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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Actually Zach... I can't find the link again. But if you google light probe or image based lighting or hdri.. you'll find tons of them. You'll probably wan't hdri shop to deal with them. The Ambient Occlusion sample on this particular image was set at 20 percent. 16 pass multipass. 1 spot with a 512x512 shadow. 100 percent intensity on the AO intensity setting.

  2. Steve,


    the wireframe looks pretty good, but it highlights a few areas I'd think about changing.


    the upper lip has to many horizontal splines I think. Not much happens right under the nose as far as animation goes, so you shouldn't need so many splines. The action areas on the mouth would be at the sides and lower lip. the upper mainly purses or snarles. You could probably actually run two of those upper lip splines coming from the eyes down under the mouth to give it more of a wrap and use some of the splines that are curling up from the upper lip as downward splines for frown lines. Wolverine scowls allot more than he smiles ;-)


    As it is none of the splines from the upper lip go down toward the jaw. I think this goes against the topology

    of the face a little. the lines running from the nose down and the upper lip all flow down from the face unless

    you are smiling. Since you want to model in neutral poses.. perhaps you should run some of the upper lip horizontal splines down over the side of the lip. Check out the "witch" I did to see what I mean.


    His jawline could flare a little at the back for a more muscular look and pull some of the patches at the sides of the lip down and in for a stronger less blocky chin.


    I'm sorry if I sound like I'm tearing him apart. I'm not. He's a very strong model as he stands right now, but I think he could be better with a few tweaks.


    If something I said doesn't make since.. send me a note or ask it here and I'll elaborate.



  3. Hey Steve,


    Its looking really good. The eyes are spot on. there seems to be a crease or something around the sides though. Probably just needs to be budged a bit.


    The chin seems out of proportion (at least for a realistic head) but that may be what you're going for if the style is more charicature than photoreal.


    I usually treat the chin like an hourglass shape. It pinches just below the lip and flares (depending on the chin) toward the jaw.


    Its looking great! Keep up the good work.. and post a wireframe. Maybe we can help with the low spline thing.



  4. One final Shot and I'm done :) yipee


    I know it doesnt look like much but I straightened her frown out to a neutral pose as much as I could.. The problem is that her mouth is at an angle. It follows the line of the jaw now.. so I guess thats neutral.


    added the witchy bling and the hair thing. now off to rigging she goes.





    One more thing? whats the deal on usage on these models? are they for the AM community to use as we wish.. ie Opensource or... are they to be used only for TWO?


    Just wondering.



  5. Chances are she's going to have trouble with any preconcieved notion of a frown as it is. Her teeth are fairly snagly and would accomodate many normal mouth shapes.


    That said I could go back and make her teeth normal but uneven vertically like some of Bobs later drawings. This would preclude the one tooth jutting up from her lower lip though.


    Smiling would be a chore as well, I'm guessing. The truth is .. that for her to do anything other than have a tick you'd have to rig her teeth and gums to stretch as well.. I'm guessing that was always the intention based on the shape of her face.


    I'm indifferent either way.. you guys let me know and I'll modify her.



  6. Working on some more bling for her now.. need to add more patches for the cape I'm guessing... and that little hair thing she has.. then I'm calling it quits except for changes ;-)





  7. No need for Photoshop, A:M's compositor could blur this just fine, AND add film grain and color shift - not to mention that it's all integrated into one interface and in HDR! (Plus, additional blurring plug-ins are easy to write.)


    Hey Martin,


    I played with it, but I couldn't figure out how to get the same overlay/screen percentage controls.. I'll take another gander at it.



  8. Thanks guys,


    Ken... its actually a technique I apply to just about every render I do... I call it my basic fake SS trick..


    This time I just did it in Photoshop.. but it will work in any compositor and its the best thing I've come across to simulate a film look.


    Basically I just duplicate the image and do a guassian blur. I then screen this at 50 percent or less depending on the image.. Duplicate the screened layer and set it to Overlay at about 20 to 30 percent. Thats it. Fast an easy and it only takes one render ;-) There are many variations on the concept of course.. it goes from mine ... all the way up to Soul Cages wonderful technique.


