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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. I haven’t posted that much on the forum of late, mainly because as an animator I aspire to become a newbie. I’m a musician. I’m an entertainer. I have had acting experience in community theater in a number of productions. In school, my biggest fear was getting up in front of class to give a book report. I would actually skip school rather than do so. In order to overcome my difficulties I have made a life long study of the audience dynamic. Some would say that I have massively over-compensated. I’ve said that to say this:


    Here is my take on T.W.O.: It is extremely successful in just about every aspect. The imagery is absolutely incredible (though in some aspects, perhaps under used). The characters are well defined, personable, and likable. The plot & story were fun.

    It was successful as an internet collaboration of amateur animators on a major project. From my understanding of the history of the project (for some reason the phrase “herding cats” comes to mind) just getting it completed was a monumental success.

    As a vehicle to display the capabilities and features of A:M it is a stunning showpiece.

    It is, in a way a victim of it’s own success. When viewing T.W.O the audience does not equate it to the plethora of crudely primitive animations that flood the web. The viewer does not automatically think: ”Wow, this is superbly far and beyond 99% of the animation that is out there.”

    It is instantly considered in the context of the Pixar level of animation. Joe Viewer looks at it and compares it to the top end of the rating scale rather than the bottom.

    Never before have I paid as much attention to the credits of animated features as I have since I’ve become involved with A:M & the Forum.

    There are hundreds of names of PAID PROFESSIONALS working on those films. I would have been nice to have an intern to assign on bending flowers around the actors walking through the field in TWO. Was it noticeable? Yes. Does it matter that much? It’s just one more little detail subconsciously chalked up as not quite as perfect as those other ones.

    We are now working on S.O. Every little thing that we notice about TWO that we can fix, we should. Self-critique (reading in this case the “Film Crew) is how we improve. The next film will be closer to Pixar perfection.

    Every one who worked on T.W.O. should be extremely and profoundly proud.

    We will have even more reason to be so when S.O. is released.

    I have more to say but this post is too long already.

    A:M Films has done a great thing. It will improve on that track record.


  2. :) Ladies and Gentlemen, . . . . for her long, and anxiously awaited return to the musical arena . . . . . . performing her soon to be world famous rendition of that future cult classic, "Bubbling Goo" . . . . . I present to you . . . . Nancy Gormezano . . . . (Applause! Applause! Cheers, Whistles . . . . . :D


  3. Thank you, Daniel.


    I've had A:M since June, and have made various forays with the software including TaoA:M and a few other things. Your simple linear explanation was enlightening to say the least. I've been lurking the forum for months reading every post that comes on, including your search for a way to make a digital readout. I've learned quite a few things about quite a few things. I've been getting good glimpses of some fascinating trees, but after reading your post the forest begins to make sense. It seems that most of the good people posting on the forum, helping out us newbies, have been using A:M for so long, through so many generations of the software, that things that they don't even think about anymore are mysteries to some of us newbies.


    Thanks again for your insight. Please continue to expound as it comes to you. I, for one, will be more than glad to absorb anything you have to say.





    Sign on for S.O. We need you.

  4. I wonder if Martin smiles as he reads our speculation about his thought process? ;)


    When I was first considering my purchase of A:M I went to the website. I had never been much of a surfer and other than e-mail I barely used the web. I admit that initially, I had a similar reaction: "Don't they want my business?" But shortly, even with my limited knowledge I manged to find, with no difficulty, the demo video, tutorials page. and more information than I could comprehend.


    If someone gets to the main page and is not computer savvy enough to find the information, they will more than likely have difficulty using the program. To use any program you have focus on what is there, not lament what is not. If you can't find your way to the system requirements, you probably have more computer than you are able to use. :P

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