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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Alli

  1. Filter you can set in your PWS. For displaying specific type of objects and stuff.. Instead of showing everything.


    he is really scaring the hell out of me...


    hehe.. yeah Im trying to find someone he can go and talk to.. but no one wants to accept him.. ;)

  2. There is a strange thing with Filters.


    I want to set up a filter for animated objects.


    My filter type contains: Action, Animatable Drivers, Animatable Drivers Keyframe, Animation, Channel, Chor, Chor Actio, Clip.


    But The filter doesn't work properly, I don't see the bone in PWS when I click them in my chor window, even though I KNOW it has keyframes and is animated.

    If I click on a object in PWS it suddenly disappears from the list!


    there is nothing logical to it.. am I doing something wrong or is it something fuzzy with filters in general??? sorry that I cant be more specific.. but it all is so unpredictable..:blink:


    anyone having a good time using filters? if so how is your setup etc..






  3. First of all, Great work Yves! And thanks for providing the Skin shader, Im already testing and trying to use it.


    But I came up with the same result as others. When changing the blood color doesn't affect the model. BUT what I noticed is if you have a group on your model, the group will be affected by the adjustment instead of the main model.

    Here are some shots from what i experienced.



    The model with part of it as a group. Group diffuse color set to yellow. shader not applied yet.



    shader applied



    blood color changed to blue. model not changed but the group did.



    Are we missing something out?



    thanks again for sharing this!


  4. I'm not sure whether to keep watching or what.   

    I fear I know what is going to be shown next.... :blink:

    hehe.. keep on watchin'. Im gonna be nice this time.. :rolleyes:


    The one on A:M films doesn't have the background/fog elements.  The backgrounds really adds a nice touch.

    oh.. didnt know that.. Thanx..! gonna send a message to Ken right away.


    thanks for ur comments!


  5. This is indeed awsome!


    those 3G phones have been arround in Sweden/europe for a while now and peolple are using them more and more and the content are constantley increasing. Thanks for sharing Ken!

    lets give it a try!


    When is this about to lunch or is it already up and running?


    If I get this correctly, its possible to in the future make some small amount of money out of this. but I cant find any info either on the site or elswere how this is handled.


    In the FAQ there is a line saying they pay royalties "based on the net we receive back to the content makers"

    but How will I know as a film maker how much my content has been downloaded or viewed?




  6. 1) U know the old fashioned way back in 8,5 when u could see the keyframes of your smartskin and the translation of the CPs..

    Is there a way to view them in 11? I know you can see the key for each cp and spline but I would like to se keyframes in a timeline to be able to modify a group of keys at once rather that one at a time.


    EDIT: in my case, I have accidently sat key for a group of CPs that jurkes back and forth in a very unpleasent way, when I rotate a bone. I want to se the keys for those and delete them to get rid of that jerking..


    2) I know i can select each spline and CP in PWS and edit the value for that specific key, but is there a way to select a cp in the action window and then reveal that specific cp in PWS?

    Its really a pain is tha a** to select a cp in muscle mode, look for the number and then have to look though ALL animated cp to find the correct one in PWS..


    u know what I mean?




  7. Steffen You Are ABSOLUTLEY RIGHT!!


    when I switch "Interupt Drawing" off Open Gl works perfectly!


    Is this due to the hardware or AM?? cus i thought sending it to Hash incase..


    Thanx alot!!



  8. btw have you tried the beta 4.9 catalyst drivers ? they were released primarily to help with Doom3 , it may help some.




    sorry couldn't be of more help

    Tanks dude!

    I gonna give it a try..

    but the strange thing is that poeple at hash dont seem to have any problem with OGL. and they are using the same setup as I am..

  9. i have problem with displaying in Open gl. using ati 9800xt 256mb, Xp


    My model view gets empty when I switch to open Gl. the strange part is if I switch to bone mode I can see the bones.. but not the mesh. (??)


    Also, I noticed some part of the model that are grouped are visible but the rest of it is invisible..


    Direct3d works ok..

    i've the latest drivers and uninstalled my driver and installed it again from scratch, but still not working.


    any hint??




  10. um.. not sure if I understand ur problem correctly.. but what I usually do is as u mentioned assign my bones to the mesh and create fan bones and add constrain for them in a relationship called "Constrains". then go through TSM.


    not having any problem with that so far..


    what ur problem might be is that u maybe accidently setup constrain even for your geometry bones? no? dont know if that would cause any problem, maybe someone else should answer that..



  11. Yves,


    Ah, I can see your point. Infact in my case the problems was kind of solved when I increased the number of passes. To let you know why I had 9 passes was cuz I downloaded jeff lee's skylight http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/animas/skylight/ were I selected 9 passes and to be honest werent aware of the new way AM handles passes and AA, so I went for 9 passes with my final rendering.

    This brings me to next question wich could be a bit out of topic (but I ask this cuz I sort of want to get a grip of the benefits and fundamentals of passas in AM)

    -What happends when I render a scene that is set up with skylight customized for 9 passes like in my case, but then I increase my passes in my final rendering to lets say 25? Nothing? or does the image get brighter or annything else? How does AM handle this and what would the outcome be like in theory?

    In fact I tried it and couldnt see any huge diffenrence from what I had before (except for the increased quality of AA of curse) but anyway.. It would be good to know the principals behind it.. what does AM do when u have settings like this?


    Thank u so much for your replies!



  12. cheers Matt! thank for the reply!

    yeah Im gonna try to send it to support and see what happends..

    in the meanwhile, if anyone of you reading this finds or has come across any answer to this please post it!

    this thing reduses the final quality of the work pretty much.. :angry:


    so long


  13. V11n


    I seeem to have problem with getting my edges to antialiased in final render. they are stil sharp and edggy. If I apply an Antalias posteffect to the camera then my alpha buffer dissapears.. or to be more precise, I still have an alpha but the render itself is solid against the background ( iow If i have motion blur i wont have any gradient transparency on the egdes..) and it really dont seem to have any effect on the edges for that matter either


    anyone having the same problem?





  14. but does that mean, no pose sliders?

    thanx Ross. Ur far to kind :rolleyes:


    sorry I was uclear on that one.. with hand animated i mean "keyframed", not simulated. no dynamics, spring etc. I thought that was what dborruso was referenig to.


    the nose is build up with a few bones and then keyframed in a regular way.


    offcurse there are posesaliders used.. for blinking, guestures etc.


    thnx again


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