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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Well, I finally think I have a good reel version of my best stuff. I'm a little weary of the reel( but I always will be, its my nature :unsure: )


As I've went through I've tried to go by these standard rules:


Your reel should be no more than 3-4 minutes

Mine is running a bit over, almost pushing five with the long holds for the title cards (the version here has shorter ones for a small file size to upload) I'm pondering if I should shorten the opening segment; though I feel its one of my strongest.


Music and sound track is secondary.

I have a full music track going though the whole demo. In my older ones it was just music on top of everything. This one I decided to give my dialogue segments to ability to showcase by lowering the soundtrack to hear what's being said.


Put your best work first

This I've done, but as stated before, maybe to much. I feel like it throws off the pace I want to set by this being a compilation of my talents.


Title cards and table of contents

I'm on the fence about these. In every demo version I have done I have always had them. I'm leaning towards them being more of a distraction than helpful. Inside the DVD case I will have a printed table of contents, which will show the same thing just about. Am I just being redundant?


Have a title card at the beginning and end with your name, address, phone, and email

Done and done. As said before they are longer in the real version; about 5 sec at the intro and 20 sec at the end with a note that the full versions of each segment are on the the disc(if the viewer is interested)


Show work that proves that you know what you did

Wasn't sure if I could or if this one really applied to me. Sure I could have threw in some wireframe shots or some shading shots, but I animate. I feel I would be showing the same thing twice for no reason.


Take the time to polish

This is one of my weaknesses. I'm never satisfied. I always polish, which in turn leads to new ideas, which in turn leads to redoing a scene, which in turn become a entirely new segment and so forth. I have to force my self to stop often and say this can work and move to the next step with what i got.


Show it to other people

This one can go either way depending on who you show it to. We all have family and friends who will see it and go: "That's cool; You did all that? I like it a lot; You did a good job!"

Then you have your Animation peers who can give you a focused opinion on what works and what doesn't. Both have their place. But you gotta have both to move forward.


Enough of me dribbling on........


Here's the Demo



C&C always welcome

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Title cards and table of contents

I'm on the fence about these. In every demo version I have done I have always had them. I'm leaning towards them being more of a distraction than helpful. Inside the DVD case I will have a printed table of contents, which will show the same thing just about. Am I just being redundant?


Is this like a "breakdown" list that says what you did on each shot? That would be ok printed out somewhere If the shots are all all your own work I dont' think you need it.


I wouldn't put a chapter list on the actual video, just run the clips.

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