Welcome to The Art of Animation:Master
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5 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
It occurs to me that this is the 15th anniversary of the initial publication of 'The Art of Animation:Master'. 15 years? Is that possible? Happy Anniversary TaoA:M. Here's looking at the next 15!
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 5 replies
Can't let current events get too far ahead and not take advantage of potential to connect with TaoA:M exercises. April the Giraffe is in the news because she is pregnant and expecting to deliver her calf at any time. The poor girl even has a live youtube camera watching her at every moment of the day. LINK So, if you need an excuse to model a giraffe... well, now you've got one.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 6 replies
Hello, I'm looking to work with a software to create new animation video (loops or other original visual) prior to put them on Resolume. Adobe After Effects seems interesting and powerful. Any comment on this software or other suggestions for a beginner ? Thank you.
Last reply by John Bigboote, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I'm going through TAoAM and have hit the first lesson where rotoscopes are used. I can't find the rotoscope images anywhere, though. Are they available somewhere on the site? I've come up empty-handed. Thanks!
Last reply by WolfsongCG, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
There's no time like the present to get back to the basics and explore Animation:Master. Not everyone has time to commit to completing all of the exercises in the manual but almost everyone has time to work through one. So, that is the challenge placed before you; to dust off your skills, select a favorite part of the manual and put all your available effort into it. The Challenge (Three tracks and an escape clause) In all tracks you should only complete one exercise to meet the intent of this challenge. You can take on the challenge myour imagination and creativity to chart your own path. Can you get the same, similar or superior results? …
Last reply by Rodney,