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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Just an update.. I'm working on some deadlines at work and finishing up one freelance project.


    But I am psyched about doing the witch! So I plan on starting her model in the next few weeks. If this it to slow for the project let me know please. Otherwise.. I'll post a Wip thread when I start her.



  2. Your right.. I need to wear the ninja costume and bring the beer.. Someone needs to bring a camera and tape the whole thing.. Then we can post it on the web and I'll become the next starwars kid ;-P


    Fame and fortune will be mine... or I'll spend the night in jail undergoing personal ninjitsu training from my future fat friend "Bruno".... hmmm... on second thought, I'll leave the suit at home.


    I'll be there from January 13th to the 17th. I'll be on call most likely for the first few days but if we can do it on the 16th in the noon or evening, that'd be cool.



  3. Another 360 with most of the suggested changes..

    - Hunched back (though it probably needs more)


    - Bigger hands and forearms


    - I like the hair on the legs better (though that probably needs more work as well)


    - Added the cleft to the hooves, but its not noticable with the hair.. it is there though ;-)


    - Scaled the material down alot. I realised when I zoomed in for a quick render it was

    about 400 percent to big on him. This one is closer to the actual scale for his skin.

    Probably tweek it some more eventually.



    Can anyone give me a clue as to what might be going on in the hair on his legs? All I can figure is that maybe the specular is causing the noise. Half of this spin is with the camera facing set at 0.. the other half I tweeked it to 2 percent thinking that might fix it without making the hair animate in a spin to the camera. No go :(


    My first thought is that he should be skinnier. He can still have muscle (even have lots of muscle), but have the muscle more toned and take a few pounds off his gut. IMO demons are much scarier/more intimidating when you have a gaunt body with muscles standing out from his bones.


    Not sure if I agree, but I respect the opinion. My thought is that when he gets his actual Demon head wich will be much more monstrous.. That will combine with his overall size to make him scary. I find skinny demons to look wimpy and unnatural (not that theres anything natural about demons ;-P


    My thought is that Demons don't care about their looks, They exist for greed, glutony, evil, and general self centeredness. If thats the case, they'd probably more resemble a Sumo wrestler than a body builder. Now there is their supernatural metabilism to consider, as well. So I figured I'd go for something in the middle.

    I'm hoping for more of a WCW wrestler than a Sumo wrestler, but we'll see how he develops.


    Thanks for all the help so far. I find these critiques to be worth their weight in gold. Keep them coming.



  4. Paul's Map brings up an interesting notion... wouldnt it be interesting if the worlds on the map where actually contours and vegetation differences in the actual terrain of OZ. barely noticable, except at high altitude.


    Just a thought. I've seen this effect in several movies, and I thought it a wonderfully fanciful concept. Now that I think about OZ and all the things in it.. it seems like an appropriate idea for its environment.


    Heres another question. Do the people of OZ have a written language/languages and what do they look like?. Would they show up on signs and such in each local?


    If my questions seem to have obvious answers or point out the fact that I have only skimmed through the literature on OZ, forgive me for bringing it up ;-)


    Awesome stuff Paul. You are starting to have enough content for your own production book ;-)



  5. -Round the outer sides of the pecs, get rid of outer edge.

    Not sure what you mean here are you saying loose the definition on the outside?


    -Also pull the bicep back under the deltoid where they meet, tuck it under


    Add more definition or lower the insertion point? Not sure which. I'll look at a muscle diagram and see if I can figure it out.


    -Add a bit of size to the bottom of the forearm at its thickest point


    Agreed.. I had this in mind already.. In fact i want to make his arms more hulk like with much bigger hands.


    -That lower back dent really hurts me, looks way too deep, that area is usually faily flat.


    also agreed.. I'll pull it out a little and also give him more of a hunch back.


    Oh...also the bottom bit of his legs seem too long. When he raises them, they'll stick out past his knees. I'd also like to see more definition in the back of the hooves. I think real hooves have a sort of indent at the back of them (the gap in the horse shoe bit).

    Also, some bumps on his skin.


    I was actually thinking that the bottoms werent long enough.. or maybe the middle.. If you look at actual animal legs the length of the lower leg veries greatly.. however the top in most is also virtually one piece instead of the two I have here. For sure the bones operate the same, but the muslculature around them tends to smooth it out to one smooth ham shap.. and these parts tend to be farely locked in the gate. I thought about giving him this kind of hip but I thought the more stylized dynamic shape made him more animal like.


    Agreed on the hooves.. I noticed that on render as well.


    the texture will probably change to become a little less saturated and more even with more subtle veins. I'll use a combiner to blend a face texture that doesnt have the charred parts so that its more readable.


    Thanks for the comments, and keep them coming.



  6. Heres the beginnings of a Demon model I'm working on for a client.


    the Head will be radically different. It will be more based on a chaos beastman from Warhammer, but the body is just about there.


    I'd like critiques to help me make it better. The info I got on the superhero thread was invaluable and I'm hoping for more of the same here.


    Here is a link to a 360...




    and here is a link to a pic with very very rough hair on the legs.. did I mention it was rough?




    Any constructive input is greatly appreciated.



  7. Another field, but this time with hair and images. A little oddnes going on here and there, but its stuff that could be fixed.


    Reflects better for sure, but takes longer to render and more ram..


    200' x 200' area 3' tall grass


    750 megs of Ram to render and 4 minutes render time on an AMD 64 with 1 gig of Ram.


    A combination of the two techniques would probably give the best results.


    Love all the stuff you're doing guys. I'm like Nancy, Kudos to you.



  8. Roger and All,


    Perhaps we should only use "Hair Grass" in specific planes within the shot and use rotoscoped layers to simulate grass around that.


    Here is a quick test to show what I'm talking about.. it uses two images repeated througout.


    You can see whats going on in the reflections. In the real shot you'd probably have an area of "Hair Grass" around the area of action. This would allow for better reflections and real interaction with the grass. then all of the background fluff could be done like this.


    This whole render took up 75 k of ram with reflections and shadows on. and rendered in 4 minutes with a 16 pass multipass setting at 1080 HD res.




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