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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Name
    José Ramos
  • Location
    San Juan, Puerto Rico

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  • System Description
    Powerbook G4/550mhz/512mbRam, Mac OS 10.2.5, ATI Rage M6/16mb Power Mac G5/1.8ghz Dual/1.5GB Ram/NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 64MB DDR, Mac OS 10.3

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Apprentice (3/10)



  1. Congrats on your new site! You have very good work in there. Love the model you use on your avatar. I have two sites; one I built in Dreamweaver: http://www.jabdesignstudio.com ...and one in which I used WordPress: http://www.ciudadcreativa.org ...which is pretty good for blogging and for organizing things as was pointed out earlier. You can choose from different templates. Also, loved the links you have on your site. Good job!
  2. Great Job, Rodney! I'm in, and I hope to win. Hey that rhymes!;- )
  3. Bravo!!! Anyone that knows all the work that goes into producing something like this, is very proud of you right now. Love the flips. Jeff Lew would be proud as well. Great sound effects. Pretty good animation over all. The only one request I have, is that I would love to see those wings flap on the flyes. Great job man!
  4. First of all let me specify that these links are to the last animation that I posted. The difference is the size and the fact that I made one version using the divx codec (for those of you that don't have Quicktime 7). This is the larger version for QT7. It's 842KB in size. This is the .AVI animation. It is 448KB in size. I am now working on the changes that Dimos suggested. Thanks for all your help. And, Yes I am having a blast. :-)
  5. Ok. This is my first pass at trying to follow your direction. Now this was rendered using the H-264 codec, which means you have to have Quicktime 7 to view this. Tomorrow I'll post one in mpg4. I was able to reduce it to about 29 seconds. I know, I know, still too long. I'm working on it.;- )[attachmentid=11824] Intro_demoReel_Sequence_1_H.264_100Kbps_Streaming.mov
  6. So...I should write my contact info somewhere in the beginning and then again at the end. But specially at the end. How do you suggest I should approach the demo reel if I'm promoting my services as a free-lance animator rather than for a permanent position in a Studio? I ask this because the target audience would be different. Since I'm freelancing, I will probably show this to potencial clients and maybe agencies (any ideas welcomed), instead of people already in the animation industry. Would it make a difference on what I show as well as how I show it? I apologize for all the questions, but it isn't every day I have access to someone like you.;- )
  7. Dimos: Thank you very much for your suggestions. This is exactly the kind of directing I was looking for. Timing, as you know is a very tricky thing. How do you know exactly how long something should be? I guess experience derived from a lot of trial and error, will give you a good sense of timing. Your suggestions have given me a great way to look at it from a practical point of view as well as artistic. I mean, the thing about the camera accelerating through the descent and then slowing down to simulate the physics of the water, is fantastic! Thanks again.
  8. Exelente Gustavo!!! I saw your site and it's very complete. Lots of very useful stuff and goodies. Buen trabajo! Creo que tiene el potencial de convertirse en el mejor recurso de Animation Master para los hispano-hablantes. Cuenta con mi apoyo.
  9. Yep, that's it J.A.B Design Studio. By the way, if you check out my site at: www.jabdesignstudio.com, you'd see what I will be promoting through this intro. Yes, I also believe that a bigger format is the way to go. I'm actually thinking of distributing it as one of those cd's that come shaped like a business card. I think you can fit up to 30 megabytes each (give or take a few).
  10. Zach: I think you're right about the bird. As a matter of fact, I just used one from the Hash library. I think it's a duck.;-) Slipin Lizard: Yes, you're right. How to make the ocean believable. Big waves and all. That's the question. I'm glad you liked the turtle. As a matter of fact, I modeled her almost a year ago. I've included the jpeg. Ken: Just let me know how I can help, and I'm there. Northern Boy: You are so right on the length. I mean I can watch it over and over again, because it's mine and because I know all the work that went into it. But I got to edited down some how. Get there quicker, so to speak. I'll work on that. Thank you for your suggestion.
  11. Here's the intro of a my demo reel. The link to view the clip Hope you guys enjoy it, and let me know what you think. Cheers. My Webpage My specialty
  12. Thanks Vern, you gave me an excellent idea when you mentioned lights setup in chor. I remembered that Jim talbot put of a lights project for everyone to download, and so I started searching the forums. And searched I did, and not only found it, but also stumbled upon the “Abe” model Jim did and the one that looks like a butler, and let me tell you man, they took my breath away! Back to my model… so I used the sample light project that Jim made, and this is what I got. (Jim if you’re reading this, THANK YOU, you’re truly an inspiration.)
  13. ...and here's the side view
  14. Hi again everybody: Here's my attempt at modeling a superheroe. I need some help with the surfacing of the face. I've been hearing Collin (modeller extraordinaire), talking about a "porcelain" material. Where can I get this? Of course, c and c's welcomed.
  15. Hi everybody: This was in the WIP section a while back, and it's finally finished. Because of the fact that many of you helped me with your suggestions, I thought I'd post it and let you see the finished piece. The only thing left to do, to finish it completely is to fill the signs, that are sticking up out of the ground, with numbers (this is because it is for a math student textbook). Thank all for the help!!
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