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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Alli

  1. Hi,

    I have problmes installing v13 alpha5.

    while installing, it gives an error saying the "gdiplus.dll couldnt be opened"


    I use v12 without any problems.




    Im on xp




    I found the problem. When I installed v12staff_full.exe it seemd to solve the problem.

  2. I'd love to just see some of your animations with a little more plot, and or action. That would be awesome!!!

    yeah me too..:)

    Time is something that is hard to find nowadays..

    perhaps with all these kind words Its a bit easier to get motivated though.


    btw anyone having a link to SYNJ animation?

  3. Im want to change the surface attribute driven by a pose slider.

    I dont manage to set it up correctly. I have set up a relationship already and a property for it and by changing its value I want my surface attributes (color) to change with it.


    Any of you know a resource or link were they have excplained how to do this?

    I know I have seen it somewhere before




  4. Thank you all! sorry for this late reply.. been pretty busy latley.


    Jof - you think too much :D

    I used mainley pose to pose to get the timing right. With one charater at a time. when I was happy with the timng of one character I posed the other one to match and respond to it. Im not much of a number person either.. Just try to get the pose and timing right and forget about numbers ;)


    MATrickz - Ive been working as animator at a gamecompany called DICE (www.dice.se) for several years. but are about to leave the place and start freelancing.. so if any of you knows someone that knows someone who... :P


    Ken - Thanks, made me glad to hear. yes Im going to! just been very busy lately.



    thanks for your comments everyone!



  5. Thanks Ken but changing the specularity color didnt have any effect.


    heres another picture to show the problem in hopefully a better way.


    I changed the shader to Glossy to have the effect appear better.




    As you can see the area that is not affected by the shader is where the pathes have stamps on them. so as I see it this makes it pretty obvios. Patches with decal dont render shaders..


    EDIT: 11.0q btw

  6. All of the Left Eye is One single group. Dont have any seperate group for applying decal to.


    I see what you mean but this is not the case.


    If I had made seperate group and a different attributes than the rest of the model it would be true. But then applying a decal wouldn't make any difference. or?


    I just have two groups Right Eye, Left Eye.

    One decal with two stamps.


    hope this makes sence




  7. When I applied a color decal to my mesh I noticed that the specularity shader was ignored for those patches having the decal applied to them.

    The sphere to the left has Blinphong as Specular shader and the one to righ has No shader at all.

    the texture in both cases is a single tga with alpha.




    so, you cant have decals and shaders woking properly together? or am I missing something?





  8. Does anyone have the address to where you were supposed to send your work?

    I lost it and now I have to "complete" my entry cuz it was uncomplete.

    No one aswers my email I sent them and asking for the address.

    thought maybe some of you had it left somewhere.



  9. well with a pose its hard to know were the actual underlying surface is from pose to pose and have the pupille to move correctly. also a pose has a linear interpolation unless I dont set lot of keyframes... hmm. any more ideas?

    thanks Funchur!

  10. Ive been messing with a character and wondering how to solve his eyesetup. so I thought this was a perfect place to post my issues.


    Im having ALOT of squash and stretching on the head, that makes the eyes and Whites to deform alot and when rotating them with a simple Aim At constrain they will pop out of the head if the head is in a extreme pose.


    So The best thing I could come up with was to use a surface Constrain for the pupil, but that slows down animating since the surface constrains are hard to calculate Ive been told.

    Im not satisfied with with the result at all and would like to improve it to speed up animation


    Now Before digging into the neat scaling stuff you guys have been talking about, Do you think it would be something that would solve my problem?

    I also checked out Itjsjustme's PRJ which was really cool but not the solution Im looking for.


    my problem in short:

    A distorting white and want the pupil to stay on the surface of the eye. dont even have to rotate the white itself.


    if this is already brough up or is out of topic, spank me!




  11. Thank you all! it means alot!



    1- I still have the pause and looking in the camera in the begining. Actually haven't changed anything on that part.. hmmm strange. you mean the yellow nasty guy right?


    2- I know.. Im not quite happy with that switch either.. gonna work at it




    hehe... thanks man. I take it as a compliment :)

    Yeah my site works only in IE. unfortunately.

    I want it to support other browsers aswell but my friend who coded it for me is to lazy.. :( Take a peek, its safe. trust me :)


    EDIT! : The server where I have the file seems to be down for the moment, and causing an error while downloading. HopeFully it will be up pretty soon. just in case you wondered..


    Im working on the sound right now and putting everything together with a few fixes. so next version will be the final. I let you guys know when its up.


    Thanks again!



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