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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. Heads you win, Tails I lose. I don't know what size shoes your wear, Rodney, but I'm sure that they're too big for me to fill.


    Here, have a cookie before they're gone. :D






    P.S. Rodney, Where and how do I turn the Alpha Channel on for rendering?


  2. Robcat and Caroline,


    You are correct. I have not completely finished ToaA:M. Although not posted, I have gone through ToaA:M thru Ex 15. Glancing through the remaining exercises it appeared that they covered the some of the more advanced features of A:M. I'll go back and finish those and post them this weekend. But I'm not sure how they will affect my questions on surfaces.


    Exercises 10 & 11 touched on Decals and rotoscopes using specific pre-form parts, but from what I've read in the forum it is possible to manufacture layered and "textured" decal "images" for surfaces giving more depth and realism to objects and models.(S O Cauldron, Eric Camden's Tank & Mohawk Mini-Mart).

    Exercise 14 touched on Marble-ing but I'm willing to bet the rest of the Chocolate Chip Cookies (Have another, by the way) that it barely scratches the surface of what can be done with Materials with A:M.


    This new series of forums that have been started are incredibly great, and will be extremely illuminating in their various areas. I guess what I was referring to in my post was stuff that people have already learned from using image enhancing, graphic design, or perhaps web design software might already have been familiar with prior to coming to A:M. When I first started with A:M a couple of months ago I didn't even know what I didn't know. I'm starting to learn what questiions to ask and that IS a start.


    Earlier this week I started going back through ToaA:M and posted Ex 1.(RE-Hash).


    Rob, thanks for your specific answers. Just knowing that Layer has a different definition in Photoshop than it has in A:M clears up a lot of flak. and as usual your other specific responses pierce to the point.


    Caroline, Thank you alway for you encouragement and suggestions. Be sure that your suggested reading will be devoured anonce.


    Thanks again for your your responses. Have some more cookies.



  3. I may get a little long winded, so please feel free to move on to a more interesting post.


    I was a child in the 50's, watching Lassie and the Beaver in first run in black and white. My dad had one of the very first remote controls: Me. In Junior High in the early 60's I explored Time and Space with Heinlein, Asimov, and Van Vogt. I went to my first concert in 1965. The Beatles played the Memorial Coliseum here in Portland Oregon. In the late 60's I explored Time and Space in a different manner, and from the few high points I remember, I had a pretty good time. Pong became a sensation and "Asteriods" became astronimical entertainment at a quarter a pop.


    When the digital revolution happened however, for some reason, I found myself in the resistance movement. I became a professional musician and enveloped myself in a cocoon of bars and guitars. I clung to my Vinyl, then my cassettes, tenaciously, scowling at the forced march toward the dreaded, impending 'Compact Disc'. When I stuck my head up for air a few decades later, I discovered that the Technological Tsunami was circling the gobe for the umpteenth generational time, and the world I once knew no longer existed. I capitulated. I converted. What I once resisted, I now embraced.


    I now teach guitar at a local music store, and play weekend gigs. In my business, my computer and my cel phone are used as much or more than my musical gear.


    You are most likely saying to your collected selves, "Fine. Ok. But why has he called us all here and why is he wasting our time like this?". Read on McDuff.


    I believe that I may be the quintessential "Newbie". Animation in the manipulation of Imagery. Computer animation is the 3 Dimensional manipulation of digital imagery. But you must make the images before you can manipulate them. (For you hair splitters, we can strain at gnats and swallow camels in another thread.) Anyway, I figure that if we can get a Troglodyte like me up to speed, then the Miracle of Modernization could probably be bestowed upon just about anyone.


    I have worked many years as a carpenter (Day Job) and have (had?) the knowledge and skill to build a house from foundation to Formica, to Furniture. I know about tools. In the hands of a craftsman they produce art. In the hands of an Artist they produce Inspiration. Searching these forums I have seen superb examples of both. Software is a tool.


    A:M and it's possibilities have set my creative juices flowing more than anything since Susan Johnson in my Freshman year. (once again, another post). I have gathered from my forum reading that it is Martins intention to make A:M a comprehensive software, and as near as I can tell he is coming pretty darn close. (Sincere Thank You, Grand Poobah, for your vision and hard work. Humble Bow). I say pretty darn close because I have noticed from some posts that some of you use Photoshop for imagery refinement. Some use other programs like Corel and Gimp. I understand that these are programs used for the manipulation of digital imagery. I see some of the images (like the winner of this months contest, or any of Nancy's work) and I stand in absolute awe. I see some of the modeling posted (like the AT-AT WIP, or Vern's photo of Arnold at the Library ;) ) and I am stunned. You folks have already forgotten more than I've learned yet.


