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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by carterhawk001

  1. Its a WMV i made, over the weekend, let me know what you think! Gadren
  2. Always with the analgesic cream, how has that become his most famous line??
  3. Clicky! Made this for an image contest, its simple, but it REALY REALY captures the core of the contest theme. I'll let you know if I win anything All Hail The Cones! PS> Shameless Plug: Go Play My New Favorite Game, URU! It is the newest game in the Myst series, and is the reason this cone exists.
  4. There you have it, thats just the reason why. The Pieces shouldnt fit the scene, they should stand out from it, I wanted to show off the peices themselves, the envronment shouldnt draw away from the peices.
  5. I Made This In My Spare time over christmas, modeled in A:M 10.5, Textured and Rendered in Bryce5. CHESS
  6. I am hoping that those of you with experience can share some wisdom in the fine art of texturing a model, i can probably handle the decaling well, but the actualy process of getting a half-decent texture using photoshop eludes me. I am trying to do a reptile look, sort of monster-ish
  7. Resizing the Screen shouldnt be a problem if you, like me, have a [b]19" Monitor[/b] :P
  8. Plays fine on Quicktime 6.4 on Panther, looks real good, cant wait to see the rest, because i am trying to texture my own model head, and am unsure about what to do, so this is AWSOME!!!
  9. Great looking so far, I realy feel the dead-ness just eminating off of her.
  10. Your images never load for me, always shows a Yahoo! 404 page!
  11. WICKED!!!! that is so much cooler now, it adds balance to the image as a whole.
  12. Okay, I need some help here, what I want to do is make the area under the flaps glow red, and i am not sure about how to do it. Should i use a light, or is there a way to make a surface give off light?? the glow doesnt really have to follow the curve of the flaps, just appear to come from underneath it. Edited in Photoshop
  13. the bullets look awesome, definently a good trail effect! cool flowers, maybe you could add one more, partialy hidden by the snowman? have you tried adding glowing eyes to the figue in the back, red and glowy, kinda like in warcraft 3, like how the eyes of that one demon glow with power.
  14. Updated the ear, a bit. Head Side
  15. okay, i made small change to the ear, the entry to the canal, to be specific, so it doesn't look jagged anymore go to PAGE 2, this post errored on the image!
  16. Okay, not looking so much for textures, but how to make a decent texture myself, you know? i want to make this a 100% me project, as far as actual resources goes, credit will go out to all those whom have offered help and suggestions!
  17. Compression is one of my favorite things, so listen up! The best way to compress it is either WMV or Divx, alot of people have either one of these, so almoste everyone can see it, and both are free. to use WMV just get a copy of windows movie maker 2, which comes with WinXP, load your animation:master AVI into MM2, and choose save to computer from the pane on the left. If you want to use Divx, go to Divx and get a copy of the free basic codec (just ignore the ones that say PRO or ask for money, etc, (free link may be towards bottom of page)) after installing div, get a copy of VirtualDub and install it. open VDub, select File>Open Video, go to the video menu, select compression, choose divx, configure the bitrate, save compression settings, and goto File>Save AVI, and enjoy! this link explains vDUB a bit better VirtualDub more or less
  18. Oh, and, anyone know where i can find resources for texturing???
  19. Ok, made some changes, worked on the ear, added lower lip, ear-ring on one ear, I'm thinking of taking a small chunk/cut off his left ear, to give him a real battle/warrior look. Sorry about the lack of a left side, but i didnt have time to C/F/A this morning, had slept in and had to leave in a hurry. Any Ideas for a Name??. Comments Most Definently Absolutely Positively Welcome, Wanted, and Encouraged
  20. Hey, i like the new lighting. I had a thought, what if you made the bullet tails translucent, then they would look more like trails than tails.
  21. hey, love the fish, looking at him(her?) i was thinking that the texture makes him look old, ancient even, and maybe it would be cool if he had some battle scars, because such an old creature would have been in some fights
  22. BTW, Comments are most definately very very welcome!!!
  23. i dont know how to say this, but they kinda look like, you know, yeh.......... ...sperm....
  24. This isnt up anymore, due to changes on my website, go to my more recent posts for new pics, thankx, if any admins see this, go ahead and delete the topic!
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