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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Hisako 100112

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Hisako 100112

  1. noah,

    i really like your work; you do very good models. how do you make their skin look so real? do you use photoshop?

  2. i have this square that i was experimenting putting hair on. I added a bump and a trasnparancy but when i render it, the whole top part of the shape gets cut off. maybe i should stick to the particle system, but i don't think it can make ponytails and braids effectively (am i wrong?) here is the image of the hair square. does anybody know what my problem is?
  3. thanx for the skin recommendations :)

    p.s. - my simbiont AM comes in white and it won't let me change the color (maybe i should go to import material)

  4. one more question; would simbiont happen to be in A:M 2007? I have A:M 2006; the only simbiont i have is under DarkSim (i think i got that right) can't find the plush effect maybe i should use a bump map
  5. i was afraid you might say photoshop... i don't have it; only have Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7 you think i could make skin using that? (actually i don't have freckles; but my one of friends does) thank you for the texture
  6. hi again :)

    i heard you knew where i could find a Porsche car model... what disc is it on? (i have animation master 2006... would i have it?)

  7. i like your Porsche police chase video (love Porsches fave car) :) is that Porsche model on the hash xtras disc? been looking for some models of cars


  8. i like that skin (it needs less spots though) where did you find it or how did you make it?
  9. okay i have a flattened model that i'm looking to apply decals to. is there some kind of website i can find skin textures for A:M (i know Poser has a website called content paradise that lets you download xtra stuff into it's program so i was wondering about A:M). Or do you generally have to make this type of thing? I don't know how to make good looking skin though... i have Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7, and i was thinking i could make it in there, but i'm not sure how. it generally has the same effects as any other paint program so what effects do you guys use to make skin? i think there was a tutorial, but i can't remember where it was. -hisako
  10. john,

    i really like your 3d girl's blonde hair. it moves so fluidly and it looks great :) i have a question about it; is it a particle system or did you model it and use decals?

    - hisako

  11. i can't do the cooper face exercise; my rotoscope doesn't work (see my other forum BIG PROBLEM WITH ROTOSCOPE) in other news i finished the face (the white spaces are where the eyelash image will be placed). How does it look this time? also how to you export/save a project into a model (.mdl)?
  12. thank you for the tips. which splines on the nose do i need to pullback though?
  13. how do you open two windows of the same project side by side?
  14. okay i changed a portion of the face. i still have some splines to move and some wrinkles to fix, but is this face deeper? is the depth a little better? i looked at caroline's top view photo and tried to make the shape from my top view. maybe too i should tell you that the characters i'm trying to model aren't really realistic human looking, but they are humanoid (they are cat people; they look slightly human but with big cat eyes ). even still i want the face proportioned human like (am i explaining this right?). how's the depth on this one?
  15. i am trying to make a semi realistic face like a character from Final Fantasy or Dead or Alive (both video games) i guess that's stylized. i want the eyes to be bigger than normal, the nose smaller and the mouth a little smaller (for some of my characters; i have way more than one to model.) i want the cheeks and the rest of the face to look human though (i'm still working on it; do you have any tips or trick for making good cheeks?) here is a picture of two video game characters i think look like what i want (their eyes are smaller the my characters though.) i want it to look more like the one on the right. and the chin; which splines should i move to make it narrower? maybe i'm totally constructing the face wrong to begin with
  16. i made another face; i think this one is less flat. How does it look? Still not my final production; sorry i lied in that other forum saying i wouldn't post again, but now i think i need to so i can learn more.
  17. i can make eyes, and now a decent mouth; but my weakness (besides connecting a face) is making a good nose. i can make one without nostrils, but since i'm aiming for semi-real, i do want the characters to have nostrils. i've tried drawing the nose from a profile view, i've tried drawing the bottom of the nose and extruding it upwards (it works but the bottom turns out flat and the nostrils don't show) and i've tried drawing it flat and then bringing it outwards. That one worked the best, but the nostrils end too big (which might be okay for some noses but not all) i need to know do any of you have any other tricks or techniques for making a nose?
  18. i have some reference pics but they are all drawings; do you think i need some of real people?
  19. i'll take all of this into mind (for that matter i've only had the program since March; some people say it takes years to make your own models from scratch). i'll try modeling with the clay (i have no sculpting experience what-so-ever), but that too will take time. i'll try the patience thing i have made an simple anime head and a simple robot; maybe i'll make something like that again until i get better.
  20. my mom is an artist (on paper no 3D for her), and i can draw a little, but i'm not remarkable. my question is - are any of you who use this program are remarkable artists? can you sculpt things out of clay and draw realistically? my mom thinks i should use modeling clay to sculpt a face before i model one in A:M. did any of you do anything like that? i don't want to model photo real looking people, but people that are slightly realistic (anime-ish) i'll give you a picture of this doll; just slightly realistic like her.
  21. okay i did the face again for a 4th time... the profile looks a lot better (still not what i want though; gotta keep working)... added some eyes and decals to help it look less alien this one has some annoying creases i don't like however; don't think i'll be posting again until i get what i want in a final form.
  22. i got the five point patch to work using the period key (thanx rodney ), but it didn't work in the marked places... maybe it's that one out of every 1000 times thing. i'm going to do the face again though; i like the forehead, but i'm going to redo the the cheeks nose and mouth. gotta keep working on it. ~ hisako
  23. thank you for the suggestions. about those five point patches, i tried to do that with some of the points (even some of the ones suggested), but the five point patch button wouldn't light up when i clicked the five points; that's why i put hooks there. is there another way to access the five point patch option? also i hear that five point patches don't animate well that's the other reason i didn't use them... is that true? p.s. - Fuchur what do you want me to do with that entire line in the cheek? am i to delete it?
  24. okay i attached the face a second time. it really does look a little better; but from the front only. The profile is icky. here's the image of the first and second (most recent) ways i attached the parts. any suggestions?
  25. okay i know whats under display, but which one of those options is the video card? is it under settings > advanced? not sure which thing i'm supposed to change.
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