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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

"Catch" - Animation Showdown entry - Feb 6, 2004

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  • Hash Fellow

My entry in last night's animation showdown. The topic was catching something heavy. (QT Sorenson3 140kb)


I spent a long time trying to get the double take to work and never really got it. :angry:


Still lots of room for A:M people to try this showdown out. It's usually on wednesdays at digitalrendering.com. Ya can't say you don't have time... ya don't get much! :D


The entry always needs to be in divx, does that lock out the Macs?

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DivX does not lock out Mac users. You can certainly use a codec on one platform that a user of another platform may not have or may not be available, but that works both ways.


For those who don't know, there's a great open source player for most OSes.


VideoLAN Client


The download page is nestled inside all that text, so here is the main download page (you ought to read the main page, though, as you'll want to understand the on-going nature of this development effort):


VLC download page








I liked your Catching Something Heavy! The double-take was great; it's hard to time that right, because it's individually handled, and probably depends a lot on how fast Putty Dude was coming at him, what was happening up in the air off screen, etc.


I was expecting (on probably the third viewing, looking for something to improve upon :)) for the alien to catch Putty Dude and then look at him instead of up in the sky, but maybe looking up would have been the appropriate action if he staggered (bent knees) under the weight of Puddy Dude.


Fun fun fun. Know that my four year-old will want to watch it again and again and want the rest of the movie to show!





DivX does not lock out Mac users. You can certainly use a codec on one platform that a user of another platform may not have or may not be available, but that works both ways.


For those who don't know, there's a great open source player for most OSes.


VideoLAN Client


The download page is nestled inside all that text, so here is the main download page (you ought to read the main page, though, as you'll want to understand the on-going nature of this development effort):


VLC download page







Are you saying you can encode a movie file as a DivX file using VLC? I think that was robcat's question. As far as I know, there are no DivX encoders for the Mac.


Jim (the other one)

  • Hash Fellow
I liked your Catching Something Heavy!
Hey, thanks!

I was expecting (on probably the third viewing, looking for something to improve upon... )
Yeah, there's lots of room for improvement. :D Original plan was to have him slip and fall backwards after lifting Thom, but... tick-tock and all that.


I'd like to get to the point where I can put something like this together in two hours and use the last two to review it and tweak it. But right now I sit down and four hours later it's "huh?... wha?" :(

DivX does not lock out Mac users.
I went to the DivX's mouth and yes, there does seem to be mention of an alpha encoder app for OSX. I generally hate weirdo codecs, but it does encode small. I wonder how it compares with the "pro" version of Sorenson?


but does it happen any time other than Wednesdays? :\ That's me busy day.
Seismic cultural events like the Super Bowl can shift the schedule by a day, but usually wednesday is it. You can start anytime on Wednesday though, morning, noon or night.
  • robcat2075 changed the title to "Catch" - Animation Showdown entry
  • Hash Fellow

A new rendering of my Animation Showdown "catch something heavy" entry of 20 years ago, now with some context and foley.

I got the basic "blocking" poses in but time ran out before I could turn it into real animation.







  • robcat2075 changed the title to "Catch" - Animation Showdown entry - Feb 6, 2004

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