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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Alien_Films

  1. Edited the above Post with a link to the Batman Page... Alienfilms.net/Batman/ The Snap shots are pictures of myself in my costume I put together for the fun of it. Composited with Backgrounds done in A:M Sense I finished my film, I've been itching to do something, so I did some FX Tests with the costume then I thought about maybe making a whole new project out of it. So I put together a Batman Model for a CG Double I'll need for a potintial film Textured it with pictures of myself in costume to make it look as life like as possible. The Tests are the CG Double I'll be working with. But Cape Animation is a tough Task!! I've sense made some revisions to the costume.
  2. Andy, That is some Awesome work!!! Can't wait to see the final model!! Also by the way I loved your Animation #24 in the contest it was Vary life like & the little Andy character in the animation actually had emotion. It would be cool to see what he did see when he opened the door. It reminded me of a kid on chistmas morning. Well done!!
  3. Posted this topic in the Showcase last month but never really got any replies... Does anyone have any tips on the kind of Cloth simulation I need to do for large cape animation. Go to my Batman page I have Tests on Cape Animation there & so far that's the best I can get. Alienfilms.net/Batman/ The Cape has a low patch count. Should the patch count be higher, or would that help at all? It ether looks to heavy, to light or to stiff... I'm using A:M 8.5 but plan on getting 10.5 pretty soon. If anyone has any tips I'm all ears. Thanks! Edit: Added Link
  4. Vary nice work!! Wish I could model like that. ;-)
  5. Thanks!! Did you check out the two "Behind the Scenes Shot Breakdown Clips" too? Yes, I have made DVD copies available for friends & family, but because it's a fan film so I can't sell it to you. That's the ONLY downside to making a fan film...
  6. That was pretty cool!! Awesome job!! Is it a real commercial that actually aired or just your own project with a product you made up?
  7. I've posted a new short FX shot breakdown, this one is different then the last one though... It's kind of like a behind the shots work in progress slide show with some work in progress video clips mixed in too. It goes into more detail on compositing tricks I used then the other one did, this one pretty much breaks it down layer by layer. Hope you all find it interesting: Just scroll down on my web page till you see "Assassin FX Slide Show with Video"
  8. Thanks, for some reason I couldn't qwite get the walk just right... I need to work on that I also want to thank the team at Hash for creating such an awesome program to work with & making it affordable. I'm honored you guys liked my film. Here's some more inside info for you all: There are a few parts in the speeder chase where the legs were CG & the top half is a live greenscreen element (the part where he jumps off the speeder and jumps back on & the part where he slams on the breaks, does a 180 & shoots his blaster at the ships behind him & a few other shots) all those shots had CG legs & a live top half!!! When I get home from my vacation next week. I'll put together some more how I did it clips & post for those interested...
  9. Awesome feedback I havn't been online for the past few days because I've been out of town. I'm on a friends computer now just to check in with you guys & get my web fix. You guys see the work for what it is & can look past all the small "imperfections" it had. It took a lot of dedication to get done there were a few times where it got shelved for a few months because I was tired of working on it, but I wanted to get it done.
  10. Awesome & vary detailed Animation. You gave the Ant has a vary haunting personality.
  11. Posted a behind the scenes FX shot breakdown on the site roughly showing some of the compositing steps I used to do the shots...
  12. SteelShark, Believe me, There are A LOT of things I would like to change about the film, but I've decided to let them all go, call the film finished & work on new things... An artists work is never done, but we all have to call it done sometime. mrsl13, by your request I'm going to post a shot breakdown I put together for the DVD of a few shots from the film. pdaley, I used dvmatte for most of the film but I was working with footage from 8mm tape, not miniDV.. Believe me, the compositing was as good as it was going to get without DV. If any of you have watched the outtakes, you'll see tracking markers on the greenscreen to track the camera movement for the digital background added later during that shot. Keep the feedback coming
  13. I have to go to work here in a few minutes but I just wanted to say thank you to robcat2075 for the heads up on the space contest! Also Thanks Rodney that is what I was hoping to do was capture the spirit of Star Wars as best I could. I wish the costumes could have been a little better for the imperial police but I worked with what I had, the film was almost entirely done with A:M using After Effects only as a compositing tool to make rendering in A:M easier on my computer. With all the stuff going on in a lot of the shots it was more then my computer could take, so I had to render pieces at a time & composite it all together A:M was the program I worked with the most though. Even the lasers were done in A:M!! as all of you know A:M is an AWESOME program that is highly under rated. As far as my next project goes, I'm thinking starting on a Batman fan film but I'm having trouble getting the cape animation (see my other topic) right for the CG double work that will be in the film... Thanks all of you guys feedback helps me grow. Keep them coming I still have much to learn.
  14. Thanks for all the cool feedback!! I've worked hard on it over the past few years & all the sleepless nights I spent working on it have finally paid off... That's were I got the idea for my sig. I'm really happy with the way it turned out, there were times I felt like it was an endless project. As far as models go, as one of you were asking, some were done from scratch by me, some were done by a friend of mine & others were modified from other models read the credits to see which were modified.. Some of you may find it interesting that the guy who physically played Boba Fett & I live about 1,000 miles apart & have never have physically met before.. It was all done using compositing tricks, making me & the other guy 1,000 miles away look like we were right there with each other filming. I directed him by filming what I needed him to do in costume with camera angles & stuff, E-mailed him the stand in footage, then he filmed it & sent me the raw Greenscreen footage for me to composite with A:M & After Effects. He has also done a few Star Wars fan films with A:M.. "What Star Wars would be like if it was directed by Paul Verhoeven " LOL Yeah, I thought about making more blood. Like a splat on the wall behind the engineer during that part, but never got around to it before I released the film. I'll post more inside info about how the film was made as more feedback comes in... Keep the feedback coming!
  15. Thanks, Because of the complexity of most of the shots, a lot of the stuff had to be rendered in multiple passes in A:M then composited in After Effects. Because of the high amount of stuff going on in each shot, if they were rendered in one pass the rendering would have caused the computer to crash so I would render different elements like the background, separate from the traffic & fore ground. The mid & fore ground elements were often rendered with the a green background in the project with all the buildings & stuff deactivated. There ware also a few modified motion capture files I used from the A:M CD used in the film. I'll elaborate more on things as more people post comments & questions...
  16. Alien Films is pleased to present "THE ASSASSIN" "The Assassin" is a Star Wars Fan Film That takes place six months before the events of Episode IV. The rebellions' best Assassin has been sent on a dangerous mission... Can He Fulfill his mission and stop the Empires Ultimate Weapon from being fully operational with a large bounty on his head . . . Almost every shot in the film utilized Animation Master!! The 9 minute film took 2 years to complete while I worked a full time job & maintained an active social life. I'm proud of it & plan on making more films in the future. to Download the film GO HERE or click the link in my sig to find out what happens to The Assassin...
  17. Here is a Cape Animation I've been working on, it's a work in progress. I'm not fully happy with it yet but so far this is the best result I've come up with The Cape was animated with the cloth wizard. If anyone here has any advice on how to get the cape to animate more naturally please help me with advice on Cape animation... Cape Test Thanks, Allen
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