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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Working With Particle Sprites


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Is it normal for A:M to grind to a crawl when working in a Chor using particle sprites?

I'm not be able to scrub through the Chor timeline as normal in order to see how they are looking or how the animation timing is for the emitted particle sprites.

I can step through the Chor a frame at a time but I have to wait for a couple of minutes before the each frame is displayed.

This is happening with my old nemesis, the Rear Window set! I have deactivated most of the set and character to try and speed things up, which has at least got the wait between frames down from 4 minutes!

As soon as I turn off "Show Particles/Hair" I can scrub through normally again.

I don't think I'm using an excessive amount of sprites?

Is there any thing else I can or should be doing? Or is this as good as it gets and I just have to try and work with it?

As always any help would be gratefully received.

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To your first question Robert, yes it is; Step forward one frame, wait 2 minutes watching the little spinning beach ball of eternity that the cursor has just turned into while A:M thinks and then I get the next frame.


Actually, I'm beginning to suspect that it might be Niki that's causing it to slow up.

Without her in the sprite tests I made all is well. Seems like she and sprites don't get along so well…

But, no time to investigate that further for now.


Your idea to bake now, even before needing to render, helps a lot. I can scrub through now, note what to change, unbaked, alter, re-bake, check again and repeat as necessary.

Still involves some waiting around, true, but I can post things here while I wait ;)

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