Subject 99
14 topics in this forum
- 18 replies
Hey Rodney, I'll be putting Subject 99 on hiatus for a while. In the next couple of months, I'll be buying my land to build my studio. So, in essence, I won't have much time in the foreseeable future to put forth on production. I appreciate your time and effort on this forum for me. So, if you need to archive it or take it off line, then that is fine. Thanks again. Ernest
Last reply by NancyGormezano, -
- 5 replies
I received an IM from Rodney yesterday inquiring about updating this forum thread. It got me thinking about this series again and what I needed to do to continue it, if that was something that I wanted to do. I began this series in the spring of 2006; mostly as a challenge to myself to see what I was capable of doing with my skillset at the time and all my experience and knowledge up until that time. Also, I was unemployed at that time. It was also my initial venture into single person production, scheduling and marketing a product as an artist to see if (at that time) it was a profitable venue for self-sustaining an existance. A few things became clear quickl…
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 8 replies
Hello, everyone. Well, took longer than anticipated to complete the script for Episode 10. Not that is was a particularly hard script, it was more due to ideas, storyflow, and time to complete it. The cool thing though is that Episode 11 was written as well, so you get a two'fer. And the rest of the episodes should come easier. I was stuck on how to resolve some characters storylines, the main arc, etc. With that, I'll be chronicling the process more. It will be more for a "Behind the Scenes" kind of thing. For me, it's always nice to see how something gets made, as well as, watching the episode. That way I can appreciate more certain aspects of what I'm watchin…
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 10 replies
I am proud to announce the next episode of Subject 99 - Episode 9. Whew!! It took a bit longer to finish up this episode. You know, life gets in the way. I have a few tweaks that I want to correct after watching it with my focus group (aka roommates). But, I am pleased with the overall episode and the continuing of the story. Feel free to leave feedback as well. Now it's time to work on a new series. But, Subject 99 will continue. This episode finishes up the Season One kind of catalog of episodes. I'll have to spend some time to write the next episodes and see what I can add for excitement. A big shout of thanks goes out to Martin and the Hash team. W…
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 14 replies
After several months of development, I have finally finished the new website design. It will allow for quicker upload and showcase for animations, as well as, hopefully better quality of video. Working on trying to get the video player and selection system in place was the biggest hurdle. Now that the website is out of the way, I have resumed production on Episode 9. I have about 2 minutes of it finished. Also, several other video projects are finished that will free up more time for animating. I hope the new site is a bit easier to navigate and enjoy. Thank you all for being patient and all the words of encouragement. Ok, back to animating. www.anim…
Last reply by ernesttx, -
- 7 replies
greetings all, no i haven't left the planet hehe got several irons in the fire right now. SXSW is in town in austin and trying to see it all. i'm posting from downtown convention center at the moment. lots to do and see here. also, getting ready to update the website and take it a bit further. all in all the future looks bright. episode 9 is under way as well. i'll post some pics soon. so stay tuned.
Last reply by mouseman, -
- 29 replies
***UPDATE**** With great jubilation, Episode 8 is now online for all to enjoy. *************** I just got back from my holiday travels and let's just say I won't be traveling soon. hehe A 5 hour flat tire adventure on a busy, busy traffic filled highway all but ensured I don't want to relive that experience anytime soon. Episode 8 is being created as I type. I'm still working on the book and hope to have that out sometime at the end of January 2009. Not sure if it will be a paper book or a downloadable PDF. Still trying to decide the best cost analysis for that project. Hope everyone is doing well, and ha…
Last reply by ernesttx, -
- 15 replies
hello everyone, just wanted to let everyone know that I am currently working on the next episode. I've also started a new job, so I'm not sure of my schedule and how much time I will be dedicating each week. But, I am still working on the series. The book is on hold for a little while. I checked online printing services, but I feel that the pricing is a bit steep at the moment. If anyone knows of cheaper book printing services, please let me know. If nothing else, I might offer the book as a downloadable PDF or something similiar. A peek shot of the next episode:
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 11 replies
Hello, all. Well, after much hair pulling, screaming, a bit of crying and general tantrums, Episode 6 is online for your viewing pleasure. I had to work with Vegas a bit to find out why it was doing what it was doing; as well as, deal with the fps issue. Hope everyone enjoys. Now, off to finish the book.
Last reply by Gerry, -
- 11 replies
Hello again everyone. I apologize for the lapse of postings. I took several days off for a short vacation, I had worked on a live action short film for an upcoming film festival and I've gotten a new, faster computer and had to set it up with software and files. All in all, things are now back to a somewhat normal operating situation. I have about 2 minutes of Episode 6 under wraps and diligently working on the remaining bits. With Episode 6, it will be the last episode for this "season". I call it a season for lack of a better word. Don't worry, there will be a season two once Episode 6 is out. Also, with the release of Episode 6, I should have the book out as…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 7 replies
Hello again, everyone. Finally got moved back to Austin and setup everything for getting Episode 5 to be finished. It was nice taking some time off from working on the episode; but, now I'm eager to get it finished and out to everyone. I'll post more soon; but, wanted to let everyone know that I was still cranking it out. Thanks. Episode 5:
Last reply by ernesttx, -
- 10 replies
It has taken a little longer than anticipated to bring this episode online. I had to change a few shots in anticipation of the greater storyline. One thing about creating a longer, episodial story is to keep in mind that events that happen later on in the story might need to be foreshadowed or shot in a way to 'prep' the audience for future events. That also brings into consideration multiple storylines or multiple plot lines and how they are going to interact in the story; as well as, the characters own storylines and how they will interact with other characters or other storylines. That's why it's such a good idea to have your story or script laid out before going…
Last reply by ernesttx, -
- 18 replies
Good afternoon, Hashers. I'd like to introduce you to a new webisode animation series that I am working on. It's made completely with Hash A:M. This series started out as a full movie that I was wanting to create. However, as I watched the market place, I felt that it would be a long time before I was able to bring the complete movie to market as a DVD. In rethinking the time I would have to work on it and the production value, I felt that short, web released episodes would be a better way to generate interest and foster a fan base. I also wanted to create a website, much like a televison station, where people could 'tune' into on a regular basis to watch the next sh…
Last reply by ernesttx, -
- 2 replies
I've begun Episode 4. I've already got about 1 minute pulled together in the editor. Today, I spent some time modeling the police station where Boz and Raffie will be settling into. Here's a picture preview: I was wanting to create flourescent hanging lights, but I'll have to look into that later. I tried bulbs and kliegs to a tube model; but, nothing came out to my satisfaction. But, I'm liking the station as it currently is. Also, I spent the last couple of days going through files and trying to clean up some things that will make going forward easier. Asset management is becoming a big thing as the series progresses. It's good to know where particular file…
Last reply by ernesttx,