    And I had a very interesting idea for the rigging on those bracelets... if you did a bone at the elbow along the forearm and limited its rotation to say the diameter of a perfectly round bracelet.. added a dynamic constraint.. you'd start to get a hula hoop type setup. It would require more than that of course but it could be pretty cool... add a smart skin that flopped the bracelet a little and it could look pretty cool.


    Anyway.. I leave that work to the rigger for her.. (Good luck dude.. you're going to need it ;-)



  9. yeah I set them to 1 pixel instead of the usual two and make them the same color as the model which is actually the spline color. That essentially hides them. Then I turn the bias handles on so that I can at least see the one I've got selected ;-)



  10. Something funny occurred to me this morning...


    The first "female" model I do is a hag with droopy boobs. hmmm What does that say about me?


    No don't answer.. I don't want to know.



  11. And another. I added the blink poses and eyelid close poses to make sure she had unough splinage around the eyes.


    Starting on the body now







  12. I did the back of the head and neck... I also tweeked some more things that bugged me.


    I had some questions for the "Powers that be". Should her head be attached to the clothes or just insert into them... same for the arms and legs.


    In the past I've connected clothes to body, but I'm thinking there might be advantages to not doing that in this case. Not to mention some funny possibilities for animation. (ie.. she takes her arm off and beats someone over the head or her legs constantly fall off in a zombie like way) I'm only half serious about the notion, but I thought I'd ask.


    The other assumption is that I model the cape to the body and not in a dressing pose?




    Oh yeah.. and for anyone who cares.. I discovered something handy in creating that last image. That thin black line (with no control points showing) look helps a ton in tweaking your cp position. I hadn't noticed how much the normal CP look hides tiny creases in your spline. (nothing huge) but if you want an "Uber" smooth model every little crease counts. By turning on the bias handles and turning off the cps You can easily tweek cps to be very smooth.



  13. More progress... a much better chin and pretty much finished with the head except for the back and proxy hair.


    I'll take that line at the "dooRag" out most likely and leave it to the new displacement for wrinkles and folds.






    thanks for all the input so far and keep it coming.



  14. Thanks guys,


    First off.. yes I figured this was a non neutral pose except for the brow. It was just easier to model like the image and pull it back later.


    The more I look and think about the chin the less I like it.. I'm not sure how I worked myself into that corner but I'll fix it next.


    Jim and Bob.. can one of you do a simple model sheet for her face and expressions (nothing fancy, I'm just trying to understand her brow line more and her mouth) if not.. I'll plug on with the pic I have.


    Paul, I tried to move the hooks out of creases, and they move pretty well right now. I'll do some extreme poses when she's done and remodel some if they pop.


    Eric, its just two renders layered in photoshop with a lighten layer effect. If you render large and scale down then the lines antialias. Both Renders are just screen grabs so the size and placement is easy.


    I'll post more later,



  15. Ok.. heres where I am so far on the head. Not happy with a few things but happy enough to post at this point. Let me know if something is drastically wrong, better now than later ;-)


    heres the rotoscopes I've got.




    and here are some shots of the model so far.








  16. Hey LuckBat,


    I'm heading up tomorrow. Are we still on for Monday?


    If so can you send me an email with your phone number, so I can contact you if something comes up or I need directions?


    Send it to me at cfree68@earthlink.net


    Looking forward to it.



  17. Hey jo b.


    First off.. you guys.. well.. you're my inspiration. Not to sound like a fanboy. But I've been dying to know...


    How do you guys do your render. I know you use multiple layered renders to simulate GI.. but I've never been

    able to get the same result.


    Have you posted the proccess anywhere on this or other forums? I know this may be proprietary and I understand if its an issue to describe the proccess, but you guys rock with this renderer. And I'd love to be able to get the same results.


    Can you point me in the right direction?


    Oh.. and for the record.. Sunny Side of the street .. My alltime favorite. That short rocked my world.


    Keep up the fantastic work guys.



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