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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Rooky Animator

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Rooky Animator

  1. hey guys, long time no question. i need help. i am making a movie and i would like to put cgi characters into the film. how would i do that?
  2. Take this for example: Iwant you to look at this picture http://www.hash.com/stills/displayimage.ph...cat=0&pos=0 (copy anf paste that on your web surfer) Now the hammer has two separate parts on it. the head and the handle. try modeling two parts and put them together to make a hammer get it?
  3. Okay guys new problem!! I need to model a heart for my girlfriend but idk how! Ithought it would be cool if I gave her a taste of my work but I NEED A HEART!! HELP!
  4. well. you have a good start. you may wanna consider making a separate hammer head and a separate hammer handle, the would make it look a lot better. Also for your black blotch problem, the control points in the center are intersecting each other. All you need to do is enlarge those CPs and that should do it. (Be sure their moving away from the center and not farther into the center. HOPE THAT HELPS!
  5. Now do you want the part where the plasma stuff shoots out of the stargate? Cuz if you do, take ur water emmiter, put the stargate pointing downward, angle the camera so it looks like it's right side up. THEN, mess with your forces as to create the water (or plasma or whatever) to shoot back up! Get It?
  6. did you try using the spacebar? That's usually the problem
  7. ya i will, my dad's scanner is down for the time but as soon as it's up, i'll put it on.
  8. i rate my cartoons or drawings on a scale from 1 to 10. 1 being the most abstract cartoon you can muster and 10 being more realistic type. the question is, how much "cartoon" do you want with ur character(
  9. that's not a bad idea!
  10. i do a lot of comics for my school. i don't have a website to show u but i can post them on the forums. the comics are pretty funny
  11. OOH OOH OOH Let me Help!!! im only a 14 year old rookie but i am rreaallllyyyyy good at cartoonerizing!!! Just give me some details and i'll do it!!
  12. yeh i guess ur right
  13. Toucans have long skinny tongues but i don't have a picture. They have long tongues for picking seeds out of fruits
  14. Ok now i get it! Darn this stupid 14 year old brain. isn't it kinda akward for me to be talking to college students when im like 20 years younger than u guys
  15. okay. in that case all i need to do is pay for a subscription and i get an updated version right?
  16. i thought you need a code or something do get an upgrade for A:M
  17. so i can get these upgrades without an activation (except for v15)?
  18. I bought animation master from a guy off the internet. it was version 11.5. im gonna buy version 14 bt i need the activation code. The guy neve gave me the activation code for it is it somewhere on the disc?
  19. I would but when I would try to put footage or pictures and upload it, it takes forever (like two days and stilll doesn't upload it.)
  20. you know what AGEP posted? That's what I'm trying to do but my footage won't show up in a choreography. The 14 year old needs HELP!!
  21. AGEP!! That's exactly what I'm trying to do but it's not working. Like the film footage doesn't render at all! Could someone help?
  22. Hey guys I've got a new problem. AM is able to put in real life film into a cgi movie right? Well, it turns out that AM isn't doing that, either it renders as a white box or it doesn't render at all. I kinda need help. Rooky Animator
  23. Change your realtime rendering. If you are using OpenGL, change to DirectX...if you're using DirectX, change to OpenGL. It's on the "Global" tab of the "Options" menu. Hope that helps. HALLELUYAH! I've been having that problem for forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Thanks guys, I like the idea for the rotoscope thing but there's just one thing wrong. Whenever I pull up a rotoscope, it doesn't show the picture in the box, it just shows white in the box.
  25. Could anybody tell me how to make an object look like it's moving realistically. U know like those blue suits and they add the CG character to those actions? HELP
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