    I tried to follow the wonderful and simple layering tutorial by Darrin Mossor but my lack of understanding of Alpha Layers (Channels?) sent me into a tailspin. Layer, combine?, Composite?


    My frustration stems from my own ignorance. I'm fairly certain that the information already exists somehwere in the forum. I've done searches but there is just so MUCH to search through. I thought that maybe, if I am having these frustrations and troubles, then perhaps I'm not alone. It is also an almost certainity that there will be others coming along after me that might benefit from my struggles and your kind help.


    I thought that I would try this approach, Here we go:


    Alpha Channels (Layers?) are they combined with an image or added as a separate image


    Decals (Layered ?) - Textures (Layered ?)- Materials (layered?) Do you have to render first to see them?


    Back drop? - Sky Dome? - Image?


    Thank You All in advance for Your Time, Your Help, and Your Understanding. You each get a chocolate chip cookie.


    I'm going to post this, and then I have to go get a new monitor. I can't get the green, pink, and yellow highlighter off of my screen . . .




  4. Homeslice,


    I want to be with you is essentially written. I have to wait a few more days for my voice to clear up (caught a cold) and I'll send an audio recording, along with a chord chart. Would a .wma file work for you or do you want another format. It's just a sample demo, I'm assuming you have people arranging and orchestrating.


    Also, I am completely ignorant about SVN. I down loaded the Tortoise 30 day evaluation version. Haven't installed it yet, but will. How or where can I get information and/or instruction in its use.


    I'll soon be working on 'Greed' like a heartless major corporation :D .



  5. Myron, you have been assigned to "I Want to be with You".

    Are you the same Myron who entered "Myron" as your user name in the form you filled out in the instructions on "How to Participate"?



    Yes, Sorry for any confusion. I suffer from it quite often, and I am obviously a carrier as well.

  6. Thanks Rodney, Eric, and Nancy,


    I tweaked the crumple, Reflectivity on the & Transparency on the water are at 0. I tried adding lighting to possibly reduce reflections. The results are the 4.1 image. Just to experiment and learn, I deleted the Ocean material and replace it with a Water decal. I got rid of the reflections but doesn't look nearly as real or nice.


    I'm tweaking parameters and learning. We'll see what happens.


    Thanks Guys,




  7. Even though I was doing about 75% ok when I first started TaoA:M, I didn't feel that I was making a dent in understanding the software. It was hard for me to concentrate on the actors when I couldn't even build a set. I've been traveling through the forum and a few things are beginning to make sense.


    Using three grids, one for the sky background, and one each for the terrain and the water. I don't know if I've done it right but at least I've done it. I'm uploading the project file just in case a good Samaritan would like to tell me how to get rid of the green in the water. Anyway, Exercise 1 down.





  8. Vern: Of course I see the dead alien chicken. It is a little known fact that dead alien chickens assume the form of a woodworker frog as a camouflage technique to help insure their future retrieval by their familial coop clan. It has been rated at 94.783 % effective. I have been led to understand that the Return To The Roost ceremony upon their return to their home planet is quite a sight to behold, and will bring a tear to the eye of even the uninitiated.


    Vern - Don't believe a word of this - obviously this MJL character is just trying to get into your pants that your either changing or not wearing.



    See Vern. 94.783% effective!!

  9. In various forums and topics I have tried to respond and download and I keep getting this:


    "Hash, Inc.IPB PortalForum GuidelinesHelpSearchMembersCalendar

    Board Message


    Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.


    The error returned was:

    Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available."


    I have e-mailed Hash admin but have received no response. How do I get Permission?


    Vern: Of course I see the dead alien chicken. It is a little known fact that dead alien chickens assume the form of a woodworker frog as a camouflage technique to help insure their future retrieval by their familial coop clan. It has been rated at 94.783 % effective. I have been led to understand that the Return To The Roost ceremony upon their return to their home planet is quite a sight to behold, and will bring a tear to the eye of even the uninitiated.



  10. Thanks Rodney, Thanks Caroline,


    Such a concentrated wealth!! I got hooked (no Control Point) on A:M right around the time the A.R.M. site got hacked (cracked?) & went down. Wonder if & when it's going to be back up? I've been lurking and searching the Forum for just this kind of stuff. I'm reading through the Tech Manual now & will be re-doing Toa:M soon.


