a render is just a little bit too far fetched. Prove me wrong. I, like Vern, would be more than happy to be proved wrong.
Wow - I'm also amazed by that render. What were the ad dimms? I assume that it's atleast a full sized magazine ad, due to size of the text. You've got stunning clarity out of a 1200*1600 image if that's the case - I'd usually get artifacts if I was to use that rez for an ad half that size. It's a shame you seem to have lost the original render as I'm sure it would have much more fidelity than the scan you've posted. I'd love to know the lighting setup you've used. If you get time a few grabs of the final choreography would be nice Did you use radiosity? Keep up the good work.
John, At the risk of just repeating my comments at the London Users meeting - wooo hooo! I'm especially impressed by your ingenuity in creating that "dazed" double image effect in the final shot. Talk about using an imperfection as an asset! There's also some really nice animation in there. Oh, and your paintings are inspirational too. What's going on Jon, are you a polymath or something?
Paul - Get well! And see you there. Stephen - Get back to work! John - Get that thing rendered! Gary - Get that mouse in your bag now before you have a chance to forget! Steve - Get yourself to "The Rose and Crown" tomorrow @ 2pm. ----- Little question about the laptop... does it have firewire? I was thinking that if it does, it will be easier for me to bring my external firewire hard drive than to have to burn everything to disc. See you all there
Would be good to know who's coming on Saturday, if anyone needs additional location info etc etc. Start time is 2pm, meeting place is "pub just behind the Menier Chocolate Factory". So, if you are planning on attending, post below.
It's totally free - huzzah! So... Saturday 19th February @ 2pm @ The Menier Chocolate Factory I suggest we meet in that pub we met in last time, just behind the factory. Can anyone remember the name of it? I just remember it as being a tiny bit scary.
We are on for next Saturday! 2pm till as late as we like (as long as we are out by midnight ) Sorry for the slightly scatterbrained organising - it's been a case of working on other stuff with David and then sucker punching him with "oh, can we have that room again?"
Gary - Funny you should mention it. I've got a meeting with David tomorrow so the time is ripe! Anyone got any preferences for dates?
I finally got hold of David (apologies that it took so long, but anyone who's ever played the "Trying to get hold of a producer on the phone game" will know how hard this can be ) and unfortunately next weekend is the worst one I could have picked. He's got a show in previews, and another West End show is rehearsing there that has a large cast and needs all the rooms. So, anyone have any other ideas? I'm starting work with him on a project in February so will be able to wrangle a room more easily then, but for the timebeing.... are there any viable alternatives?
Just to keep everyone up to date... I phoned David at the begining of the week but he's out of the country until sometime next week, I'll speak to him then to confirm the availability of a room. Also, I think I can lay my hands on a video projector - so we can aim that at a wall and sit comfortably infront of it. There is a projector at the venue but I think that it's currently a perminant part of the set in the theatre. This other one is one of those tiny portable ones, perfect for our needs. I'll post again as soon as I've heard from David.
Sounds good to me to. I'll be speaking to David at the CF tomorrow so I'll just reconfirm his open offer - there shouldn't be a problem at all but best to be sure. Has anyone got a prefered date? Saturday 29th January is looking good to me.
I can get a room at the Chocolate Factory again. No problems. And it's free. So, unless there are any major objections... it might be best to just use the same place again.
That's an EPIC! Really great piece there Zach - I'm aghast at how much you've done in the time you had available. i've also been a great fan of that particular scene, and now I'll never be able to see it in the same light again. For that I thank you.
Beautiful work! I second the comment that the camera move looks too smooth. Perhaps a *tiny* amount of expression based noise to give it that hint of imperfection that really helps to fool the eye. It's hard to explain but the move feels too effortless. This might be the intention but it's very much a "CG-camera move". Are you just using the camera on it's own or have you got it rigged in such a way that it'll give you parallax? This might be one of the things that is missing. With a shot like this, with abundance of strong verticals at various distances from the camera, parallax would be another minor visual cue that you could exploit. These are very small niggles. I'm really excited to see more of this.
So.... What are people's thought's on another get together? Early December? Let's all get together in one room again and plot world domination.
Thanks guys MATrickz - This version is a little bit different from the one currently posted on CGtalk. But yes, they are subtle differences. Expect part 2... er, well... soonish.
QT - Sorenson3 - 1.3mb I realised that I'd done some alterations to this piece (under the great advice of Mr J Barrett) and hadn't posted the final version. It's been sitting on my hard drive, neglected and alone for a month or two, and seeing as it's a finished piece, I thought that I'd post it in here. (The version posted on this forum and elsewhere is different to this one). The alterations are fairly minor, but definately add up to a much stronger little scene. They mainly relate to arcs, and carrying an action through more. I'm a sucker for details. I learnt a heck of alot from this one.
Paul, Great site! - I can see this becoming the official chronical of all things GLAM/LA:MU. Depending on where and how we should definately try to do more of the same in the non-too-distant. oh, Just for clarification I wasn't using TSM2 I was using an altered TSM1 rig with added FK spine functionality. I've yet to experience the joys of TSM2 but the example model has made more than slightly interested.
Our first meeting was a great success - I've put a page up with the pictures I took here. I'll write in more detail when I get some more spare time. Thanks to everyone for making it an inspiring afternoon/evening. Paul.. if you email me the pictures you took I'll add them to the page.
Great news Gazz. I'll put some projects onto a cd for us to poke fun at.
Yo Saturday 2nd October is indeed but a few days away and I gave my venue man a ring and all is set for that afternoon. It's here. I apologise for not keeping up-to-the-minute on this. I've not only been horrendously busy but a death in the family has shifted priorities around abit. It's no major tragedy - 91 years is a great innings - but I never realised quite how much organisation and general business these things entail. Anyhow - We'll have a room from 2pm but there is a pub nearby (The Rose and Crown) that we could meet in before hand. As an exercise in getting together and chatting about the state of the British Spline it should be fun.