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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Stronghorn

  1. thanks, the doble click worked.
  2. How do I actually get a video for rotoscoping purposes to play inside AM? Yes I have converted to .mov file. Thanks for any help.
  3. I am only on chapter four of disc one and I am already very pleased with Barry Zundels DVDs. I am on my way to a wedding or I would be working the dvds longer. I would encourage anyone wanting to be taught this program to invest in these dvds.
  4. everything updated fine. Thanks. I was in need of a dll file which Rodney guided me to.
  5. In the properties for the path constraint, there is an item called "ease". set it to 0% at the start of your animation and set it to 100% at the time you want it to finish. If you look in the project workspace you will see this has created a "channel" for the ease. you can slide the 0% and 100% keframes around on the timeline to adjust the speed of the walk. You can even add more keyframes in the middle to make the walk speed up or slow down or reverse. Thanks, I am sure I will be dropping more questions as I go on. I am just going to focus on walk cyles right now. Here is a little information on a walk cycle if it is any help to anyone... I used it to rotoscope my walk poses at the keyframes in the manual. http://www.siggraph.org/education/material...ing/walking.htm and http://www.g4tv.com/techtvvault/features/3...g_the_Walk.html or http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~rpyjp/a_not...le_project.html maybe these will be of interest to newbies like me.
  6. When applying my walk to character and playing animation... the character speed walks the path. Is my problem in the keyframing or could it be the stride length..again any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks.
  7. Ok I believe it all was more of a version I was running than anything else. I just tried to make a file the length of the box in save as.... and the file saved fine with no error mesages. Or possibly it was some path I was taking... anyway not an issue for me anymore..saves whether I let the program add file extention or I type it in myself...Thanks.
  8. Sorry I gave the wrong file name, I left part out, I actually tried to save a file called (rabbitwalk1.prj--I typed it all in myself) and then got error and I am runnig on windows xp professional. I recently upgraded from v.12 to v.13 and I have not tried to make file name longer to see if that was an issue or not. So if length is not the issue I have no ideal why it would give an error.. I really enjoy this software and this forum is very helpful. I apppreciate the time anyone takes to answer a post or give advice. Thanks. Were you overwriting a previous Project with the same name? Or did this happen the first time you saved the Project under that name? It happened on the very first save try, and any saves after that..
  9. Sorry I gave the wrong file name, I left part out, I actually tried to save a file called (rabbitwalk1.prj--I typed it all in myself) and then got error and I am runnig on windows xp professional. I recently upgraded from v.12 to v.13 and I have not tried to make file name longer to see if that was an issue or not. So if length is not the issue I have no ideal why it would give an error.. I really enjoy this software and this forum is very helpful. I apppreciate the time anyone takes to answer a post or give advice. Thanks.
  10. Mohammad I made the name rabbit1.prj and it did save the file, but it would always give me an error warning.
  11. Thanks Rodney... for the link. I am now updated to v.13 and thank you Dhar for taking time to answer, have a great day!
  12. ok here is what I get when I try to launch my update to v.13.... This application has failed to start because MFC71.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix the problem. I have tried to reinstall, redownloading the exe. update ect... What am I doing wrong?
  13. It is the two cds with the yeti, but loads AM 2005. Here is where I run into a problem. When I download the update to v.13 then the program does not run. So I do know if I am following the wrong path to install or getting wrong update which is 2006(yeti) update... thank in advance for help..
  14. hey thanks that was it, I was making the name too long..
  15. When I save a file it gives me a saving error saying exception #005, and it may not have saved right...anyone have this happen or know what to do... thanks.
  16. Everytime I try to load stage, it says "parameter incorrect". I am trying to follow online manual, any help appreciated...
  17. Thanks for welcome T-Dogg... Are there special things about updating that I need to know so I don't screw something up? And do you or did you have the blank drop down in the pose slider? Thanks again for taking time to answer.
  18. Ok, I fully intended to buy the 2007 current version from the Hash website. I had tried to purchase on e-bay and lost at last second of bid time. Well unknown to me untl it was too late my wife put a bid on another copy of Animation Master 2006, which was described as "new in Box" and "This is what you would buy from Hash for 299.00" She did this for me for Fathers Day, and so she was just trying to do something for me. And I was excited to be able to get the program before I expected. Ok, now it came in the mail yesterday. The box is in great shape, their are two cds, one is Yeti character AM cd. The other is Extras CD volume one. The large box it came in had only those two cds (wrapped like new in plastic) the box states a printed full color manual included. Now if the item is in "new in box" I would think that included everything including a manual. So the program installed fine, I have only browsed it a little because of lack of time. I followed along with the online video manuel...lesson one. Once I got to the pose slider feature and tried to copy what the video was doing, I could get no pose slider actions to drop down in the window box, just blank. Which brings me to queastion one, Is there something I need to do to fix this? Also the software did come with a card with a serial which I did register online. Do I need to mail to hard copy card to Hash even though I did the online registration? Last question for now..because I am feeling suspicous by nature...Is it correct that the software would be 2006 if the window says AM 2005, and the version number is v12.0... so where would I look for any current updates to software for this versions history? Thank you, I am very interested in learning this software and I fully intend to support Hash with 100.00 upgrade each year, and to keep software up to date as well. Again thank you in advance for your response.
  19. Just wondering, do any retail stores sell Animation Master? Is it exclusive to the Hash website and I saw a few posts about buying at expos and trade shows. Don't get me wrong I want Hash to get credited for the sale, just want to go right to store and buy when I can, if possible. Thanks.
  20. You've got the right attitude. You'll go far with that. What you learn now will help you make the transition. It took me 4 years to buy A:M and while I'd like to think it was worth the wait I should have found a way to buy it sooner. So I definitely sympathize. At least it looks like you already know A:M is the right program for you. You are off to a great start already! Looks like I will buying AM sometime in July. I am doing some budgeting cuts and thats when I will be able to cut loose with some funds. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  21. yeah you're probably right, I will just buy the full updated version when I can. Anyway I am still learning alot of useful tips here about keyframing animation. I will keep watching and reading the tuts so when I can buy, I will have a working knowledge base about AM. Have a great day.
  22. AGGhh! Outbid with five seconds to go on AM on ebay. Looks like it will be a little longer before I get AM. OH well I will just have to save alot of milk money for awhile. lol! I will have AM one day, I just hate waiting.
  23. I would be interested. I'm having trouble with "locking the keyframes" down so I can move one body part then the other, not at the same time. My AM is on the way, I am very excited about this software. I have been watching as many tuts as possible, reading ang watching all the really amazing animation and artwork created by this program. So sharing knowledge is a great gift and I appreciate it. Thank you and all others who give up their time to help others learn this software.
  24. thanks for the link. Really awesome videos!
  25. I was trying to access the AM films section and it doesn't work. Is it down or is there another area to view animations created by AM?
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