    Thanks Amundo to Martin for his vision & hard work as well as his kindnesses.


    And while I'm at it: Thank you "forum people" you are entertaining as well as informative. Some good thinkers & tinkers on this planet. (you too, Vern, whatever planet you're from :D )


    Thanks All, "See" you soon,


  11. It is my understanding that when TSM2 was available as a product from Anzovin Studios, it was bundled with some other information. Tutorials, I believe. Now that they have cut the cord for A:M support and made TSM2 freeware, where could a newbie download the tutorial bundle?



  12. As a guitar instructor, I sometimes forget to remember that the knowledge of some basic things that I take for granted, they have yet to learn.

    I've had no experience with animation of any kind, but the concepts of posing and lines of motion & force, along with exaggeration and how to make an animated character behave like a real actor are understandable to me.



    I'm about to approach ToaA:M exercises again. There are a few things I don't quite understand:


    Scene & Background: sky & ground, how to change & manipulate


    Lighting: Tutorials?


    Cameras: Tutorials


    Editing: The steps for turning the animations I make into "film" form


    On the HASH Resources for learning animation page, thei link shortcuts to "History of Animation" and "Evolution of 3d Animation Tools on the Desktop" do not seem to work.


    Now that Anzovin studios has ceased it's HASH support. How can I get my hands on the tutorials that they used to offer?


    As I gain more knowldge and understanding I'm sure my questions will become more specific.



  13. Yes you can fix it.


    Open the BonelessThom_Fixed model I posted and the 2001 Skeleton in the same project. Delete the relationship folder from 2001 Skeleton using the delete key on your keyboard. Then select and drag the relationship folder from the BonelessThom model to the 2001 Skeletons name in the PWS. Save the 2001 Skeleton to your HD.


    First, smartskin for the arms and legs should be done with the IK setups OFF. When selecting smartskin for the forearms or calves, A:M probably rotated the bone in the wrong direction (these bones have euler limits that restrict their rotation). When in the smartskin window, zero out the transform properties of the bone being smartskinned. Then use the rotate manipulator to rotate the bone in the corect rotation needed for the smarskin. I'll take a look at the project.


    Function and print screen keys on your keyboard. then open a paint program and paste from clipboard as new image.


    [EDIT] You didn't embed the model file in the project.



    thanks, mtpeak2,


    I'll be able to play with these things this evening, my other life keeps intruding on my A:M time. In the mean time I think I've embedded the model file this time.


  14. The problem is with the euler limit on the right forearm in the IK Arm Setup. For some reason the constraint is set to 0%, it should be 100% in the ON and OFF position of the pose.


    Thanks for your reply, mtpeak2, I downloaded your model.


    Sorry to ask such newbie questions, but I suffer from ignorance till I am healed with knowledge. Can I make this change in the 2001 Skeleton rig that is in my library, and if I can, how?


    In trying to finish exercise 13, when I tried to apply smartskin to the knees & elbows like it suggested in the manual everything twisted in a wierd manner. Is this supposed to happen? I moved the cp's back but the process was time consuming and tedious, am I doing something wrong?


    Also, how do I make a screen capture to upload instead of uploading the whole project?


  15. Hello Gang,


    Just finishing up tutorial "13 Backbone" and ran into the same problem. When I turned on the IK setup the left arm was fine but the right arm sticks up at the elbow.


    Why & How does one reconcile this? Is there another thread or tutorial on this?


    Here's the model file.


    Thanks, Myron


    Just finished doing the tutorial again. Same place, same problem. (checking for pilot error) I did notice, however, that by toggling the IK Arm button on & off the right arm would jump around to different places. robcat2075 suggested the IK Hand target, and thefreshestever suggested the relationship folder. I will experiment with the both and see what happens.


    I mispoke before when I said that I had "finished" the tutorial. I had sone it up to the point where I turned the Ik Arms setup to on. This time after turning on the IK arm setting I noticed the elbow "rotation bone" (I don't know the proper term) was different from side to side. after tweaking that into an approximately mirrored position with the left one, rotating some of the arm bones I finally got it to work and finished the tutorial for real this time. I'm sure there is a better, more sophistiscated way to resolve the issue. While I'm waiting for it to come to me, I think I'll browse through the forum on rigging and relationships that I probably should have read sooner.

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