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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by thetanman

  1. what would look really neat is that if the wings look really good on the castle is to have them flapping constantly with glittering sparkles falling from the wings that will give the castle its elegance and have it look very magical
  2. everybody I would like for you to meet Duster! that name won, and I am glad that it did because where i go to school we are the Beaver Dusters. i don't know exactly what his body is going to look like. i know that he is going to have paws (no clue on how to make that), and his tummy is going to be a bit chubby
  3. Well I think that this model of the dog is a lot better than the one with the teeth. Tomorrow I am going to decide what name will be picked so far duster is in the lead i don't know if i will choose that one yet but i will see as you can see from the picture i added ears to the dog smoothed the shape out added a different color to the eyes and fixed the mouth i like this new mouth better cuter looking and not as scary
  4. are you saying that when black_mage is finished drawing the castle and everybody approves of it then i am going to model it?
  5. could somebody please give me some tips on how not to make the teeth look so scary i want this dog to look cute not scary LOL!
  6. i like that name cocamutt, but i am going to wait a while until there are a pretty good size of votes on the poll, and if the name that wins that i don't like i will go with cocamutt
  7. do you think that the eyelids are animatable?
  8. if you come up with a really cool name email it to me at tannery2009@hotmail.com
  9. i would appreciate it if you would please take this poll
  10. Well i kept messing with this dog and i finally got a mouth achieved it is not that good but it will do
  11. Here i finally got the eyes right now i need help on the mouth!!!!! plus does anyone have any good ideas for the ears?
  12. umm........ i am kinda confused do you just make up the coordinates?
  13. how though i have tried ever thing like changing the transformation properties like the translate nothing is working plus somebody please give advice on the mouth i have no clue where or how to begin on the mouth
  14. Can anybody help me with this? Why are the pupils not showing up? (I used the Toon Nation eyeballs material). How can i make the mouth? Please somebody help me i am wanting to make a dog and animate him. This is my first time ever to make a character.
  15. nuns do you have anything for me to do?
  16. nuns what time are you going to be on tonight
  17. nunsofamerica i am like totlover i am wanting some stuff to do i am getting extremely bored with this project!!
  18. totlover i can't believe that you are leaving!!!!!!!!!
  19. EYE-CATCHING! In other words, vibrant!
  20. geez........... i have so many words to describe what the castle should look like, but here is my word: ELEGANT
  21. the black_mage for some reason this building is good btw but when i look at this drawing it reminds me of a factory/school building i don't know why
  22. so do you guys not want me to work on the castle anymore???
  23. ok i can do all of that but the picture of princess peach in the first place isn't clear at all no matter how big or small you make it i need somebody to make a good decal of it so that there is no other color surrounding the portrait of her the one you gave me totlover it had black surrounding her picture and i had to fix that but it still doesn't look good black mage on that spiral website which one should i use for the roof tell me and i will put that on there totlove do you have any good door decals for the door and what do the flags look like on each of the towers are they all just a red color or are there designs on them?
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