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Everything posted by thetanman

  1. the lighting is screwed up hold on
  2. well this is as best as i can get on the castle. i still have to do the flags but i am going to stop for the night. got school in the morning. stupid time change
  3. black mage do you know what to do?
  4. darn well i don't know what i am going to do
  5. i don't think it would look as good can you get on the community?
  6. how do i use these materials for the castle it saves them in gtx. format
  7. i will get right on fixing the castle and texturing it thanks for the site black mage that will help a lot!!!
  8. well like i said i am going to texture this castle but what i need is a good brick material can somebody please make one for me or at least give me a good website to get one from i want this castle to be textured by me
  9. well the modeling of the castle got turned over to me and i gladly took it. totlover had done a bit of the modeling and i finished it off. here is an update of what i have so far. the only thing left to model on it is the flags. i am also going to try and texture this castle by myself. if i can't, i will turn it over to somebody that can. hope you like it. this was the toughest model i have ever done
  10. Nunsofamerica here is the mario 64 tree that you wanted ready for a new project also did you get the bathroom stall and i am also attaching the model of the tree Mario64Tree.mdl
  11. well guys i am back my grandpa's funeral was yesterday best funeral i have ever been to. well nuns i am ready for some more modeling to do!
  12. BOOHOO!!! my grandpa died like 15 minutes ago!!!!
  13. Ok the_black_mage here is the new question mark block. btw what does this do in the mario game? nunsofamerica do you want this model? if you do let me know and i will send it to you. oh and does anybody think this block has to high of a reflectivity? personally i think that it needs to have a high reflectivity because it is like a treasure type find do you know what i mean?
  14. well looks like i am going to have to start over on this question mark cube i used the primitive plug-in to bevel the cube and now it is saying that i can't save the project or save the model it keeps coming up and saying that the primitive plug-in for the beveled cube is denied what am i going to do? i hope that all of this made sense btw i tried beveling the cube myself but my computer kept messing up! oh well maybe we won't even need this question mark cube anyways
  15. ok will and can do i will have to do it tomorrow though my grandpa is very ill and in the hospital not looking too good
  16. wait that one got screwed up hold on a minute
  17. oh ok cool thanks i will try that
  18. nvm somebody is going to have to do it it keeps crashing!!!!!
  19. oh nevermind i figured out what the problem was
  20. i am sorry but somebody is going to have to bevel this cube for me because everytime i try to bevel it my computer crashes i don't know why but if somebody wants to bevel this for me tell me and i will send the model
  21. ok i will go bevel it. good thing you put up that tutuorial on how to bevel a cube because i didn't know how!
  22. Hey i was on google last night looking through mario pictures and i noticed that there are some block looking things with a question mark on it so i decided hey what the heck i am going to model this thing so i did and here is what i came up with i don't know if you guys need it but if you do tell me if there are any changes that need to be made and if you need it i will give the model
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