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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. Well I took a stab at the expression. I could get the random position over time that was easy, but I cant get it to hold at the last position once the plants are moved. Anyone have ideas about this?


    Expressions seem to be geared toward constant movement. I might be wrong about that, but I cant find a primer that covers the complete syntax for them.


    Are therer storage variables availabe in expressions? if thats the case it would be the solution.


    Any ideas guys?



  2. Now if we could only get a plugin that would automatically randomly adjust all the sliders on the shortcuts to the model we'd be set. wink.gif


    Seems like that could be accomplished with an expression. The trick would be insuring that it only placed the objects in the first frame and they stayed in place thereafter. I do stuff like this all the time in After effects. I'll take a crack at it in Hash if I get the chance.


    Cool flower.



  3. Hello Houston, we are go for liftoff.


    July 9th.. all systems are nominal.


    We'll meet at the same place unless I post otherwise. Thats the Barnes and Noble bookstore in the Starbucks part (yum) If it spills over to too many people there or we get kicked out (hey..it could happen) Then my house is just a mile away.


    Heres the map to the bookstore again.




    Hope to see you guys there.



  4. I love them all.


    Tin would be my least favorite.. but still a good shot. I like the Loons allot.. and well

    Scarecrow.. Thats him. Allways was.. thats the guy. I like him. Allot..


    Great stuff. Did I mention I like the scarecrow allot?


    Thanks for the inspiration.



  5. yep.. use it all the time at work. That and Macromedia Director. Side scrollers are about as easy as it gets with 2d games. The cool thing about Director is you can create some pretty cool sidescrollers that actually use the 3d card processing instead of the computer's. Much much faster.


    Both are good. theres a few flash "game" programming books out there as well.



  6. pc only? I assume you mean the downloadable one. The online version in the tutorial should work on any machine with the shockwave plugin.


    Let me know if you need a Mac executable and I can try to create one. Otherwise I can send you the source code if you have macromedia director.



  7. If you have your animated frames or movie. Just create a plane in AM. Apply this movie as a decal. Apply a hair Material to the Plane or a group on the plane. Set the image of the decal to be a "Other" Map instead of a Color, bump,etc. Then right click on it and add a Property. The image will now have the option "Properties Driven". Change its type to Color. You can add other properties for length.. direction...density.


    This will color the hair. Then just adjust the grooming like you want the paint to flow adjust the thickness. and render. You can add images to the Hair particle to create a more painterly look as well.


    I've done a tutorial on hair maps here.




    Its a couple of versions back but should still be relevant.



  8. Extrude a tube a bunch of times to create a pipe.. lots of cross sections. duplicate it a few times.. Line them us next to each other like a bundle.. Then Select them all and select the distort cage tool.. twirla and you have the beginning of a vine. Twist that around your cross and add thorns.



  9. Jamagica,


    I'd make the Microphone metallic and very realistic. perhaps give it a metal head with holes in it. What about making the chord coming out of the mic a bunch of thorny vines that wrap around the cross. Make the Chross metal or ancient wood and make the spikes be some metaphor for HipHop or perceptions. Use perspective. Lots of it.. it will add allot to the visual.


    Perhaps the spikes could be like the gold "bling" that is common in HipHop today, but still bloody? Just throwing out ideas. I'm not in the demographic for sure, but you are playing with some powerfull icons, make sure the presentation holds up to the message and you won't go wrong.



  10. The story line will be something like a Robinson Cruseo on Mars, but have a Road Runner twist to it. He will have a "Friday" character (his co-pilot) and his name his Yoric (all thats left of him will be a skull). The Alien will have many attempts to get off of Mars, and never suceed.. allways blaiming his ineptitude (he's more than a little crazy from the solitude) on his poor co-pilot Yoric (who is allready dead).


    Actually I thought about some weird delusional episodes where Yoric actually does sabotage the alien, but only in the alien's wild imaginings).



  11. Yeah I might do a tutorial on it soon seven.. I'm in my slow period right now.. so things move at a glacial pace.


    hats freaky Colin...did your son mind you doing that to this model?


    Nah.. he loves being turned into all sorts of stuff. I just need to figure out some way to name this guy that has a play on Coopers name.



  12. Doug,


    yes its all done with Magnet mode and the Lattice Tool. As far as poses working still.. it depends on the pose. For example.. if the eyelid blinks had allready been done. They wouldnt have held up if I'd done all of this in Model mode. But if you do it as a pose.. then it might. I'm still playing with it. The short answer is that some things will hold up and others will need to be tweeked. But its much faster than remodeling from scratch ;-)


    I'm still around.. just taking it easy in the summer. Expect to be sick of my incessant posting by November or December.



  13. Something about the hat throws me off a little. It seems too "thick" like its 1 inch thick , but tin would be rolled and a little thinner I think. It might be the rounded bottom.


    Also how about tiltiing it to one side. Give him a little attitude.


    The head is great but it needs something to make the eyes pop more. The tin is too light to show some of the details. That might make it difficult to see some of his expression.


    this is of course my "buck and a quarter" oppinion.


    Great work! Keep it up.



  14. Joakim


    We'll have to have a beer in Norway some day.


    Oh and you can see the next contest along with the results of the previous one. Just look at Steves first post. It will usually state the next topic.


    The next Topic is "Toon" so, I expect you'll have an entry in it?



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