sprockets brown shoe Purple Dinosaurs Yellow Duck tangerines Duplicator Wizard Gound Hog Lair metalic mobius shape
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by c-wheeler

  1. This is one of a series I am doing for a client, my first in AM but I have been 2d for years. I would like to mske this a more "pro" pic, so any advice anyone is able to give etc. would be gratefully recieved http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/ Be the best you can be
  2. Sorry missed the details on that last post......... Where can you download the "Make Dragon" plugin????? http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/
  3. This plug in is the beeZ kneeZ! Forest of TreeZ and a few other trees Keep on plugin!
  4. http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/im...ndexPicture.jpg OK. scene now with: Edge light in moonset to182/121/92 Key light by camera at 0/128/0 Fill light by camera at 255/0/0 moon and sky are lit with their own light lists the same colour as the Edge light Comments? The Jeremy Birn stuff was realy helpfull. I wish I could find out more about Moods, etc though. Pick an actor, add some action, pictures are created!
  5. Could anyone suggest some good Lighting tutorials or resources? This is one I found http://www.livesystems.co.uk/lighting-basics.html Wise man once say - "If all the world's a stage, I want better lighting!" http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/
  6. Jim, thanks for the advice. I hope to add a more dynamic pose, but the wolf will mostly be in silhouette. I will try out all your suggestions and post something when completed
  7. This is the opening short scene of a project I am working on, lasting 00:09:15 and I wondered if anyone could advise me on: Composition Lighting Framing I am trying for a more professional feel to my projects and would like to get some input from the "pros" but all are welcome to comment. Oh yeah....the wolf model is not finished yet, I know it needs work. More images can be seen here:- http://home.btconnect.com/FatclownFilms/videopage_2.htm
  8. Nice animation, funny and fitz the subject matter. Have you thought of contacting the music agents re the soundtrack..... the man from del records just might say yes?
  9. Good Start, May I suggest:- The sword should widen slightly as it gets down to the tang (the bit inside the handle)- the principle use of this type of sword was rather like a long chopper. Later medieval swords such as the rapier or epee had devices designed to trap and snap your opponents blade, so your guard is accurate- but would have faced the other way for practical fighting, and would only be of use against thin blades. The pomel on a sword helps to counterbalance the weight of the blade, so was often a large heavy lump of metal. Often the grip was made of thin leather wound spiraly round a wooden grip or of fine silver wire which gave better grip when wet and sticky- uch. sword reference
  10. Like the site Brad- thanks for sharing the files.....Bye the way if your ever in Wales, UK .......any chance of a lift http://fatclownfilms.50megs.com/index.html c-wheeler@btclick.com
  11. I realy like the effect-sort of early style animation
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